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Get moving action plan

An action plan can help you take steps to get you moving or, if you're already active, raise your fitness level.More Detail visit:https://munmunganeriwal.com

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Get moving action plan

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  2. Failed fitness mission! The ‘Active Couch Potato’ - Active Couch Potato is someone who exercises for 30 mins or more on most days of the week, but then sits all day working at a desk, or watching TV or playing video games, or reading or navigating the stock market, etc.

  3. Ill-effects of long sitting Sitting for long hours alters our physiology in ways that prevents exercise from burning fat The act of too much sitting blocks the normal impacts of exercise and makes our bodies exercise-resistant Exercising followed by too much sitting through the day may do little to reduce risk of disease & weight gain Low “Non-exercise activity” is linked to weight gain, poor metabolic health and cancer

  4. Overcoming the ‘sitting’ malaise Our bodies did not evolve to sit in chairs all day. According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), to reduce risk of disease and lose weight, one should do both- Get 150mins/week of exercise Move more during the day

  5. Create your ‘Get Moving’ Action Plan
 #1. Get up from your chair & walk every hour! For every hour of sitting, walk for at least 2 minutes. Get a glass of water for yourself, say hello to a colleague, visit the restroom …. Anything that gets you up from your seat!

  6. #2. Take your phone calls standing or walking! Whether at home or at work, make a point to keep walking while having phone conversations. Considering the number of calls one typically has in a normal work day, you could be using phone time rather productively for your own fitness!  

  7. #3. Use sit-stand desks Regularly break up your seat-bound work with “active standing”. Use sit-stand desks to regularly break up seated-based work with active standing

  8. #4. Enjoy outdoor activities Whatever you do, don't stay cooped up indoors! Weekend activities like farming/ trekking instead of ‘chilling’ in malls not only creates more movement for entire family but also encourages the child to get connected to and stay in harmony with nature

  9. #5. TV Break When watching TV, stand up/move/ stretch with every commercial break Get moving, and stay moving!

  10. Munmun Ganeriwal Like Subscribe Share www.munmunganeriwal.com

  11. Office timings: 9am – 7pm, Monday to Saturday Website: www.munmunganeriwal.com Email: yuktahaar@munmunganeriwal.com Phone: +917678 027556

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