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Time Analysis Tools

Time Analysis Tools. Colorado Department of Education May 23, 2013. Session Objective.

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Time Analysis Tools

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  1. Time Analysis Tools Colorado Department of Education May 23, 2013

  2. Session Objective Learn how to access and use the National Center on Time & Learning (NCTL) Time Tools to (1) understand how your school and classrooms are currently using time and (2) begin conversations about making every minute count

  3. Expanded Learning Time Rethink Redesign, Significantly More Time More Time Used Well 300 or more additional hours for all students or the equivalent of 180 8-hour days 1440 hours Analyze and improve the use of all time in the school day and year Start from scratch. What would the best day and year for students and teachers look like?

  4. Why More Learning Time? More Time Benefits BOTH Students and Teachers Achievement Engagement Effectiveness More Time to Raise Student Achievement and Teach to Common Core More Time to Provide Rich Engagement Offerings for Students More Time to Collaborate and Improve Quality of Instruction

  5. “WE HAVE 90,000 MINUTES THIS YEAR; MAKE EACH ONE COUNT.” ~ Sign on a bulletin board at Mastery Schools’ Shoemaker Campus (Philadelphia)

  6. Conducting a School Time Analysis

  7. STAT & Categories of Time 0 min 1950 min Weekly Allocated School Time per Week Purposed Time Non- Purposed Time Academics and Support Non Core Academics Other Academics and Support Non Core Academics -English -Math -Science -Social Studies -Foreign Lang. -Tutoring -Remediation -Targeted Supp. -Other -Phys. Ed. -Art -Music -Computers or Technology -Community Building -Advisory -Other -Lunch/Recess -Homeroom -Transitions between classes -Study halls or Homework -Other -In class transitions -Misc. interruptions -P.A. announcements -In class transitions -Misc. interruptions -P.A. announcements

  8. How does the STAT Work? STEP 1: Enter students’ start and end times, days per week, and days per year STEP 2: Break down how time is allocated across a week for a “typical” student STEP 3: Make estimates about lost instructional minutes within classes due to daily interruptions STEP 4: Make estimates about lost instructional hours throughout the year due to special events

  9. How does the STAT Work? • STEP 5: View your school’s results. Print/save a copy of your report PDF. STEP 6: Complete the STAT by submitting it to NCTL. Print or save your report prior to submission. You can always log-in and view your submitted reports.

  10. STAT Login Screen Access the STAT through this link: http://www.timeandlearning.org/timetools

  11. STAT Results

  12. Chat: School time analysis tool How might you use the information uncovered in a school time analysis?

  13. Using the Classroom Time Analysis Tool (CTAT)

  14. CTAT – Looking at Classroom Time Categories & Subcategories of Time in a Typical Class Period Transitions Teacher-Led Time Student Work Time Assessment • Arrival Routine • Transition to Next Component • Closing • Unplanned Interruption • Welcome/Lesson Launch • Teacher-directed Instruction • Whole-class Discussion/ Activity - Small Group Discussion or Activity - Independent Practice/Activity - Combined Practices • Assessment of Student Learning • Exit Tickets • Checks for Understanding

  15. CTAT Log-in Access the CTAT through this link: http://www.timeandlearning.org/timetools

  16. CTAT Results

  17. Chat: Classroom time analysis tool How could information gathered in a classroom time analysis/observation strengthen instruction at your school?

  18. From Analysis to Action Use the STAT to begin conversations at your school about the time it will take to get to success for your students. Use the CTAT to determine how teachers are using time in their classrooms. . . . start with a robust planning and redesign process that brings together school leaders, teachers, union leaders, parents, and community organizations to redesign the school day.

  19. Additional Resources Visit www.timeandlearning.org for: • Time Well Spent: Eight Powerful Practices of Successful Expanded-Time Schools • Tools, practice profiles, case studies and videos • Links to the latest research on time and learning • Our blog, Time Matters • A database of over 1000 expanded time schools Lisa Pryor: lpryor@timeandlearning.org

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