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Health Career Recruitment and Retention

Health Career Recruitment and Retention. Service-Based Learning. Learning Outcomes. Participants will be able to:  Define and explain the six models for S-L as an integral approach to the recruitment and retention of health professionals.

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Health Career Recruitment and Retention

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  1. Health Career Recruitment and Retention Service-Based Learning

  2. Learning Outcomes • Participants will be able to:  • Define and explain the six models for S-L as an integral approach to the recruitment and retention of health professionals. • Define and explain the six basic principles in organizing and constructing a S-L program.

  3. Learning Outcome • Define and explain the standards and indicators that are used by the three service-based learning programs to promote effectiveness.

  4. Service Learning • Balance between service and learning objectives • Emphasis on reciprocal learning • Understanding of the content in which service occurs • Development of civic skills • Identifies community concerns • Involves community design and implementation

  5. Other Definitions • Volunteerism and community service are generally used to denote service work that occurs outside a curriculum

  6. Community Based Research • Implies research that is logistically based in the community or that utilizes communities as sites of investigation • Participatory Action Research

  7. S-L Models • Pure • Discipline-based • Problem-based 4. Capstone courses 5. Service Internships 6. Undergraduate Community Research

  8. Essential Components • Investigate • Plan • Act • Reflect • Demonstrate • Celebrate • Sustain

  9. Investigate • Environmental Scan • Engage community partners • Obtain direct consumer participation

  10. Plan • Decide on community service project • Develop learning & service objectives • Develop work plan and schedule • Identify and secure resources

  11. Act • Participants implement their service learning projects in small teams or as an individual assignment with their collaborators.

  12. Reflection • This is a time to bring all participants on campus together to discuss service projects and their experiences, including challenges and surprises • Use time spent together to process/reflect throughout the implementation

  13. Demonstrate • Dissemination of the results with community members who participated in the project • Community partners • Service Recipients • Community at large

  14. Celebrate • Celebrate and recognize/reward students for their personal and professional development • Special meeting-party • Certificates • Awards

  15. Sustain • Determine how elements of the service project can be sustained • Determine if the service learning format can be replicated and best practices

  16. Developing S-L Projects • Define the need of the service placement • Describe the nature of the service placement and/or project • Clearly describe how the service experience will be measured and what will be measured

  17. Developing S-L Projects 4. Specify the roles and responsibilities of students 5. Specify how students will be expected to demonstrate what they have learned 6. Develop assignments that link the service and course content, if applicable

  18. Developing S-L Projects 7. Design the reflective session process 8. Describe the public dissemination process

  19. What is service Learning Exercise

  20. Learning & Service Objectives • Prioritize community goals • Determine what students need to learn • Describe how students will be measured • Determine opportunities for students to practice

  21. Service Objective • Develop and implement fifteen 10 minute presentations/demonstrations that meet the identified health interests of the audience. • Develop and implement complimentary educational materials that are appropriate to the literacy level demonstrated by service recipient feedback.

  22. Learning Objective • Explain and describe how (the unequal distribution of wealth, power and resources) poverty impact health, healthcare and health behavior in the Reflection Journal. • Critically reflect on interactions that challenge personally held beliefs, values and assumptions about culturally diverse communities (from your own) during Reflection Sessions.

  23. Standards & Indicators • Duration and Intensity • Link to curriculum • Meaningful Service • Youth Voice 5. Community Partnerships 6. Diversity 7. Reflection 8. Progress Monitoring

  24. Duration & Intensity • Service learning has sufficient duration and intensity to address community needs and meet specific measures

  25. Link to Curriculum • Standard: S-L is intentionally used as an instructional strategy to meet learning goals and/.or content standards.

  26. Meaningful Service • S-L actively engages participants in meaningful and personally relevant service activities.

  27. Youth Voice • Standard: S-L provides youth with a strong voice in planning, implementing and evaluating s-l experiences with guidance from adults

  28. Community Partnerships • Standards: S-L partnerships are collaborative, mutually beneficially and address community needs.

  29. Diversity • Standard: S-L promotes understanding of diversity and mutual respect among all participants.

  30. Reflection • Standard: S-L incorporates multiple challenging reflection activities tha are ongoing and that prompt deep thinking and analysis about oneself and one’s relationship to society.

  31. Progress Monitoring • Standard: S-L engages participants in an ongoing process to assess the quality of implementation and progress toward meeting specified goals, and results for improvement and sustainability.

  32. Case study Exercise

  33. S-L Impact on Students • Positive effect on student personal development • Positive effect on reducing stereotypes and facilitating cultural & racial understanding • Positive effect on satisfaction with school and more likely to graduate

  34. S-L Impact on Faculty & Institutions Institutions Faculty Report satisfaction with quality of student learning Report commitment to research Increasingly implementing S-L • report enhanced community relations • Increases student retention • Report institutional commitment to service-learning curriculum

  35. S-L Impact on Communities • Service-learning provides useful service in communities and increases agency capacity • Communities report enhanced university relations • Service recipients report being valued in the process

  36. Contact Information Catherine Russell, EdD 860-705-4423 Victoria Lowe, BS 860-455-3031 Patricia Harrity, MS 203-758-1110 Celia Tvrdik, BS 203-758-1110 • www.easternctahec.org • www.nwctahec.org

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