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Introduction to Cranes

Introduction to Cranes. Category: Crawler Cranes Manufacturer: Terex American Max. lifting capacity: 60 t (54.4 mt) Max. main boom length 48.8 m Max. lift crane boom & jib length: 39.6+12.2 m Max single line pull 14, 697 kg. Introduction to Cranes. Category: Lattice Boom Cranes

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Introduction to Cranes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Cranes Category: Crawler Cranes Manufacturer: Terex American Max. lifting capacity: 60 t (54.4 mt) Max. main boom length 48.8 m Max. lift crane boom & jib length: 39.6+12.2 m Max single line pull 14, 697 kg

  2. Introduction to Cranes Category: Lattice Boom Cranes Manufacturer: Terex Demag Max. lifting capacity at 22m radius: 1600 t Max. boom length: 234 m Max. line pull: 545 kN Max. counterweight + central ballast: 470 t + 160 t

  3. Our First Crane

  4. Free Body Diagram Φ F W θ O

  5. Determine Minimum F

  6. Relative Error

  7. Tower Crane

  8. Tower Crane Photos

  9. Our Tower Crane

  10. Find W and x Mathematically

  11. Locate Gravity Center

  12. A New Model of Tower Crane

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