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Recognizing suicide warnings and resources

Being able to open up communication about suicide and depression and mental health is key. Never steer clear of suicide as a topic of converstaion. Talking about is not going to make someone do it. But it might make them rethink things, or get things going to lead to a much better outcome. Having some people in work, schools and other places in the community have suicide prevention training or suicide prevention charity can mean you have resoruces to turn to when a loved one is in need.<br><br>

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Recognizing suicide warnings and resources

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  1. Suicide leaves those people left behind shattered, angry, confused and more. There is nothing romantic about someone actually taking their own life. Over the last decade there has been a steady increase in suicide rates, and the pandemic has only made that worse as people struggle even more with feelings of isolation and loneliness. The importance of suicide prevention resources has never been so high. Causing factors Other than the pandemic there are so many causes. Bullying at school, the poor economy, impossibly high standards in the media, abuse of prescription pain pills, lack of prospects, and more. Stress is also a big factor, it can beat people down and when not managed it can create feelings of being overwhelmed, helplessness and fear. In such situations people can feel unable to cope and that an extreme option like suicide is the only way. That is why it makes sense for communities to invest in things like suicide prevention training. Together schools, parents and communities can help people who have nowhere to turn.

  2. Signs that a loved one is thinking of suicide • When you know what the signs are you can look for them and do something about them and make use of suicide prevention resources. Talk to the person about the issue, mental health issues are not something to be hidden or ashamed of. Some of those signs include; • Having very dramatic changes in mood, being fine one minute and then very angry, or very sad the next • Making comments or threats that they want to hurt themselves, or are planning on killing themselves or maybe writing about it on social media • Unable to see a point to being alive, having no purpose and general listlessness • Looking for or talking about finding means of committing suicide, pills, firearms and so on • Having moments of rage and anger that they cannot control • Talking about seeking revenge on people they feel have wronged them • Not being able to sleep or the opposite, sleeping more than is normal and finding it hard to get out of bed

  3. Feeling agitated and being anxious about a lot of things • Talking about things being hopeless • Acting out, behaving in a reckless way, not thinking before doing something that is dangerous • Becoming more withdrawn from friends and family • Feeling like they are trapped in a life they do not want and can’t see a way out • Drinking more or taking drugs • Conclusion • Being able to open up communication about suicide and depression and mental health is key. Never steer clear of suicide as a topic of converstaion. Talking about is not going to make someone do it. But it might make them rethink things, or get things going to lead to a much better outcome. Having some people in work, schools and other places in the community have suicide prevention training or suicide prevention charity can mean you have resoruces to turn to when a loved one is in need.

  4. https://sptsusa.org

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