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Stem-changing verbs

Muy divertido. Stem-changing verbs. In all of these forms, the ‘o’ becomes a ‘ ue .’ In the ___________________ form, the ‘o’ remains the same. REMEMBER: the ending of the verbs is still conjugated normally: -AR, -ER, and -IR.

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Stem-changing verbs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Muydivertido Stem-changing verbs

  2. In all of these forms, the ‘o’ becomes a ‘ue.’ In the ___________________ form, the ‘o’ remains the same. REMEMBER: the ending of the verbs is still conjugated normally: -AR, -ER, and -IR The verbs here all stem-change in every form but ____________________

  3. Almorzar = to eat lunch

  4. Contar= to tell/ count

  5. Costar = to cost

  6. Costar = to cost(you will usually only need the bottom 2 boxes for this verb…why?)

  7. ¿Cuánto Cuesta(n)? ¿Cuánto cuesta? is used to ask how much ONE THING costs. You also use “cuesta” to answer how much ONE THING costs. ¿Cuántocuestan? is used to ask how much MORE THAN ONE THING costs. You also use “cuestan” to answer how much MORE THAN ONE THING costs.

  8. ¿Cuánto cuesta la bolsa? La bolsa cuesta trienta pesos. ¿Cuántocuestan los aretes? Los aretescuestandieciocho pesos.

  9. Devolver = to return (an item)

  10. Devolver = to return (an item)

  11. Dormir = to sleep

  12. Encontrar = to find/to meet

  13. Encontrar = to find/to meet

  14. Poder = to be able to/ can

  15. Poder = to be able to/ can

  16. Recordar = to remember

  17. Recordar = to remember

  18. Volver = to return (person)

  19. Volver = to return (person)

  20. Escribe en español: • The bracelet costs 20 pesos. _La pulsera cuesta veinte pesos___ 2. We remember to buy gold earrings. _Nosotrosrecordamoscomprararetes de oro._ 3. My parents eat lunch together. Mis padres almuerzanjuntos. 4. Can you visit the market today? _¿Puedestúvisitar el mercado hoy? 5. Do the dogs sleep in the street? _¿Duermen los perros en la calle?_

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