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( Moravia Magna ). The Great Moravian Empire was the first known state of West Slavs. Great Moravia. Mojmír I. Mojmír was the firs t famous Great Moravia ‘s ruler and founder of the House of Mojmír. Mojmír I. 830-846 ( reign ). NEXT. Rostislav.
(Moravia Magna) The Great Moravian Empire was the first known state of West Slavs. Great Moravia
Mojmír I • Mojmír was thefirst famous Great Moravia‘s ruler andfounder ofthe House ofMojmír. Mojmír I. 830-846 (reign) NEXT
Rostislav • Rostislavwas the second Great Moravia‘s prince. • He invited Cyril andMethodiusto Great Moravia. Rostislav 846-870 (reign)
St Cyril and St Methodius • Saints Cyril and Methodius, brothers from Thessaloniki, are known as Apostles of the Slavs and the Slavonic missionaries.
St Cyril and St Methodius • Cyril and Methodius created the Glagolitic script and used a Slavonic liturgical language. • Cyril 827* - 869+ • Methodius815* - 885+
Svatopluk • In thetimeof Svatopluk‘s reign, Bohemia was part of Great Moravia. Svatopluk I. 870-894 (reign)
Mojmír II • Mojmir was the last Great Moravia‘s prince. • The last informationabout Great Moraviacomesfrom 906. Mojmír II 894-907? (reign)
Test • Mojmír I. 846-870 (reign) • Svatopluk 870-894 ( reign) • Mojmír II. 894-907 ? (reign) • Rostislav 830-846 (reign)
Pictures • MapaVelkéMoravy.[2012-04-01] In Historie lidstva.cz. Searched in: http://www.ucebnice-dejepisu.ic.cz/0411-rany-stredovek-velka-morava.php • Mojmír. [2012-04-01] In Panovnícičeských zemí.cz . Searched in: http://www.2zskolin.cz/panovnici/01/01.htm • Rostislav.[2012-04-01] In Panovnícičeských zemí.cz . Searched in: http://www.2zskolin.cz/panovnici/01/01.htm • Svatopluk. [2012-28-02] In Panovníci českých zemí.cz . Searched in: http://www.2zskolin.cz/panovnici/01/01.htm • Mojmír II. [2012-28-02] In Panovnícičeských zemí.cz . Searched in: http://www.2zskolin.cz/panovnici/01/01.htm • Sv. Cyril a sv. Metoděj. [2012-28-02] In reicka.cz. Searched in: http://jitkaneradova.blogspot.com/2011/07/cyril-metodej.html • Sv. Cyril a svMetoděj. [2012-28-02] In Wikipedia.cz. Searched in: http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velkomoravsk%C3%A1_%C5%99%C3%AD%C5%A1e