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The Future of Talent Mobility: Global Trends and Challenges

Discover the future of talent mobility through research and insights on workforce demographics, economic impact, and emerging trends. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the changing landscape in global mobility programs and the top priorities for organizations in the evolving business environment.

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The Future of Talent Mobility: Global Trends and Challenges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Future of Talent Mobility Stephen Cryne, President Canadian Employee Relocation Council

  2. The Future of Talent Mobility A Joint Research Project

  3. About CERC The Force of Change in Employee Mobility “Working to impact the systems, policies and processes that enable employers to move the right people effectively and efficiently.” • Research • Government Relations • Professional Development • Knowledge Transfer Membership includes many of Canada’s top FP100 companies A Globally Recognized Thought Leadership Organization

  4. Global Trends Leadership 2030 The Hay Group

  5. A Transitioning BusinessEnvironment “The collision of technical disruption, rapid emerging-markets growth and widespread ageing is upending long held assumptions that underpin strategy setting, decision making, and management.” McKinsey & Company

  6. Demographic Realities

  7. Workers to Retirees

  8. Workers to Retirees - Canada

  9. The Global Talent Crunch “A major crisis is looming over organizations and economies throughout the world. By 2030,demand for skilled workers will outstrip supply, resulting in” a global talent shortage of more than 85.2 million people.” “The United States alone could miss out on $1.748 trillion in revenue due to labor shortages, or roughly 6% of its entire economy.” Future of Work The Global Talent Crunch Korn Ferry 2018

  10. Methodology • Results based on 57 survey reports published from 2011 to 2016 of employers, employees, or the general public • Database analytics to identify trends, best practices, risk mitigation, cross-cutting analysis

  11. Methodology • Over 25,000 respondents • Over 140 Countries

  12. Mobility trends are shifting rapidly and increasing in complexity • With so many voices – surveys, analysts, predications – in the industry, we wondered… Coverage …is there consensus in the literature?

  13. In short…yes, there is consensus that the volume of workers is expected to keep climbing. As many as 89% of organizations indicated they plan to increase their mobile workers in the next two years.

  14. But…the nature of global mobility is changing, reflecting an increasingly complex global economic environment.

  15. Why are employers expanding mobility programs?

  16. 2. To expand their global reach 1. To manage complex talent gaps Why are employers expanding mobility programs? 3. To develop top talent 4. To attract and fulfill employees

  17. 2. To expand their global reach 1. To manage complex talent gaps Why are employers expanding mobility programs? 3. To develop top talent 4. To attract and fulfill employees

  18. 2. To expand their global reach 1. To manage complex talent gaps Why are employers expanding mobility programs? 3. To develop top talent 4. To attract and fulfill employees

  19. 2. To expand their global reach 1. To manage complex talent gaps Why are employers expanding mobility programs? 3. To develop top talent 4. To attract and fulfill employees

  20. What CEOs Think

  21. What CEOs Think PwC Global CEO Survey, January 2017

  22. What CEO’s Think PwC Global CEO Survey, January 2017

  23. WhatCEOs Think PwC Global CEO Survey, January 2017

  24. Top three challenges for employers: 2. Compliance 1. Cost pressures 3. Program complexity

  25. Employee point of view: customization is king.

  26. Diversity in General Women Millennials Definition of spouse and family = more complicated, both socially and legally Female assignees “still hovering at less than 20%” 74% say the most preferred time to work abroad = first six years of a career

  27. Family remains the top concern facing employees Ageing parents Culture shock Children Spouses Relationship tension Schools Adjusting

  28. Conclusions from the research: top trends Predicting the Future of Global Mobility

  29. 1. Global talent pool and option diversity “We are seeing a move away from a one-size-fits-all policy and reward approach for mobile workers.”

  30. 2. Integrating talent mobility in organizationalstrategy

  31. 3. Proving return on investment will become crucial A major gap today A major opportunity for tomorrow

  32. 4. Technology and data analytics

  33. 5. Increased government collaboration

  34. But Will they move:Likelihood to consider moving for a new job in another country

  35. CERC Global Mobility Poll

  36. CERC Global Mobility Poll

  37. CERC Global Mobility Poll

  38. Likelihood To Move To Another Country

  39. Top Destination Countries

  40. CERC Global Mobility Poll

  41. CERC Global Mobility Poll

  42. Top Countries To Relocate – Total • FL3. Still assuming you had a full-time job opportunity abroad, which country would you most want to relocate to?Base: All Respondents 2017 (n=10,091); All Respondents 2012 (n=12,827)

  43. Challenges • Labour market demand forecasting • Agreement on definitions • Economic case for mobility

  44. Opportunities • Strategic mobility for skilled / professional workers • Trade agreements to support more open mobility • International certification standards with preferred trading partners • Fewer restrictions on short term business travel • Trusted employer programs to remove adjudication from POE • Alignment of tax, social security, health care, financial services • Spousal employment supports

  45. CERC National Conference Niagara Falls Ontario September 15-17, 2019

  46. Stephen Cryne scryne@cerc.ca

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