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Valuing Impacts from Observed Behavior: Indirect Market Methods

Fourteen. Valuing Impacts from Observed Behavior: Indirect Market Methods. Figure 14-1 Demand Curve for Visits to a Municipal Swimming Pool. Figure 14-2 Decision Tree for Airbag Purchase. Figure 14-3 The Hedonic Price Method.

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Valuing Impacts from Observed Behavior: Indirect Market Methods

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fourteen Valuing Impacts from Observed Behavior: Indirect Market Methods

  2. Figure 14-1Demand Curve for Visits to a Municipal Swimming Pool

  3. Figure 14-2Decision Tree for Airbag Purchase

  4. Figure 14-3The Hedonic Price Method

  5. Figure 14-4“Representative” Individual’s Inverse Demand Curve for Visits to a Recreational Area as a Function of Total Cost per Visit

  6. Figure 14-5The Market Demand Curve for a Recreational Site Derived Using the Zonal Travel Cost Method

  7. Figure 14-6The Effect of an Ordinance Reducing Smog on Expenditures for Window Cleaning

  8. EXHIBIT 14-5 (continued)

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