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· 戴 斌 副院长 / 教授 / 博导 Prof.DAI Bin Vice president

· 戴 斌 副院长 / 教授 / 博导 Prof.DAI Bin Vice president. 变化的旅行方式,不变的价值追求 Diversified Travel Mode with Eternal Value Pursuit. 经济增长不是人类生活的全部,却为人类更加自由地行走提供了坚实的物质保障 。. Human not totally pursuing for economic increasing, but travelling more freely with its substance support.

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· 戴 斌 副院长 / 教授 / 博导 Prof.DAI Bin Vice president

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  1. ·戴 斌 副院长/教授/博导 Prof.DAI Bin Vice president 变化的旅行方式,不变的价值追求 Diversified Travel Mode with Eternal Value Pursuit

  2. 经济增长不是人类生活的全部,却为人类更加自由地行走提供了坚实的物质保障。经济增长不是人类生活的全部,却为人类更加自由地行走提供了坚实的物质保障。 Human not totally pursuing for economic increasing, but travelling more freely with its substance support. 在过去三十年里,全世界的人均GDP翻了一番,达到7119美元;而中国人均GDP增长了21倍,达到3678美元。 In past 30 years, average GDP per person of world has doubled to $7119, while the index of China has witnessed 21 times increase by $ 3678. 中国旅游经济只用了短短三十年的时间就成长为全球最大的国内旅游市场之一,第四大入境旅游目的地国家和亚洲最大的出境旅游客源国。 In past 30 years, China has become: ★ No.1 Domestic travel market ★ No.4 Inbound travel destination ★ No.1 Outbound travel market in Asia

  3. 年轻人的旅行与旅游方式更为多元化。 • Diversified travel mode particularly on the youth group • 由谷歌、百度获得了解旅行信息 • search travel information on google, baidu • 在去哪儿这样的网站上比较价格 • compare price on Qunar.com • 通过携程、艺龙做预订 • reserve through Ctrip or elong • 在网络上相约“闪玩” • ‘flash play’ gathered on internet • 现代科学技术,特别是信息技术飞速发展并广泛应用于旅游领域。 Modern Science&Technology especially information technology vastly applied in tourism. • 携程 Ctrip • 艺龙 Elong • 去哪儿Quar.com • ……

  4. 交通体系的完善同样在深刻地影响着当代人旅行与旅游Improved traffic system also influence on travel and tourism • 到2015年,中国将有244座民用航空机场,近7万公里的高速公路,以及更多里程的高速铁路,加上全球增长最快的家用汽车市场,一个同城化的时代正在来临。 By year 2015, China will own 244 civil airport, 70,000km highway and more high-speed railway, as well as the fastest growing automobile consumption. Civil airport map High-speed railway map

  5. 政府和社会对旅游的认识正在从对经济功能的关注转向对社会发展和文明演化功能的关注。Government and society: perspective on tourism are transferred from economy to civilization evolvement. • 在中国,2009年底出台的《国务院关于加快发展旅游业的意见》和正在起草的《中华人民共和国旅游法》都在关注并已采取切实有效的措施以保障更多的国民参与旅游,更有尊严地在异地行走,更多的社区分享。 “Measures on advancing tourism development by State Council” issued in 2009 and tourism legislation in draft process concern on and take pragmatic measures To ensure more civilians to travel, and with dignity!

  6. 当今国际经济与国际政治关系的主流是合作与发展。Main topic of current International Relationships: Cooperation and Development • 今天,以联合国世界旅游组织为代表的政府间组织,以世界旅游与旅行理事会为代表的产业间组织,以及以国际旅游科学专家联合会为代表的教育研究组织,都为旅游领域的国际合作做了大量卓有成效的工作。 Governmental organization as UNWTO, industrial association as WTTC, education and research organization as IASET,have been pushing forward big steps in tourism international cooperation. • 还需要:建立全球范围内的旅游经济监测与预警体系,基于业界共识的旅游伦理要则与行动框架,面向人类文明演化的旅游思想与产业价值的铸造,等等,迫切需要务实高效的国际合作。 We still need: global observatory on tourism, outlines of tourism ethnic and behavior scheme, tourism consciousness and industrial value based on civilization evolvement, etc.

  7. What we foremost believe in • 我们相信,只要人类探索的脚步不会停止,旅游与旅行的方式就会持续地变革与创新。 As long as human continue exploring, diversification of travel modes will be everlasting.

  8. What we believe in • 我们相信,尽管旅游与旅行的方式正在变得越来多样化,但是更加自由地行走,更有尊严地交往这样一些旅游领域中带有普世性的精神追求却永远不会因为外在形式的变化而变化。 Prevailing pursuit for more freely traveling and exchanging with more dignity, will exists forever, in spite of changing travel modes.

  9. What we still believe in • 我们更加相信,以“服务创造价值,产业传承文明”为已任的旅游业者,一定能够在变与不变之间,在为各国旅游者提供更加满意的服务同时,将旅游产业导向一个更有价值的未来。 Travel operators, with responsibility to create value by service and to transmit civilization through industry, will definitely offer more satisfying service, then lead tourism industry to a prosperous future.

  10. Email: daibin@cnta.gov.cn www.ctaweb.org www.chr-online.com8610-85166002 北京市建国门内大街甲九号,中国旅游研究院,100005 No.9A Jianguomennei Ave.Beijing,China Tourism Academy,100005

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