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Join the West Valley College committee in a practical working session to draft a winning Vision Statement and define objectives for the future success of the college. Led by Senior Workshop Leader Michael T. Eckhardt from Chasm Institute.
West Valley College Strategic Visioning Retreat • Four Objectives • apply frameworks and processes to draft a winning Vision Statement + 6 Top Objectives for the new West Valley College committee • gain consensus + momentum from these constituents: Basic Skills Advisory Committee, SEAS Committee, Matriculation Committee, other stakeholders • meld into one well-functioning team to accelerate West Valley College success with SSTF metrics and expectations • schedule a future session to define the detailed structure for this new committee. • Senior Workshop Leader • Michael T. Eckhardt, a Managing Director at Chasm Institute, a Silicon Valley-based strategy consulting firm focused on helping technology companies achieve a winning vision / strategy for key teams in US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.A Harvard MBA + Wall Street Journal Award Winner, Eckhardt has worked together with over 90 businesses + organizations worldwide. Clients include Cisco, HP, Adobe, Intel,Mentor Graphics, Agilent Technologies,AT&T Wireless, and LMC Data Systems.meckhardt@chasminstitute.com • www.chasminstitute.com A practical 4-hour working session (12:00pm to 4:00pm on May 25, 2012) that provides key West Valley College leaders / stakeholders with a process: to gain a common vision + objectivesfor an inspiring + effective committee in order to carry out the Student Success Task Force Plan for 12-13
West Valley College is not alone – every winning team in these organizations needs to define a strategic vision:
What is a Strategic Vision? Vision is a widely used term, but not well understood. It is a crucial element for any key team, committee, or organization. To understand vision, we need to clarify what the term means ...
What is a Strategic Vision? DEFINING VISION One definition of vision comes from Burt Nanus, a well-known expert on the subject. Nanus defines a vision as a realistic / credible / attractive future for a team, committee, or organization. Let's dissect this definition further: Realistic: A vision must be based in reality to be meaningful. Credible: A vision must be believable to be relevant. To whom must a vision be credible? Most importantly, to the members of the team, committee, or organization. If the members of the team / committee / organization do not find the vision credible, it will neither be meaningful nor serve a useful purpose. Attractive: If a vision is going to inspire and motivate those in the organization, it must be attractive. People must want to be part of this future that's envisioned. Future-Focused: A vision is not in the present, it is in the future.
What will a Strategic Vision provide? The right strategic vision -- one that is a realistic, credible, attractive future for that organization -- can accomplish a number of things for the organization: It attracts commitment and energizes people.When people can see that the teamiscommittedtoavision -- itgeneratesenthusiasmaboutthe path the team intends to follow, and increases the commitment of people to work toward achieving that vision. It creates meaning.A vision allows people to feel like they are part of a greater whole, and hence provides meaning for their work. The right vision will mean something to everyone on the team if they can see how what they do contributes to that vision. It establishes a standard of excellence.A vision serves a very important function in establishing a standard of excellence. In fact, a good vision is all about excellence. The authorTom Peters talks about going into an organization where a number of problems existed. When he attempted to get the organization's leadership to address the problems, he got the defensive response, "But we're no worse than anyone else!" Peters cites this sarcastically as a great vision: "Acme Widgets: We're No Worse Than Anyone Else!" A vision so characterized by lack of a striving for excellence would not motivate or excite anyone about that team. It bridges the present and the future.The right vision takes the team out of the present, and focuses it on the future. It's easy to get caught up in the crises of the day, and to lose sight of where you were heading. A good vision can orient you on the future, and provide positive direction.
3 Questions for developing a compelling vision for your West Valley College committee: Defining a Strategic Vision What are the 3 to 4 key words that our Strategic Vision Statement should include? Can we capture these key words in one key paragraph that communicates our vision for 12-13 and beyond? Does our new vision statement pass the R-C-A-F test criteria, to ensure long-term success + sustainability?
3 Questions for developing a compelling vision for your West Valley College committee: Defining a Strategic Vision What are the 3 to 4 key words that our Strategic Vision Statement should include?
3 Questions for developing a compelling vision for your West Valley College committee: Defining a Strategic Vision Can we capture these key words in one key paragraph that communicates our vision for 12-13 and beyond?
Early Draft The strategic vision for our West Valley College group is to shift to a culture that ensures comprehensive and shared campus-wide responsibility for equitable student access and goal attainment. Our work will:Facilitatecampus dialogue + information dissemination Developintentional interventions for students experiencing challenges Be guided by + applycentralized data collection and empirically-based best practices Exploreinnovative ideas that result in measurable outcomes ... which leads to improved student, faculty, and staff self-awareness, empowerment and success identity ... this will likely require a more coordinated and less-siloed committee structure with focused sub-groups / task forces aimed at specific topics -- temporary or permanent challenges -- to be solved. ... the new committee structure will be organized to achieve the vision outlined above.
3 Questions for developing a compelling vision for your West Valley College committee: Defining a Strategic Vision Does our new vision statement pass the R-C-A-F test criteria, to ensure long-term success + sustainability?
Process Check:does our draft of a Strategic Vision meet these 4 success criteria? ... is our Strategic Vision statement draft: Realistic?A vision must be based in reality to be meaningful. Credible?A vision must be believable to be relevant. To whom must a vision be credible? Most importantly, to the members of the team, committee, or organization. If the members of the team / committee / organization do not find the vision credible, it will neither be meaningful nor serve a useful purpose. Attractive?If a vision is going to inspire and motivate those in the organization, it must be attractive. People must want to be part of this future that's envisioned. Future-Focused?A vision is not in the present, it is in the future.
Professional Background of Program Leader Michael Eckhardt–Managing Director & Senior Workshop Leader at Chasm Institute, is a veteran of Hewlett-Packard, Pepsico, and Price Waterhouse.An MBA graduate of Harvard Business School and Wall Street Journal Award winner,Michael Eckhardt is a recognized expert in strategic visioning & high-tech marketsuccess.HeprovidesclientsintheU.S.,EuropeandAsia-Pacific withstrategyworkshops&marketingtoolsforgaining(and alsosustaining)leadership positions in highly-competitive markets.MichaelEckhardthasworkedwithover90technology-basedbusinessesin 19 countries.Founded in 1993, clients include:Cisco, HP, USSCO, Intel, AT&T Wireless, QAD, Agilent Technologies, LMC Data Systems, Autodesk, Plantronics, MentorGraphics, AdobeSystems, andotherhigh-techleaders.His3primaryareasoffocusaretargetmarketsuccess, predictingcustomer reaction to new product intro’s, and driving effective market messaging.Chasm Institute’s senior team has worked on market strategy for winning programs, services and solutions in North America and worldwide. Eckhardt has provided over 1000 workshop days to executive and their teams in the past 10 years. He hasalsoedited+contributedto severalof author Geoffrey Moore’sbest selling high-tech strategy books.MichaelEckhardt,togetherwithSeniorWorkshopLeadersBettyA.SprouleandMarcS.Rose, have provided theAdvanced“Go-to-Market Success Workshop”and these twohighly-rated advanced workshops:“Winning in New Markets” “Defining a Strategic Vision” ... to high-tech product teams throughout Silicon Valley, the U.S., and worldwide. For more information please click on: www.chasminstitute.com