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International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme PYP Presentation Riverstone International School 2009

What is the IBO ? . IBO is the International Baccalaureate OrganizationA non-profit educational foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland Diploma program (final 2 years of school)Middle Years program (11- 16 years of age)PYP program (3

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International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme PYP Presentation Riverstone International School 2009

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    1. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) Presentation Riverstone International School 2009

    2. What is the IBO ? IBO is the International Baccalaureate Organization A non-profit educational foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland Diploma program (final 2 years of school) Middle Years program (11- 16 years of age) PYP program (3 12 years of age) IBO provides curriculum & assessment development, teacher education, information sessions, electronic networking and other educational services to IB schools

    3. IBO Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

    4. Riverstone Mission Statement Riverstone students are independent lifelong learners who take the most challenging courses that prepare them for entrance to the best universities around the world. They are passionate and caring about their community and the environment, thinking globally and acting locally. They are confident communicators and active listeners. They are empathetic, inquisitive, creative, respectful, principled and balanced individuals. Riverstone students are leaders by example; they are our hope for a better future.

    5. What is the PYP? An International, transdisciplinary program designed to foster the development of the whole child, not just in the classroom, but through other means of learning. PYP focuses on the total growth of the developing child, encompassing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic welfare. PYP combines best research and practice from a range of national systems with a wealth of knowledge and experience from international schools to create a relevant and engaging educational framework for all children.

    6. What is the PYP? (cont) Provides an opportunity for learners to construct meaning, principally through concept-driven inquiry. Traditional academic subjects are part of thePYP, but it emphasizes the interrelatedness of knowledge and skills through a transdisciplinary programme of inquiry. The PYP focuses on the heart as well as the mind and addresses social, physical, emotional and cultural needs as well as academic ones.

    7. The PYP aims to develop in students: Sensitivity to the experiences of others through the curriculum Characteristics listed in the learner profile Attitudes that are an explicit element of the programme Expectation of socially responsible action as a result of the learning experience

    8. What is transdisciplinary inquiry? Focus on big ideas/issues/concepts Essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes are necessary and must be taught Focus on taking socially responsible action Emphasis: Inquiry, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking Integrates key learning areas

    9. AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT What is the PYP learner profile? The goal of the Primary Years Program is to create internationally minded students. IBO believes that students should be: Inquirers Thinkers Communicators Risk-takers Knowledgeable Principled Caring Open-minded Well-balanced Reflective

    10. The Curriculum Model Commitment to structured inquiry as the leading vehicle for learning. Six transdisciplinary themes provide the framework for the exploration of knowledge. Students develop an understanding of important concepts, acquire essential skills and knowledge, develop particular attitudes and learn to take socially responsible action.

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