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Ancient Greece in a Nutshell

Ancient Greece in a Nutshell. Crash Course #1. Physical Geography of Greece. The landscape is rocky and mountainous Communication and transportation is difficult Cities developed independently of one another A single great empire is impossible!. The Polis.

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Ancient Greece in a Nutshell

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  1. Ancient Greece in a Nutshell Crash Course #1

  2. Physical Geography of Greece • The landscape is rocky and mountainous • Communication and transportation is difficult • Cities developed independently of one another • A single great empire is impossible!

  3. The Polis • Polis – (city-state) designated city and its surrounding countryside • The polis can be governed as a monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, tyranny, or democracy – you name it! • Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth are among the most powerful polis

  4. Democracy v. Oligarchy • Greek democracies were really expanded oligarchies • Many Greeks saw democracies as unstable and violent • Oligarchies allowed for social mobility and gave passive civil rights on all citizens • Outsiders are excluded from citizenship • Both allow for strong identification with city state by citizens – I smell nationalism!

  5. Sparta Sparta is an oligarchy ruled by 2 kings and 28 Elders Conquest is means of economic and agricultural survival Strong military society Athens Aristocracy rules Civil unrest common among economically dependent farmers and the aristocracy Society emphasizes education and philosophy The Archaic Age (800-500 BC)A Tale of Two Cities

  6. More on Athens • Draco establishes the first Athenian Law Code (621 BC) – now everyone knows the law! • Solon freed debt slaves and opened the aristocratic assembly to all citizens (594 BC) • Cleisthenes set up a form of representative democracy by setting up local demes (gov’ts) to connect to the central government – creating a local voice

  7. The Classical Period (500-338 BC) • Pericles made Athens a cultural center of learning and creativity • Sophocles and Euripides created plays and dramas • Socrates analyzed human society and developed new questioning techniques geared towards analytical thinking • Plato believed the truth lay in the world of ideas • Aristotle put emphasis on the material world

  8. Persian Wars • Athens decided to help the Ionians rebel against Persia. Persia gets mad and wants revenge • Persia begins an all out invasion of Greece – they think Greece would make a nice addition to their empire

  9. The Battles • Battle of Marathon • Battle of Thermopylae • Battle of Salamis

  10. Wars = Alliances • Persian Wars forced Greek city-states into military alliances • The alliances worked so well, they decided to formalize it after the war as a defense. • The Delian League – naval alliance against Persia

  11. Getting Greedy • The Athenians took control of the Delian League and turned it into a vehicle for building an empire (for themselves) • The league was used as a way to exert control and force tributes • Needless to say, the other city states weren’t thrilled

  12. Peloponnesian War • Tired of the Delian League, Sparta and some friends go after Athens, sparking a huge civil war • Macedon sees this happening and sees it as a golden moment to invade – Greece is left weak and unstable from their war. • Greece falls to Philip of Macedon

  13. Hellenistic Greece • Alexander the Great (Philip’s son) lays claim to the empire. He gets busy and expands and expands and expands • As a result of expansion Greek cities become connected with other cities • Greek culture spread to the Mediterranean and Asia

  14. Hellenistic Philosophy • Two Schools of Philosophy Develop: • Epicureanism – moderation, self-discipline, and a quiet life • Stoicism – civic virtue, devotion to duty, acceptance of one’s lot in life

  15. Ups and Downs • Trade and international commerce flourish through new communication and transportation networks • After Alexander’s death the empire is broken up into pieces among his generals • Monarchies eventually take over the splintered pieces

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