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Third Grade Curriculum Night 2010-2011. Third Grade Teachers. Mrs. Buckelew Mrs. Miller Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Peterson Mrs. McGovern Mrs. Stregles. ROGERS MISSION STATEMENT.
ThirdGrade Curriculum Night 2010-2011
ThirdGradeTeachers Mrs. BuckelewMrs. Miller Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Peterson Mrs. McGovernMrs. Stregles
ROGERSMISSIONSTATEMENT At Rogers Elementary, the staff, parents and students will work as a team to meet the students where they are and take them places they have yet to go reflecting a spirit of high integrity.
Goal Focus I believe in myself and others I expect “HIGH” integrity I excel as a person and listener I select my attitude daily
Building Character Qualities September: Integrity October: Self-Control November: Respect December: Responsibility January: Trustworthy February: Kindness March: Perseverance April: Attitude May: Honesty
Behavior Expectations • Level D Democracy • Dependable • HIGH Integrity • Responsible of own actions • Respects everyone and everything • Level C Cooperation • Follows Directions • Listens • Kind • Level B Bullying/Bothering • Bosses others • Bullies Others • Bothers Others • Level A Anarchy • Rude • Noisy • Unkind • Unsafe • Out of Control
Classroom Consequences • Positive Consequences: • Character bucks • Stickers • Free Activity Time • Negative Consequences: • Warning • Think Track • Redirect • Phone call to parents • Detention • Office Referral
Daily Schedule 7:50 ~ 8:00 Arrival 8:00 ~ 8:15 Announcements 8:15 ~ 9:00 Language Arts 9:00 ~ 9:50 Specials 9:50 ~ 10:00 Snack 10:00 ~ 11:20 Reading/Spelling/S.S. 11:20 ~ 11:50 Recess 11:50 ~ 12:00 Transition 12:00 ~ 12:30 Lunch 12:30 ~ 2:00 Math 2:00 ~ 2:45 Science 2:45 ~ 3:00 Closing
Recess and Lunch Recess will be indoors if the air temperature is above 94° or the heat index is at/or above 100°. Students are sent through the lunch line with their class. Visitors are welcome to eat with their child at the Visitor Tables by the far windows. Your child may select one friend to join you. Visitors may not provide food to other students. Visitors will be asked to leave at 12:25, so the students may finish their lunch The last 5 minutes of lunch will be a silent to finish eating. At this time we will ask visitors to leave.
Class Parties • Three classroom parties: Winter, Valentine’s Day, and Celebration of Learning. • If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday with their classmates, you may send store bought cupcakes or cookies. We cannot serve homemade items. Treats will be distributed after 2:00 p.m. • Students may only distribute party invitations during the school day if all students in class receive them.
TARDIES • The school doors open at 7:15. Breakfast is served from 7:15 – 7:45 daily. Children are monitored in the gym until the first bell at 7:45. Teachers pick up students from gym at 7:45. • Students are tardy at 8:00. Students must be in the classroom at 8:00 for morning announcements. It is important that your child is on time to avoid missing classroom instruction. • After a student is tardy 5 times you will receive a phone call from the from Sherri Anderson. After10 tardies FISD may file truancy charges.
Absences • Please contact the school office as soon as possible whenever your child will not be in school. You may email the classroom teacher and Sherri Anderson. The office will need a written note within 3 days from absence to ensure the absence is counted as excused. • Trips will no longer be counted as an excused absence.
Conduct Sheet • This year we will send home a conduct sheet in Thursday folders. This will let you know about your child’s work skills and classroom behavior. This form needs to be signed every Thursday.
Volunteers In order to volunteer in the school building or to serve as a chaperone on study trips, all parents/guardians must complete a Volunteer Application Form each school year. These forms are only available on the Frisco Independent School District Web Site ~ www.friscoisd.org . If you do not have access to the Internet please contact the school office at 469-633-2000.
