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MuID LL1 Study ( update ). 09/15/2003 Muon Trigger Upgrade Meeting. Remaining issues from last meeting. What’s the RF and efficiency after require fired symsets in both directions ? What’s the different between RF in up and down side of MuID ?
MuID LL1 Study(update) 09/15/2003 Muon Trigger Upgrade Meeting
Remaining issues from last meeting • What’s the RF and efficiency after require fired symsets in both directions ? • What’s the different between RF in up and down side of MuID ? • Why the RF is different for North and South in RUN3 p-p ? Is that really due to the beam related background ?
Other Rejection Factors Rejection Factor in MuIDLL1 Up and Down area. Up and down is divided from the beam pipe. One can see Up area has lower RF than down area. • Rejection Factor with or without in coincidence with Blue logic trigger quadrants. John Lajoie suggest to test two senario: • # of horizontal symsets >=1 && # of vertical symsets >=1 • # of horizontal symsets >=1 && # of vertical symsets >=1 && corresponding Blue logic quadrant fired • One can see less than a factor of two is gained.
Efficiency from Simulation of p-p sqrt(s) = 500GeV/c Note: no south and north asymmetry in efficiency as observed in RF shown in next slide
RF from Simulation of p-p sqrt(s) = 500GeV/c That means +/-3m cerenkov can give marginal rejection that is needed according to https://www.phenix.bnl.gov/WWW/trigger/muonupgrade/meeting/07_14_2003/Matthias_07_14_2003.ppt
There’re South and Norh RF Asymmetry in Simulation V&H(deep) V&H South(deep) V&H North(deep) Rejection 1113+/-136 3575+/-812 1617+/-244 The number of hits in north and south is a factor of 3 different. What’s the reason for that ?
Addendum: Multiplicity and angle Real data simulation The multiplicity in north is much higher than that in south arm in all gaps except gap 0 where they are the same. Is this consistent with the fact that north arm do not have the collar ? This should be the main reason of observed asymmetry of rejection factor in north and south.
simulation Distribution of angle between MuID hits and beam axies. No obvious different is seen that can account for the difference between south and north arm rejection factors.