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Nitrate Sources and Nitrate Loading

Explore the historical yield of Burley tobacco in Kentucky with manganese toxicity and the effects of nitrogen applications on soil pH. Learn about the benefits of liming acid soil before using urea and sodium nitrate sources, and how nitrogen sources affect soil pH. Discover ways to prevent acid soils, reduce nitrate loading of plants, and improve tobacco curing processes.

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Nitrate Sources and Nitrate Loading

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nitrate Sources and Nitrate Loading

  2. Historical Yield of Burley Tobacco in Kentucky

  3. Manganese Toxicity

  4. Effects of Nitrogen Application on Soil pH All plots received 150 lbs P2O5 and 250 lbs K20

  5. Effect of Liming an Acid Soil Prior to Use of Urea and Sodium Nitrate Sources of Nitrogen Both N sources applied at 225 lb N/A pre-plant. Soil pH (water) measured at midseason of each year. Soil pH before liming was 5.4.

  6. Effect of Liming an Acid Soil Prior to Use of Urea and Sodium Nitrate Sources of Nitrogen Both N sources applied at 225 lb N/A pre-plant.

  7. Acidifying or Neutralizing Effects of Nitrogen Sources

  8. Attributes of Nitrate Nitrogen • Prevent acid soils and low pH • Reduce chance of Nitrate loading of plants • Reduces green cure • Reduces fat stems • Which can freeze and bleed onto leaf • Which can lead to high moisture reading at market

  9. Rank Green Tobacco at Harvest

  10. Fat Stem Cause Poor Curing

  11. Green Tobacco after Curing

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