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Describe the technique for performing oral and nasal intubation

Describe the technique for performing oral and nasal intubation. Discuss the procedures for a difficult airway, failure to intubate, failure to ventilate scenario. ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm. Difficult Airway Cart. Available Airway options:Nasal and Oral AirwaysIntubating StyletsSpecialized StyletsAirway Exchange CathetersEsophageal AirwaysLaryngeal Mask AirwaysRigid Fiberoptic LaryngoscopesFlexible Fiberoptic BronchoscopesRetrograde IntubationCricothyrotomy DevicesTranstracheal J1146

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Describe the technique for performing oral and nasal intubation

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Presentation Transcript

    3. Discuss the procedures for a difficult airway, failure to intubate, failure to ventilate scenario

    11. Describe the criteria and steps for extubation following a difficult intubation Describe the follow-up and documentation following a difficult intubation

    12. Describe the indications and steps for Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI)

    13. Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI) Aspiration prophylaxis Airway Equipment - Suction Optimize intubating conditions Denitrogenate – Oxygenate STP + SUX IV Push Cricoid Pressure No Bag Ventilation Intubate On emergence – Awake Extubation

    14. Describe the indications and steps of Awake Intubation

    19. What are the options for a surgical airway? When is a surgical airway indicated?

    23. Describe the criteria for extubation. Discuss the potential complications following extubation

    24. Emergence and Extubation Spontaeous ventilation Negative inspiratory force > 20 cmH2O Vital capacity > 15 ml/kg Regular respiratory pattern Paralytics reversed Equal grip strength, head lift > 5 sec Awake, responsive, stable VS

    25. Post-extubation Complications Laryngospasm 100% FiO2 - Jaw thrust – Positive Pressure SUX 10 – 20 mg IV SUX 100 mg IV and Reintubate prn Hypoxemia 100% FiO2 Hypoventilation Inadequate reversal, opioids, pain, neurologic Laryngeal edema Racemic epi, steroids Negative pressure pulmonary edema Shivering Blood loss

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