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Implementing the Self-Sufficiency Matrix. Updated 8/1/2011. Staff Training Tool For Minnesota LTH Programs. Based on Abt Associates Training and Michigan’s Implementation. Training Overview. What is the self-sufficiency matrix? Using the matrix assessment Minnesota implementation
1. Implementing the Self-Sufficiency Matrix
2. Staff Training ToolFor Minnesota LTH Programs Based on Abt Associates Training and Michigan’s Implementation
3. Training Overview What is the self-sufficiency matrix?
Using the matrix assessment
Minnesota implementation
Self-sufficiency domains and flowcharts
Next steps
4. Background One of many assessment tools used to measure need, target services, and evaluate supportive service provision.
First implemented by The Arizona Homeless Evaluation Project and now used by many other states, cities and counties.
This Self-Sufficiency Matrix was tested for validity and reliability.
5. Types of Assessments Assessments are completed for each adult and unaccompanied youth in the household
3 types of assessments:
6. The Self-Sufficiency Matrix Two Key Features:
18 domains
Client’s status on each domain is measured on a 5-point scale
Note: The domains do not cover every possible life domain. The 5-point scale will not fit all unique situations – choose the closest response.
8. Using the Matrix Who: All adults and unaccompanied youth.
When: Complete assessments upon program entry, and then at specified time intervals, and at exit.
Why: The matrix can be an excellent engagement tool and will provide valuable information on participant needs and outcomes, as well as program benchmarks and outcomes.
9. How to complete the matrix: Different programs have different guidelines:
Long-term Homelessness Programs (LTH)
Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) – details explained in separate PowerPoint
10. Assessment Timelines - LTH Initial assessments should be completed for all new participants effective July 1, 2011.
Back date initial assessments for existing participants (based on entry date) by September 30, 2011. Use case notes and information from other service staff for scoring.
The interim assessment should be scheduled for the next 6 month anniversary of the participant entry date.
Refer to the timeline chart for participants already in the program.
11. How to complete the matrix: Entry At entry: Complete within 3 weeks of program entry. Measure the person’s status before entering the program.
Select one and only one status level in each of the domains.
If you or the participant feel that the best score is somewhere between two numbers, score using the lower number.
12. How to complete the matrix: Interim Interim: Assess every 6 months after entering program.
Recommend adapting the assessment into existing service practice.
Best practice is to complete the assessment with the participant.
If you and the participant feel that the best score is somewhere between two numbers, score using the lower number.
13. How to complete the matrix: Exit Exit: Complete as close to actual program exit as possible.
Assessment based on domain status after exit from the program.
If a participant re-enters the same program, the exit assessment should be re-entered in HMIS as an interim assessment. Then complete a new interim assessment for the re-entry date.
14. Matrix Assessment Tips The process for completing the assessment may vary. It may be entered directly into the computer or done on paper; in conversation with the participant, by observation and case notes. Do what works best!
After working with a participant for a time, service providers sometimes find that they did not score a participant accurately on the initial entry assessment (because of undisclosed information, e.g., chemical health). Assessment scores should be re-done if the provider discovers new information.
15. Minnesota Matrix Implementation Minnesota Pilot – select implementation from July 2010 through June 2011. Feedback from users to inform broader implementation.
July 2011 – all LTH programs and FHPAP programs begin matrix assessment.
Data from the matrix will be entered in HMIS.
Reports due twice a year (Feb. and Aug.)
16. Self-Determination and Skills The 18 Domains
in the Self-Sufficiency Matrix
17. 1. Housing
18. Self-Determination and Skills - Housing
19. 2. Employment
20. Self-Determination and Skills - Employment
21. 3. Income 1. No Income
2. Inadequate income and/or spontaneous or inappropriate spending.
3. Can meet basic needs with subsidy; appropriate spending. (If the client is receiving income supports like SSI, but still lacks enough income to meet all basic expenses, use a 3 rating)
4. Can meet basic needs and manage debt without assistance. (If the client is receiving income supports like SSI, and is able to balance their budget use 4)
5. Income is sufficient, well managed; has discretionary income and is able to save.
22. Self-Determination and Skills - Income
23. 4. Food and Nutrition
24. Self-Determination and Skills - Food
25. Food Domain: Food Stamp Use If the person is using food stamps to meet all or most of their food needs, score at 2.
If the person is just using a small amount of food stamps as a supplement, but otherwise meets most of their food needs through their own income, score at 3.
If the person is not receiving food stamps and can afford to buy food, score at 4.
