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Bellville High School Pre-Registration Class of 2020

Join our pre-registration program to earn 26 credits with specialized endorsements in various areas of study. Understand the dual credit process and core classes for 12th grade.

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Bellville High School Pre-Registration Class of 2020

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  1. Welcome to Pre-Registration Class of 2020

  2. Join Remind Text: To: 81010 Message: @gf7k9

  3. Foundation Program + Endorsement 26 Credits (22 Foundation Credits + 4 Endorsement Credits) 4 English 4 Math 4 Science 3 Social Studies 2 Years of the same foreign language 1 Year of Fine Arts 1 Year of Physical Education 7 Elective Credits

  4. What is an Endorsement? • Area of specialized study • Similar to choosing a college major • Students shall specify in writing the endorsement they intend to earn upon entering Grade 9. • This will be done through their four-year plan. • 5 Endorsement Areas • Students may earn more than one

  5. Bellville ISD Endorsements STEM Business & Industry Public Services Arts & Humanities Multidisciplinary

  6. STEM • A STEM endorsement is earned by completing: • 5 credits in math • Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and two advanced math courses OR • 5 credits in science • Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and two advanced science courses

  7. Business & Industry Agriculture Agribusiness Agriculture Animal Studies Agriculture Foods Agriculture Plants Agriculture Power & Structural Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Business Management & Administration Business Marketing Transportation

  8. Public Services • A Public Services endorsement is earned by completing: • Four or more credits with at least two in the same career cluster including at least one advanced CTE course

  9. Arts & Humanities • An Arts and Humanities endorsement is earned by completing: • A coherent sequence of four credits from one or two disciplines in fine arts • Band, Art, Theatre Production, Theater Arts, Technical Theater • Dual Foreign Language • Two levels in two Foreign Languages - Spanish I, Spanish II, and Latin I, Latin II

  10. Multidisciplinary Studies • A Multidisciplinary Studies endorsement is earned by: • Four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include English IV and Chemistry and/or Physics • Four credits in advanced placement or dual credit selected from English, Math, Science, Social Studies

  11. Distinguished Level of Achievement • A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: • A total of four credits in Math including Algebra II • A total of four credits in Science • Remaining curriculum requirements • Curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement • * A student must earn distinguished level of achievement to be eligible for top 10% automatic admission.

  12. Performance Acknowledgements • A student may earn a performance acknowledgement for: • Outstanding performance: • In a dual credit course • At least 12 hours with a grade equivalent of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale • In bilingualism and biliteracy • English 4 + 3 years of same foreign language with grade of 80 or above in all classes • On an AP Exam • A score of 3 or higher on a College Board AP Exam • On the PSAT, the SAT, or the ACT • Earning a score on the PSAT that qualifies the student for recognition as commended scholar or higher • Earning scores of at least 410 on the EBRW section and 520 on the mathematics section of the SAT • A composite score of 28 on the ACT (excluding the writing)

  13. Pre-Registration Process • Students will receive a course request packet • This includes a course request form, transcript, a four year graduation plan, and students current schedule that needs to be completed by student and parent • Counselors will be available during the school day until 6:00 pm on Tuesday, February 19th for questions. • Appointments are not necessary but can be made to accommodate your schedule • The course catalog can be found online or a copy can be requested

  14. Core Classes for 12th Grade • English 4 (Level, AP, Dual Credit) • Math • Algebraic Reasoning • Algebra 2 • Intro to College Algebra (If Algebra 2 was taken previously) • Pre-Calculus (level , If Algebra 2 was taken previously) • Calculus (If Pre-Cal was taken previously) • AP Calculus (If Pre-AP Pre-Cal was taken previously) • AP Statistics (If Pre-AP Pre Cal was taken previously)

  15. Core Classes for 12th Grade • Science • Aquatic Science • Principles of Technology • Physics • Medical Microbiology • Forensic Science • Anatomy & Physiology • AP Biology • AP Chemistry • AP Physics

  16. Core Classes for 12th Grade • Government (Level or Dual Credit) / Economics • Check Foreign Language, P.E., Fine Arts and Endorsement Requirements

  17. WHAT IS DUAL CREDIT? • Dual Credit allows a student to fulfill a high school graduation requirement and earn college credit for the same class. • Should be noted: • Dual Credit is a Blinn class, taught by Blinn faculty, but on the Bellville High campus. • Dual Credit classes follow the college calendar and adhere to college policies and procedures, specifically in regards to attendance. • Student will have a permanent college transcript.

