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Nuclear Energy Future

Global Nuclear Future Initiative (GNFI) 7 Laboratory Director Driven: 1997 Global Nuclear Energy Initiative (GNEI) Department/Laboratory integration Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Administration’s vision Nuclear Energy Future UCOP Workshop By Dana C. Christensen 9 February 2006

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Nuclear Energy Future

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  1. Global Nuclear Future Initiative (GNFI)7 Laboratory Director Driven: 1997Global Nuclear Energy Initiative (GNEI)Department/Laboratory integrationGlobal Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)Administration’s vision Nuclear Energy Future UCOP Workshop By Dana C. Christensen 9 February 2006

  2. “DOE Announces New Nuclear Initiative”* • FY07 Request of $250M for GNEP • Enable expansion of nuclear energy worldwide by demonstrating and deploying new technologies to recycle nuclear fuel, minimize waste, improve nuclear material management. • 7 elements • New generation of nuclear power in the US • New nuclear recycling technologies • Manage and store spent nuclear fuel in the US • Design advanced burner reactors for recycling nuclear fuel • Establish international fuel services program • Develop small scale reactors for developing countries • Improve safeguards to enhance proliferation resistance and safety *Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman, 6 Feb 2006 press release

  3. GNEP Strategic Vision • Vision – In 50 years • Nuclear Power > 30% of U.S. and world electricity • Economic Development ~ electricity growth • Climate Change/Pollution • Energy Security • Effective International proliferation regime • Fuel Cycle States & Reactor States • U.S. Leader in Nuclear Enterprise • International Partnerships • Central Themes • Close fuel cycle (recycle) • Spent Fuel an Asset • Reliable International Fuel Services • Fuel Cycle~ nuclear weapon • Separated Plutonium Advanced Nuc. Technology is Central to success Effective and Advanced Safeguards is central to Success!!

  4. GNEP Strategic Plan • Stimulate U.S. Nuclear Power Restart (Industry) • Risk reduction & production tax credits for early entrants (2005 Energy Bill, NP 2010) • Early Recycle Demonstrations (DOE/NE) • Separation of spent fuel • Advanced (Fast)Burner Reactor (ABR) for transmutation • Waste Management (DOE/OCRWM) • Early transfer of SNF • Interim Storage • Reconfigure Yucca Mountain from Spent Fuel to Waste • Robust R&D (DOE/SC-NNSA) • International Partners • Science and Technology Infrastructure • Support Reliable Fuel Services Regime (Interagency) • Early Agreements • Fuel Bank • Small Secure Reactor • Advanced Safeguards Accelerate/modify AFCI & Gen 4 Requires rewrite of NWPA Engagement needed Requires agreement on Modernized governance Regime Success requires close coordination and interaction between Each of the players. Commitments need to be established.

  5. GNEP Basis • A comprehensive approach to: • Expansion of Nuclear Power • Disposition of Waste • Proliferation resistance • Why now? • Awakening need (globally/domestically) • Climate change • Energy Security & Stability • Spent Fuel Quandary • MOX disposition quandary • Political leadership • Available (if immature) technology • Decaying U.S. nuc. intellectual Infrastructure • International (global problem) • U.S leadership essential

  6. GNEP Approach to Spent Fuel Management Involves Spent Fuel Recycle and Transmutation in Fast Reactors to Eliminate Actinides Uranium Mining,Enrichment, Fuel Fabrication Fast Spectrum Transmutation Burner Reactors Light Water Reactors Transmutation Fuel Fabrication Spent Fuel Slightly EnrichedUranium Reprocessing Plutonium,HigherActinides UREX+ Reprocessing • Each GW-thermal of Fast Spectrum Transmuters support: • 4 GW-thermal of LWRs if there is no recycle in LWRs • 7 to 9 GW-thermal of LWRs if there is recycle in LWRs Fission ProductsTrace Actinides Repository Closed Fuel Cycle

  7. Reliable Fuel Services: Fuel Cycle States (leaser) and Reactor States (lessee)

  8. GNEP is initially focused on new construction efforts • Engineering Scale Demonstration (ESD): • Re-fit F-Canyon at Savannah River Plant to incorporate UREX+ flowsheet • Build sodium cooled fast spectrum reactor for Actinide Burning (ABR) • Build an Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility (AFCF) 4. Build an Advanced Simulation Laboratory • NEPA 6. Small Reactor 7. NGNP Remove the Actinides

  9. FY07 Funding request within NE

  10. S-1 NRC Licensing Support (SNL) S-3’s ?? S-2 Steering committee: Vic Reis, L. Brown Miotla, Herczeg, NE-1, SC-1, RW-1, NNSA RW NE SC NNSA GNEI Liaison Internat’l Cooperation GNEI Tech Prog Off. Lab r&D Applied GNEI CPM AFCI R&D Savage ? FPD ? UREX Brezee UREX Laidler FPD ? ESD Griffith CPM Support ABR Goldner ABR Finck FPD ? ABR Wheeler Procurement NE-20 AFCF Savage AFCF ? FPD ? AFCF TBD NEPA Small Reac. Phillips SR ? FPD ? SR TBD NRC Gen IV NHI NERI AFCI R&D Savage Simulation Lab ? Mod & Sim Passameh. FPD ? Sim Lab TBD PM CD-0 CD-1 CD-2 CD-3/4

  11. GNEI Tech Prog Off Lab R&D GNEI CPM NE-20 NNSA RW SC AFCI R&D ESD UREX UREX FPD UREX R&D ABR ABR R&D FPD ABR AFCF R&D AFCF FPD AFCF NE Research Agenda Safeguards & Security R&D agenda SC fundamental R&D agenda SR R&D SR FPD SR Inter-agency agenda, DoS, NRC,? RW R&D agenda Sim Lab SIM LAB FPD Sim Lab YMP YMP FPD YMP CD-1 CD-0 CD-2 CD-3 CD-4 Integration of R&D agendas Is needed now! Construction Managed Process DOE O 413

  12. Key Technical Questions essential to success!The integrated R&D program must focus here. • Proliferation Resistance: Can a system be implemented that will assure management and accountability of nuclear materials? • Chemistry alone cannot do this! • New Intrinsic and Extrinsic approaches must become an integrated system for safeguards • Transmutation: Can we rapidly fabricate and qualify a fuel suitable to achieve actinide transmutation? • We must increase the transmutation efficiency in fast reactors • Separations: Can we efficiently separate actinides without discretely separating Pu? • We need a separation factor of 99.9% to make this reasonable • Waste: Can we rapidly qualify interim storage. New waste forms will emerge • Reactors: Fast reactors initially for transmutation demonstration. Eventually we need high power efficiency reactors, can we demonstrate 600-1000 C outlet temp? • Increase energy production efficiency by a factor of 2 • Hydrogen production • Pu disposition • Others: economics, safety, public acceptance, ???

  13. Key questions for today • Does the UC have intellectual strength in the areas of interest to the GNEP? • Does the UC have state-of-the-art facilities that could be used to contribute? • Are there Students currently working in the areas? • Which Universities/Laboratories represent the core capability? • Are there ongoing programmatic activities that could be leveraged (Office of Science, NSF, DOE/NE UNERI, etc.) • Does any area represent an opportunity to the University?  If so, how best do we prepare a strategy (follow-on workshop, call a meeting of interested individuals, etc.) Outcome of the meeting is an agreed strategy To position the University Campuses and Laboratories To team in obtaining tasks critical to GNEP

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