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With so many far-infrared sauna models available, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and confused. Choose a no-EMF far-infrared sauna unit.
June 27, 2017 No-EMF Far-Infrared Sauna: Factors to Consider When Buying Your Own Home Unit Despite the fact that far-infrared saunas offer a variety of benefits, many people still feel intimidated when it comes to purchasing a unit for the home. Oftentimes, this is due to a misguided assumption that a home sauna is a costly investment, both in terms of initial cash layout and maintenance. 1
Fortunately, there are plenty of different models available, with a variety of capabilities at various different price points. Should you make the decision to bring home your own infrared sauna, here are a few tips and considerations to assist you in selecting a unit that will best suit your needs and budget. Design and Layout This is a crucial factor to consider, as you will want to be as comfortable as possible when you are sitting inside your sauna. Decide how many people you’d like your unit to accommodate – do you prefer to share your sauna sessions with friends and loved ones, or do you prefer something more private and intimate? This will inevitably affect the size and location of the sauna, so it should be the first thing you decide on. Try visiting a supplier to test out different size units in person. This way, you’ll have a much better idea of how much space you will have. Take note of the leg room, especially if you’re getting a 3 to 5-person unit. Sometimes, it may seem like it’s comfortable enough because the seating area is well-spaced, but then for some reason, the foot area feels small and cramped, especially when there are at least two other pairs of feet present. This can negatively impact the sauna-going experience, so be sure to take your time when investigating the space of a unit. EMF Levels Otherwise known as electromagnetic fields, EMF is a type of radiation often linked to electrical power. Any device that runs on electricity, whether it be a cellphone, computer, monitor, or tablet, will emit some level of EMF. When looking for an infrared sauna, checking EMF levels is a critical step, since too much EMF exposure could adversely affect health and wellness. Although there is currently no worldwide standard when it comes to safe EMF levels, the agreed upon average seems to stand at 3mG (milli-Gauss). The EPA, however, has proposed a 1mG safety standard, as well as Switzerland, the foremost country known for sauna use. 2
Fortunately, there are now no EMF far infrared sauna units. If you specifically tailor your search to these types of units, then you will eliminate the need to worry about harmful EMF exposure. Warranty Ideally, you should purchase a unit that offers a full warranty for at least a year. Even if you are confident that the brand you chose is reliable and trustworthy, such as JNH Lifestyles, you still will want to have the security that you will have insurance in the rare case that something does happen. Your infrared sauna unit, after all, is an investment that you will want to protect for years to come. About JNH Lifestyles: JNH Lifestyles is a supplier of quality far-infrared saunas. It is our mission to provide every household in the country with easy and affordable access to the many health and wellness benefits the sauna has to offer. We believe that these benefits should be for everyone, not just a luxury for the rich and famous. Sources: 7 Hints for Choosing a Sauna. healingheattherapy.com 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Far Infrared Sauna. saunas10mistakestoavoid.com 3