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POLYMER CHEMISTRY. A Presentation for the Introductory Seminar in Chemistry The University of Akron October 15, 2008 Traian-Ovidiu Gheorghiu. What is a polymer ?. The word polymer is derived from the Greek words poly-, meaning “many” and meros-, which means “part”.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. POLYMER CHEMISTRY A Presentation for the Introductory Seminar in Chemistry The University of Akron October 15, 2008 Traian-OvidiuGheorghiu

  2. What is a polymer ? • The word polymer isderived from the Greek words poly-, meaning “many” and meros-, which means “part”. • A polymer is a large molecule also called macromolecule, composed of repeating structural units typically connected by covalent chemical bonds.

  3. Polymer Synthesis • Is the process of combining many small molecules known as monomers into a covalently bonded chain. Example: Polypropylene (PP)

  4. Polymers can be: • Lightweight • Hard • Strong • Flexible or Brittle • Transparent or Opaque • Thermal and Electrical Insulators • Semiconductors

  5. Examples of polymers • Polypeptide

  6. (continued) • Plastics

  7. (continued) • Proteins

  8. Motivation • Chemists develop polymers so they can be used to make ingredients for products with unique physical and chemical properties

  9. What chemists do ? • They manipulate large, complex molecules and capitalize on the connections between their molecular structure and the properties that make them useful

  10. What is Polymer Chemistry ? • Is a multidisciplinary science that deals with the chemical synthesis and chemical properties of polymers or macromolecules.

  11. Career Paths • Emphasis on the organic synthesis of materials • Most polymer chemists were trained in organic chemistry

  12. Job Functions • Blending and Compounding • Liquid-Crystal Polymers • Polymers for Aerospace/NASA • Detergent Polymers • Fibers and Rubber • Coatings and Adhesives • Polymers for Biomedical Applications • Polymer Education

  13. Places of Employment 1) Industry 2) Government 3) Academia

  14. Personal Characteristics • Ability to communicate with others in a number of fields • Strong interest in materials and the end use of polymers • Strong interest in the synthesis of polymers

  15. Job Outlook • Hiring can be expected to follow the economy • Highly competitive field but the job market will improve • Creative and well-trained individuals should be able to find positions in the field.

  16. Education and training requirements • Most people employed in polymer chemistry have a PhD and were trained as organic chemists: • Solid education in the fundamentals of chemistry • Interdisciplinary degree through programs in polymer (or macromolecular) science

  17. Recommended websites • www.acs.org • www.polyacs.org • www.careerbuilder.com • www.chemistryjobcenter.com • www.uakron.edu/ccm

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