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Stem Changing Verbs

Stem Changing Verbs. Shoe Verbs Boot Verbs. What is the stem of a verb?. g uardar m eter v ivir e mpezar p erder q uerer preferir. guard __ met __ viv __ empez __ perd __ quer __ prefer__. e ie. There are different types of stem changing verbs.

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Stem Changing Verbs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stem Changing Verbs Shoe Verbs Boot Verbs

  2. What is the stem of a verb? guardar meter vivir empezar perder querer preferir guard__ met __ viv__ empez__ perd__ quer__ prefer__

  3. e ie There are different types of stem changing verbs. We will start with eie stem changing verbs. There is no way to tell if a verb is a “stem changer” or not. You will have to memorize which ones are and which ones aren’t! The “e” in the stem will change to “ie” in all forms except “nosotros” and “vosotros”. If the verb has two “e”s in the stem, always change the second one! Always remember to put the correct set of endings on the verb…-ar, -er, or –ir.

  4. querer-to want Yoquiero Túquieres Élquiere Ella quiere Ud. quiere Nosotrosqueremos Vosotrosqueréis Ellosquieren Ellasquieren Uds. quieren

  5. perder- to lose Yopierdo Túpierdes Élpierde Ella pierde Ud. pierde Nosotrosperdemos Vosotrosperdéis Ellospierden Ellaspierden Uds. pierden

  6. empezar-to begin Yoempiezo Túempiezas Élempieza Ella empieza Ud. empieza Nosotrosempezamos Vosotrosempezáis Ellosempiezan Ellasempiezan Uds. empiezan

  7. preferir-to prefer Yoprefiero Túprefieres Élprefiere Ella prefiere Ud. prefiere Nosotrospreferimos Vosotrospreferís Ellosprefieren Ellasprefieren Uds. prefieren

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