  18. BELLVILLE HIGH SCHOOL DUAL CREDIT • Classes meet • Monday & Wednesday • Tuesday & Thursday • Generally, no classes scheduled to meet on Friday • 75 minutes in length • Fall 2019 • 7:35 am – 8:50 am

  19. BELLVILLE HIGH SCHOOL DUAL CREDIT OFFERINGS • Seniors • English 1301 (Fall) / English 1302 (Spring) • Government 2305 (Fall only) • Certified Nursing Assistant 6254 (both Fall/Spring) • Psychology • Sociology (Online) • Art Appreciation (Online) • Music Appreciation (Online) • Public Speaking (Online)

  20. DUAL CREDIT ELIGIBILITY • Completed sophomore year of high school • Grade average of 3.0 (B average) • Must demonstrate college readiness with scores on the TSI Assessment or be exempt • If you have not been a dual credit student this year and are interested in becoming a dual credit student, please see Mrs. Maekeror Mrs. Hollomon when filling out course requests. • Will provide you with information on testing, etc.

  21. Current Dual Credit Students who will continue Dual Credit their Senior Year When scheduling for next year, indicate on the course request the class you plan to take as Dual Credit. Complete the Dual Credit Approval Form and return to counseling office by March 28th. www.blinn.edu/dual-credit/pdf/Dual-Credit-Approval-Form.pdf

  22. DUAL CREDIT REGISTRATION • Blinn officials will be on the Bellville High campus to register students on April 10, 2019 • Pictures for Blinn ID’s will be made that day • The following items will need to be turned into the counseling office by March 28, 2019by 3:30. • Dual Credit Approval Form • TSI Assessment scores or SAT/ACT scores as proof of exemption (if necessary for continuing dual credit students) • Transcript (Counselors provide) • Principal Permission Form (Counselors provide)

  23. Failed Courses • The courses listed on your scheduling form assume that you will pass everything you are currently taking. In a full year course, both semesters are averaged together; if the average is 70 or higher, credit for the full year is awarded. • If you do not pass a required class, you will have to retake it. Please see your counselor at the end of the semester if you do not pass a required course. You will have to give up an elective to repeat the course you failed in the fall or attend summer school. • If you do not earn at least 18 credits, you will be classified as a junior next year…..AGAIN.

  24. Failed EOC’s Required to pass 5 EOC’s in order to graduate English 1, English 2, Algebra, Biology, US History If you don’t pass EOC’s in spring semester you will have an opportunity to take in summer school and pass. If you don’t pass in summer school you will be taken out of an elective of your choice in the fall and placed in an elective to help you work on objectives to pass the EOC in December.

  25. Choose your courses wisely!! *Classes are offered and teachers are hired based on the courses that you select NOW.

  26. Alternate Courses • Please choose alternate classes in case an elective you have chosen is full, not offered or conflicts with other choices. • Schedule forms with alternate course lines left blank will receive last priority from counselors. • If there are no alternate courses, counselors will give students any electives which are open. Students lose their choices and cannot not be changed out of these classes.

  27. Schedule Changes After school begins, schedule changes will be made only to correct scheduling errors or to equalize class enrollments. CTE courses will not be dropped without approval from the principal.

  28. Pre-AP/AP Schedule Changes Students who request Pre-AP/AP courses may change their schedules to a level class by completing schedule change request forms due by the fall or spring semester deadline or at the end of the 1st six weeks or by the beginning of the second semester if a level class in the same subject area is available. If a student fails a six weeks of the Pre-AP/AP course enrolled in, they will automatically be dropped from the course and moved into a level class if available.

  29. Teacher Approvals • Students may sign up for classes that need teacher approval but will be changed into the alternates if approval is denied. • Teacher Approvals are needed for: • Athletics • Band (Audition means teacher approval) • Drill Team • Yearbook 1, 2, 3 • Art 2, 3, 4 • PALS/Child Guidance • Career Prep/Ag Practicum • Business Management • Theater Arts 2, 3, 4

  30. Parent Signature Please get your parent(s) to approve your schedule for next year. A parent’s signature is required on the bottom of your schedule request form.

  31. How will registration work? Students will be given their course request forms on February 13th handed out during third period. Course request form packets are due to the Counseling office by February 22, 2019. You will receive a printed copy of the courses you are requesting for next year. Changes to the courses can be made until May 29, 2019.

  32. Parent Meeting A Parent Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 13th at 6:30 in the BHS Auditorium to discuss scheduling for the next year. If you or your parent have questions about next year’s schedule you may contact Mrs. Hollomon or Mrs. Maeker.

  33. Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.- Henry Ford

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