Working with Words Writing Strategic/ Instructional Reading Strands Independent/ Self-Selected Reading Balanced Literacy
Language Arts Parts of Sentences Types of Sentences Nouns Pronouns Adverbs Adjectives Word Wall Making Words Six Traits
Writing Six Traits of Writing *Ideas *Word Choice *Organization *Sentence *Fluency *Voice *Conventions Handwriting *Cursive handwriting
Spelling Monday there will be a pre-test. If the student makes a 100 or misses 1 word they will receive a challenge list. The real test will be taken on Friday. Spelling lists are available on the website.
Reading Concepts about Print Reading Strategies Reading Fluency Literary Elements (fiction and nonfiction texts) TAKS Objectives Reading for a Variety of Purposes Genre Studies Guided Reading as a Reading Strategy
Learning Strategies *Titles and Subtitles *Graphic Sources *Vocabulary *Circle the number of the first and last paragraph *Read passage *Stop and think about what you are reading *Find answers (proof) in the passage *Underline where you found the answers Gist Student briefly summarizes information from each paragraph in the margin. Setting Characters Problem Sequence of Events Solution
Social Studies Map Elements, Cardinal/Intermediate Directions, Distance Scale Characteristics of Communities Transportation Needs Heroes in Communities-folktales, Greek/Roman myths, Fictional Characters Cultural Influences-celebrations Biographies of Writers, Artists, Inventors Economics- budget, scarcity, production Local Government and Citizenship
Social Studies Pringle PersonProject This project will be assigned in mid-January. It will be due mid-February. Students will present an oral report to the class in addition to creating a “model” of their African American character. This year the person can be any famous African American.
Math Place Value Measurement Addition/Subtraction Statistics Money Probability Multiplication/Division Fractions Geometry Patterns
LearningStrategies • UPS Check • UNDERSTAND • Read the problem. • Reread the problem. • Do you understand what is asked? • Underline the question. • Underline or circle all the key or code words such as estimate, about, in all, difference, • sum, total, how much more. • Circle or underline the important numbers to be used. • PLAN • Have you solved a problem like this before? • How will you solve this problem? • Make a plan. • Can you make a picture, chart, graph, table or list? • Can you write a number sentence for the problem? • Can you work backwards? • Can you guess and then check the solution? • SOLVE • Work out the problem. • Did you show all of your work? • CHECK • Check your answer. • Does the answer make sense? • Could you solve it another way?
Science • Matter & Energy: • Properties • States • Mixtures • Force Motion & Energy: • Forms of Energy • Force/Motion • Gravity • Magnetism • Organisms& Environments: • Environments • Food Chain • Thrive/Perish • Adaptations • Inherited Traits • Life Cycles • Earth & Space: • Soil/Weathering • Rapid Changes • Landforms • Natural Resources • Weather • Sun • Solar System • Scientists/Inventors • Journals:
Homework Every night the student will bring home a guided reading book to read. Reading should take 10-15 minutes. Math facts should be practiced every night. Addition, subtraction, and multiplication. You may use flashcards, computer games, or any other resources. Beginning in November the student will receive a Reading packet that will be assigned on Mondays and turned in by Friday of that week. A Math packet will be added in January. The packet should be signed by parent when completed.
Technology Document camera Three classroom computers for student use Two computer labs one for integration, and the other lab is used during specials. CLASSROOM/LAB RESOURCES: WebQuests www.unitedstreaming.com www.brainpop.com www.studyisland.com Power point lessons and activities Excel for graphing, tables, and charts
Communication Phone Number 469-633-2000 E-mail Mrs. Buckelew BukeleD@friscoisd.og Mrs. Johnson JohnsonP@friscoisd.org Mrs. McGovern McGoverJ@friscoisd.org Mrs. Miller Millerca@friscoisd.org Mrs. Peterson Petersni@friscoisd.org Mrs. Stregles Stregless@friscoisd.org Thursday Folders Third Grade Website Parent Teacher Conferences October 11th
TAKS Testing April 25th- Math April 26th- Reading
Thank you for coming! We’re looking forward to a fabulous year! Rogers Elementary Curriculum Night 2010-2011