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Reminders. Please email Eva/ cc:me department addresses (especially international and COMPLETE if possible). Thanks to those who have already done so!!!! Input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program. Members: Burke, Amei , Cho, Sun, Tehrani , Bellomo (non-voting)
Reminders • Please email Eva/cc:me department addresses (especially international and COMPLETE if possible). • Thanks to those who have already done so!!!! • Input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program. • Members: Burke, Amei, Cho, Sun, Tehrani, Bellomo (non-voting) • Input to Advisory Committee (Baragar, Phanord, Verma) concerning the “Listening to Departments” document. • As always, Fall faculty teaching preferences due Christmas Day. • Early submissions appreciated. • The Fall 2012 will soon be due to the university. • Email Eva /cc: me as to whether you can use a Paper Shredder and/or Portable Hard Drive • include any special requests for 1 TB, 2 TB, etc. • I plan to make sure every faculty has one to back up their work. • Will be buying more when there are good prices.
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting (Continuation) December 9, 2011 9:15AM – 10:50 AM CBC C114
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Announcements Approval of the November 18, 2011 Meeting Minutes Committee Reports: Merit, Graduate, Undergraduate, Personnel, Advisory Hiring Committee Selection Vacancy Announcement The Math 330/365 prerequisite for Math 351 Procedure with respect to: Annual Evaluation/Evaluation of progress toward tenure (see attachment) “Listening to Departments” Memo New Business Adjournment
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting December 2, 2011 9:15AM – 10:50 AM CBC C114
Mathematical Sciences Building • Regent Schofield met with us on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving • see email from me for details • considers the Building urgent with this possibly being his last term • Next formal meeting is scheduled around Dec. 28 • Three items to be prepared (again see email) • He is working to line up support and build team • Taking advantage of sporting events to bring up to various people, including the President • He had lunch with the Dean on Tuesday • contacts this past week beyond those listed above • stopped by DMS on Wednesday and Thursday, • I received “update” from him on Wednesday/called on Tuesday • He has started to create a possible donor list, beyond those discussed at the Tuesday meeting. • Goal: To “break ground” in or before one year.
Three Reminders • Please email Eva addresses (COMPLETE if possible) and cc: me, as discussed in the last meeting. • Input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program, as discussed in the last meeting. • Input to Advisory Committee members concerning the “Listening to Departments” document
Reminder: Faculty help very badly needed!!!! • COMPLETE addresses of Math/Statistics departments • Especially outside the United States, since we have over 1,000 addresses of such departments within the US. • Such US addresses are also welcomed, in case we have missed any. • Faculty work addresses also desired for mailing advertisements of our graduate programs. • Please email Eva any such addresses (COMPLETE if possible) and cc: me. • I will be checking up on Eva’s work, as I consider our recruitment process of great importance. • The Graduate Committee cannot accept excellent applicants if I cannot put together a sizable pool that include such applicants. • Thanks to those who have already sent addresses to Eva.
Reminder: Please send input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program--discussed in the last meeting Old Slide • I have asked the Graduate Committee to gather faculty input in reviewing our MS Program, etc. • In particular: • Should MS Exams be required of all MS students in pure/applied math and statistics? • If so, should thesis be available to for instance exceptional students, not as a substitute for MS exams, but instead as part of the number of 700-level credits required? • Should the process for the MS Exams be similar to that for the PhD Qualifying Exams? In particular, the students not selecting faculty on the Exam Committee? • Etc. Etc. Etc. • Easy to get ahead of myself on this. I believe Step 1 is the Graduate Committee gathering faculty input.
