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The main topics of chapter 6: § 6-1 The erosion of river( 河流的侵蚀 ) § 6-2 landslide (滑坡)

Chapter 6 The main engineering geology problems in civil engineering 第六章 工程地质问题分析. The main topics of chapter 6: § 6-1 The erosion of river( 河流的侵蚀 ) § 6-2 landslide (滑坡) § 6-3 Collapse (崩塌) §6 -4 mudflow (泥石流) § 6-5 Karst and Earth cave (岩溶和土洞)

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The main topics of chapter 6: § 6-1 The erosion of river( 河流的侵蚀 ) § 6-2 landslide (滑坡)

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  1. Chapter 6 The main engineering geology problems in civil engineering 第六章 工程地质问题分析

  2. The main topics of chapter 6: §6-1 The erosion of river(河流的侵蚀) §6-2 landslide(滑坡) §6-3 Collapse(崩塌) §6-4 mudflow(泥石流) §6-5 Karst and Earth cave(岩溶和土洞) §6-6 The engineering problems in underground engineering (地下工程地质问题)

  3. §6-1 The erosion of river(河流的侵蚀) 一、What is river erosion Which mean the damage to the river bed or river bank, the river erosion is the most active,vigorous factor to the change of topography. No river erosion, no complicated surface. 二、The river erosion’s type Which can be divided into : side erosive(侧蚀) cut erosion(下蚀)

  4. cut erosion(下蚀) → means that the moving water and its materials carried by water have motive power that makes river bed deepened continuously.Cut erosion are usually obvious in upstream of river. In bridge engineering, the location of foundation must be considered carefully. That is the elevation of bottom surface of foundation must will be lower than the erosion base line(侵蚀基准面).

  5. Erosion line 1 Erosion line 2

  6. side erosive Side erosion are caused by traverse circulation of river. The results of side erosion is that river valley is broaden . The side erosion is obvious in middle or downstream of river. Preventing method: stone cage, changing of river route

  7. traverse circulation of river Direction of side erosion Direction of side erosion Building is not in good position

  8. §6-2 landslide(滑坡) 一.The definition of landslide(滑坡的定义) The soil or rock body slide down along the fixed sliding surface on the action of gravity. The happening of landslide may cause the damage of building , endanger human life, also cause the artifical earthquake.

  9. 二.The feature of different part of landslide Tension cracks 滑坡周界 剪裂缝Shear cracks 滑坡 台阶 滑坡壁cliff 鼓胀 裂缝 Swelling cracks 滑坡床 Sliding bed 扇形张裂缝 Fan-haped tensive cracks 滑坡体 Sliding body 滑坡面 Sliding surface 滑坡舌 滑坡形态描述

  10. 三.The classification of landslide (滑坡分类) 1.According to the materials difference of sliding body (按物质组成分类) ■ soil land sliding 土体滑坡 ■rock land sliding(bedrock landslide) 岩层滑坡 ■special landslides( frozen and thaw、collape slide) 特殊滑坡

  11. ■ soil land sliding(土体滑坡) cohesive soils landslides(粘土滑坡) loess landslides(黄土滑坡) eluvial soils landslides(残积层滑坡) Eluvial soil landslide

  12. cohesive soils landslides

  13. 滑动面 滑动面 切层滑坡 顺层滑坡 ■ rock land sliding(bedrock landslide)岩层滑坡

  14. movement parallel to planes of eakness and occasionally parallel to slope.

  15. 冻融层 ■special landslides( frozen and thaw、collape slide) 特殊滑坡

  16. Flow: viscous to fluid-like motion of debris.

  17. River erosion Artificial cutting Pushing style tractive style 2According to the mechanics condition (按滑坡形成的力学条件) • 其它分类方法

  18. Soft rock 四、the developing process of landslide (滑坡的阶段) step 1 creep deformation stage(蠕动阶段) no fixed sliding plane

  19. 深层蠕动 表层蠕动

  20. step 2 failure stage(破坏阶段) The penetrating failure plane has formed; the sliding mass slowly or quickly slides along the crack plane,drunken-like trees; sabre-like trees develops in this stage

  21. step 3 stable stage(稳定阶段) The sliding mass has been in balanced position drunken trees have become to grow vertically

  22. 五、The mechanics analysis and influencing factor

  23. 土层均匀时:

  24. 六 The analysis influence factors of sliding (滑坡影响因素分析) The influence factor can be considered as the factors which have the contribution to the change of safety factor (K) ①slope appearance (斜坡的几何特征) slop high坡高; slope angle, slope shape ②rock and soils properties(滑坡体岩土性质) soft rock (shale, sand rock) soil with montmorillonite which is easy to absorb water and expanding. ③structure(结构面发育程度) the condition of strata plane, joint, fault, (dip angle, dip direction)

  25. ④water(地下水和地表水) to soft rock and soil ⑤earthquakes(地震) to stimulate the liquefaction(液化) to produce the inertia force to rock or soil body ⑥artificial factors(人为因素) cutting slopeimpropely putting on (piling) (over lapping) soil or building structure

  26. 七、the control (harness) of land slipping Control principle(防治原则) first prevention ; second harness The controlling measure(方法) ◆ Discharging water (surface water and ground water

  27. Landslide ground Water Drainage Works

  28. Retaining wall Anti-sliding ◆ the supporting structure

  29. Deep foundation works would be enforced according to the thrust of the landslide and depth of the sliding surface under such conditions that ordinary piles would not work well enough. In the Kamenose area, these works have been carried out mainly with ferroconcrete piles of 3.5x4.0 meters in diameter and 30x60 meters in length. At present, the works are enforced with larger structures of 6.5 meters in diameter and 100 meters in length.

  30. ◆anchoring bar(pin, rod)

  31. Prestressed Anchors

  32. Anchored Walls for Landslides

  33. ◆unloading and cutting

  34. 挡土墙 锚固工程 抗滑桩

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