26. 5. Childcare
27. Self-Determination and Skills - Childcare
28. 6. Children’s Education
29. Self-Determination and Skills – Children’s Education
30. 7. Adult Education
31. Self-Determination and Skills – Adult Education
32. 8. Health Care (coverage)
33. Self-Determination and Skills – Health Care
34. 9. Life Skills
35. Skill areas to consider in developing a rating. Select most frequent rating from the list below and apply to the overall Life Skills Rating. Hygiene
Food Preparation
Time Management
Maintain living space
Money Management
Basic Communication including responses to authority
Anger Management
1 = In Crisis
2 = Vulnerable
3 = Safe
4 = Building Capacity
5 = Empowered
36. Life Skills Examples A man doesn’t know how to cook, but has a partner who does all of the cooking. Even though he may earn a “1”, this is not a crisis situation overall. All other ratings reflect good knowledge. The case manager decides the overall rating is “4” with a need for him to improve in this area.
A person has good ratings in all areas but money management. However, the degree of crisis generated from that single issue has resulted in homelessness. The person is anxious to improve and most issues can be addressed with training. The case manager wishes to recognize both the significant deficit and the desire to change and gives a “3” rating.
37. Self-Determination and Skills – Life Skills
38. 10. Family/Social Relations
39. Self-Determination and Skills – Family Relations
40. 11. Transportation / Mobility
41. Self-Determination and Skills – Transportation / Mobility
42. 12. Community Involvement
43. Self-Determination and Skills – Community Involvement
44. Community Involvement Question: What if someone has the ability or knowledge, but has no interest or may be better off not to be around people?
Answer: The person should still be scored on the domain, even if they are choosing not to be socially involved; however, also take into account a person’s personality and ability when assessing what might be considered ‘community involvement’ for them.
45. 13. Parenting Skills (for participants who are actively parenting)
46. Self-Determination and Skills – Parenting Skills
47. 14. Legal
48. Types of legal issues impacting participant. If multiple issues calculate averaged rating or best fit.
Civil Judgments
Family Law Divorce/Custody/Child Support
Sex Offender Status
Drug Charges
Violent Crimes
1 = In Crisis
2 = Vulnerable
3 = Safe
4 = Building Capacity
5 = Empowered
49. Decision Tree for Criminal Charges
50. Legal Domain FAQ How to score criminal history for sex offender or other felonies that stay on a person’s record forever and impact housing access?
If a person is currently in housing, score at 3 (safe, compliant, but limited in choice).
If a person loses their housing or are trying to access housing, the rating would be a 1 or 2 depending on their situation.
51. 15. Mental Health If someone’s mental health fluctuates from day to day to use an overall average.If someone’s mental health fluctuates from day to day to use an overall average.
52. Self-Determination and Skills – Mental Health
53. Mental Health FAQ Timeframe of measure- is it today or the last 6 months?
It is how the person is currently doing at the time of the assessment. If they fluctuate quite a bit over time, consider how they have been doing for the last month for an overall rating. If they are between two scores, chose the lower one.
54. 16. Substance Abuse
55. Self-Determination and Skills – Substance Abuse
56. 17. Safety
57. Self-Determination and Skills – Safety
58. Disability Domain Includes any type of disabling condition (physical health, physical disability, emotional, cognitive, mental health, etc.) that impacts the person’s ability to access or maintain housing, employment and social interactions.
59. 18. Disability Acute or chronic symptoms affecting housing, employment, social interactions.
Periodically has acute symptoms affecting housing, employment, etc.
Rarely has acute symptoms affecting housing, social interactions, etc.
Asymptomatic – condition controlled by services or medication
No identified disability
60. Self-Determination and Skills – Disabilities
61. Scoring Key
62. Collecting Good Quality Data
63. Effective Services and Data Quality
The ability to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness depends largely on the quality of information collected at intake.
Plan services
Make appropriate referrals
Educate stakeholders
Secure funding to address service needs
64. Next steps at your agency: Determine who will conduct the assessment with which participants and how.
Determine when initial assessments will take place for new participants– e.g., 3rd week of care.
Determine how and when back dated assessments will be completed – for LTH clients who entered prior to 7/1/11.
Determine timeline for follow up assessments for current participants
Develop internal record keeping practices for tracking assessment dates
65. Next steps at your agency: Determine who will enter data into HMIS.
Run and review the reports prior to the due date.
Investigate and correct entry problems.
Report any questions/concerns to state staff.
Schedule check-in meetings with your organization staff to discuss issues and consistent scoring.
Management staff should be involved in the matrix assessment practices and reporting.
66. Matrix Data Entry and Reporting in HMIS
67. Minnesota Matrix Reports ART Reports
Individual Participant
Client Progress (1P) and Client Achievement (2P)
Program Summary
Domains at Population Entry (3S) and Exit (4S)
Progress Summary (1-2S)
Data Checking
68. Snapshot of Provider Progress Reports
69. Thank you!