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Ancient Greece. Founders of Democracy. Democracy. Comes from two Greek words: Demos - “the people” Kratos - “the rule” or “the power” The people ruled themselves! Greeks were first people to invent a democratic system where citizens governed themselves through voting. . Before Democracy.
Ancient Greece Founders of Democracy
Democracy • Comes from two Greek words: • Demos - “the people” • Kratos - “the rule” or “the power” • The people ruled themselves! • Greeks were first people to invent a democratic system where citizens governed themselves through voting.
Before Democracy • Other systems were tried and failed. • Early Greek states were ruled over by a king, who was counselled by a small group of aristocrats (wealthy people). • During the Dark Ages, most kings lost their power to members of the aristocracy. • led to enforcement of unwritten laws. • Created lack of voice in government for most members in society. • Kept their power because they were the military backbone - provided money for armour. This was before hoplites.
The Age of Tyrants • This period is commonly referred to as the age of Tyrants. • Tyrant - a person who exercises control in a cruel, unreasonable, or selfish manner.
Hoplites • Between 675-650 BCE, new style of warfare emerged that required unified movement of large groups of warriors, known as hoplites. • Not enough aristocrats to fill the battle lines. • Anyone who could afford the armour could fight in the Greek army.
Hoplites • Heavily armed warriors - 60-75 lbs of armour. • Carried large, round shield made from wood and covered in bronze. • Wore shin protectors (greaves), leather apron, red shirt, bronze breastplate (corslet), bronze helmet decorated with horse hair. • Used bronze, leaf-shaped spear with about 18 ft. wooden shaft. • Also carried a curved sword (kopis).
The Phalanx • The type of formation the hoplites fought in. • Main tactic was to keep front line unbroken. • Men marched in blocks 8 wide and 8 deep. • Formed a wall of shields. • Experienced men were in the front and back - to keep anyone from running.
Athens • Avoided tyranny for many years. • Why? • They had a written code of law and an archon - someone who mediated disputes between the people. • Law code written by Draco in 620 BCE. • Recognized that laws could be criticized and changed.
Solon • Archon appointed in 594 BCE. • Made changes in the law so that the poor were relieved of their debt and land problems. • Also abolished law that forced debtors into slavery. • Allowed all wealthy men (not just aristocrats) to run for high government offices.
Council of 400 • 100 citizens from the 4 tribes of Athens elected (annually) and met regularly to prepare laws to be voted on by the Citizen Assembly. • Tribes based on clan relationships.
People Without Political Power • Women • Slaves • Foreigners (people not born in Athens) • These people were not considered citizens mainly because they could not fight in the army.
Democracy Interrupted • Peisistratus - became tyrant of Athens and ruled for approx. 20 years until his death. • His son, Hippias, continued in his father’s footsteps, but eventually lost support when Sparta invaded. • Hippias and his family surrendered and were forced into exile. • The tyranny ends!
What Now? • Cleisthenes -member of a noble family suggested doing away with the 4 clans and instead create an equitable division of all citizens into 10 tribes. • Council of 400 replaced with Council of 500 - 50 members elected from each tribe. • Each tribe elected a general to lead military affairs. • Other offices came to be filled by drawig lots annually. Any fit citizen could now hold office!
Ostracism • To exclude someone from a society or group. • Allowed the city to send any citizen and his family into exile for 10 years who was thought to be a tyrant. • Needed 6000 votes to be ostracized. • Voted using ostraka - broken pieces of pottery.
Spartan Society • One of two most powerful Greek city-states. • Known as warriors - the best in the business. • Known for their long red cloaks (disguised blood) and letter “V” on their shields. • Lycurgus - man who developed the tough military program. • He also proposed constitution making all adult males born to citizens equal in politics.
Spartan Life - Boys • At age 7 boys began military training. Learned to withstand pain, be obedient, and never admit defeat. • At age 30 became a full citizen - could vote, marry, hold political office, have a house, and receive estate worked by helots (slaves).
Spartan Life - Girls • Enjoyed more freedom and privilege than elsewhere in Greece. • Encouraged to take part in sports to develop healthy bodies so they could have healthy babies. • Given training in music and dance. • Property and marriage rights. • Admired for independence and beauty.
The Persian Wars • Around 6th century BCE, the Persian empire was vast and was threatening eastern Greece states (Ionian cities). • Greek city-states tiny in comparison to Persian empire. Only a fraction of their power. • Greece appeared weak because they fought amongst themselves and rarely agreed on anything for very long.
Persian Wars • Greece brought “face to face” with Persia when Sardis fell.
Persian Wars • Ionian states were unable to unite and surrendered to Persians. • Forced service into Persian army. • Governor of Miletus led a revolt and called for help from other Greek states, but only 25 warships arrived from Athens and Eretria. • Persians destroyed Miletus,
Battle of Marathon • 490 BCE - Darius is King of Persia. • Sends fleet of 20 000 soldiers to Athens and Eretria as punishment for helping Miletus. • Burned and plundered Eretria then sailed to plain of Marathon (a safe base). • Athenians sent runner to Sparta (250 km away) for help. • Returned 4 days later. Sparta would only come after the full moon - a week or more away.
Battle of Marathon • 9000 Athenian warriors went alone to Marathon to meet Persians. • Charged the Persians and cut them down as they fled to their ships. • Herodotus writes 6400 Persians were killed, but only 192 Athenians.