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The Association of Italian Geographers (A.Ge.I.): the community of university geographers. EUGEO 2009 Congress August 13-15 (Bratislava, Slovakia) Congress Theme Geographers and geographical communities/association: their role, work and influence/relevance Session
The Association of Italian Geographers (A.Ge.I.): the community of university geographers EUGEO 2009 Congress August 13-15 (Bratislava, Slovakia) Congress Theme Geographers and geographical communities/association: their role, work and influence/relevance Session Theoretical Geography – Chair René Matlovič Claudia Robiglio Representative of AGeI in EUGEO University of Verona, Italy claudia.robiglio@univr.it
Index • 1 - Introduction • 2 - The Associazione dei Geografi Italiani (AGeI) • Aims • The organization of events, education and proceedings • Research, Working Groups and the Geographical Journal “Geotema” • Relations with the institutions and other organizations and international relations • Information from Universities and the Department and Geographers’ list
A few important memories and where to read about Eugeo 1996-2004 and AGei for EUGEO …and to read about Geography in the western european Countries Austria Belgium Catalonia Denmark France Germany Ireland Italy The Netherlands Spain Sweden UK 1994 C.Vandermotten, H. Nicolaï and A. Montanari Eds. by A. Montanari
Italian Geographical Associations AGeI (Associazione dei Geografi Italiani, since 1978) SGI (Società Geografica Italiana, since 1867, Rome) SSG (Società di Studi Geografici, since1895, Florence) AIIG (Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di geografia - Padua) AIC (Associazione Italiana di Cartografia) CISGE (Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici - Rome) AISRe (Assoicazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali) ASITA, Federation of Associations… Others…
The Association of Italian Geographers: Aims 25 years of AGei: thoughts and experiences by the Presidents and all the Members of the Boards • AGeI and its democratic origin 1977-1978. It was born to open up to the partecipation to all the geographers in the universities (and now phd too) to: “…to stimulate, encourage and coordinate geographical research, as well as promoting initiatives for the education of geographers and the dissemination of the culture of individual territories in Italy” • Circulation of information and the Department and Geographers’ list • National and international networking
A.Ge.I.: the organization of events and education Proceedings and publications 2004 • Plenary events • Italian Geographical Congress from XXIII 1983 to XXX 2008 • The Geography days • The interuniversity excursion • ***** • Special courses
2009: No. 28 Research Working Groups and the Geographical Journal “Geotema” WG grouped by streams: “Local development”, a paradigm initially studied at an academic level in Italy, but which then took on an international dimension, leading to the interpretation of the effects of supranational organizations and institutions on local communities on a world wide base. Specific themes in an Italian context but with a multi-scale approach (e.g. thermal spas, terracing, multi-functional ports) Conceptual categories regarding places/territories (territorial identity, spiritual connotations) … next
Long-term themes whose features change, allowing one to identify stagesof development within the Group itself (immigration) New technologies (ICT) and geographical research… and new ways of practising geography International problems that already have their own corpus but which are now analysed at a national and local level(desertification, gender) Competitiveness and sustainability (Lisbona/Gothenburg) To envisage new Groups ... …..
In the past and today • 1984: 2CoGeI and 6 WG AGeI • 1990-1993: 21 WG • 1997….. • 2004: 21 WG • 2009: 28/29 WG
No. of Working Groups • Quality agriculturre and integrated development • Geographical areas and the values of tradition • Atlas of the populated areas in the Italian Regions • Competitivenessand sustainability: the territorial dimension in putting into effect the Lisbon/Gothenburg processes in the Italian Regions • From thermal resorts to local hubs and integrated tourism systems • International dimensions of local development • Gender and Geography • Geography of the sea • Geography and empirical research Methodological approaches and working tools • Geography and Toponymy • Medical Geography • Geopolitics and human rights • Globalization, new economies and trade flows
No. of Working Groups • Trading sites, between tradition and innovation • Territorial identities • Terracing in the landscape • The desertification process in Italy • Immigration in Italy • Geographical analysis of energy sources • The geography of religions • Rom minorities in the context of the European Union and of Italy in particular • Monasteries and castles in the Italian landscape • Literary parks (Geography and literature) • Processes of humanization of the territory • Research and teaching methodologies • Global warming and risks for the coastline • The history of cartography and historical cartography • New technologies for understanding and managing the territory • ...
Thank you from …the A.Ge.I. international Officer for EUGEO … and waiting you to join us in our research groups