Reminder/Odds and Ends • AdvisoryCommitteeworking hard on several items including the « Listening to Departments » document • Opportunity to include in that document the current push and need for a new building and list possible facilities • Reminder to provide the committeewith input. White board project • 66 – 8’x4’ boards (ordered); 9 – 6’x4’ boards (ordered); 4 - 4’x3’ foot boards • Changed our previous files into an “installation guide” for the Carpenter Shop • Kevin Raschko (Assistant Director, UNLV Facilities Management) indicatedtheywillstartinstallingthese 6-8am (instead of waiting). • Fall 2011 SemesterInstitutionalAnalysisFacultyWorkload Report • Was due Wednesday • Learned a few new things • Credits are weighted on that report for variable credit classes • Importance of cross listed courses beingbuilt as such • More with cross-listed courses
Urgent: Department Finals Auditorium Assignments • Department Finals auditorium assignmentsmust converge today • Usualproblem of shortage of auditorium space • Try to have at least 25% extra seating (obviouslyprefer 50%) with care in matchinginstructors • Definitelydon’twantstudentssitting on floor, etc. • Erin has producedseveraldrafts (Math 127 biggestproblem) • I amscheduled to meetwith Erin at 11:05am todayfor the final decisions. • Erin has been working on the other room problems for Finals withourinstructors and Scheduling • I suspect classroomsdisappearing has made thisproblemworse • New Mathematical Sciences Building should help • Department Finals on Saturday Dec.10 and Friday Dec. 16 • Wewill go straight fromsuchaud. assignments to preparing the Department Final packets, etc. for the correspondinginstructors.
Three Reminders • Please email Eva addresses (COMPLETE if possible) and cc: me. • Input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program. • Input to Advisory Committee members concerning the “Listening to Departments” document
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Announcements Approval of the November 18, 2011 Meeting Minutes Committee Reports: Merit, Graduate, Undergraduate, Personnel, Advisory Hiring Committee Selection Vacancy Announcement The Math 330/365 prerequisite for Math 351 Procedure with respect to: Annual Evaluation/Evaluation of progress toward tenure (see attachment) “Listening to Departments” Memo New Business Adjournment
Department Bylaws 2.3.3 Elections. Elections of officers and members of standing committees, hiring committees, or elected ad hoc committees will always be by secret ballot. Write ins are always allowed. a. Elections of officers and committee members. To be elected, a person must receive a majority of the votes. The phrase “a majority of the votes” means “a majority of the votes cast.” By not specifying the procedure, we are deferring to Robert’s Rules, which includes a couple of procedures. The most common (?) is to run the election, and if nobody receives a majority, the balloting is repeated (several times, if necessary). The hope is that some members will change their votes. Another option is Preferential voting [RONR (10th ed.), p. 411, l. 30 – p. 413, l. 16], which is essentially choice voting with m = 1. Ties. In the event that an election procedure reaches an impasse, the department will decide on an appropriate procedure to break the impasse. For example, the toss of a coin. [Rev. 03/11] 3.1 Officers. The officers of the Department are the chairperson, associate chairperson, the undergraduate coordinator, and the graduate coordinator. A person cannot concurrently hold more than one office. 5.1 Composition. All committees will consist of at least three regular members of the department. Officers are not eligible to serve on committees, except where otherwise noted. 3.3 Associate chairperson.
Department Bylaws 5.5. Hiring committees. Hiring committees are composed of three elected members and two members appointed by the chair, one of which may be a faculty member from outside the department. The hiring committee will be formed no later than when the final vacancy ad is endorsed by the department.They will: Evaluate the completed files of qualified applicants and select finalists for interviews. Submit their recommendation to the Department for their approval. (This could be a ranked list, or to not hire, etc. As with all motions, the recommendation can be amended – see 5.10.) 5.5.1 When a candidate is invited for an interview, their complete file (including unredacted letters of recommendation) will promptly be made available for inspection by the regular members. The chairperson’s report on each search to the Dean of the College of Sciences shall contain the recommendation of the Search Committee and the result of the faculty vote. 5.5.2 During an academic year, a person cannot be appointed to more than one hiring committee and a person cannot serve (appointed and elected) on more than two hiring committees. This last provision may be suspended, as outlined in Section 1.7.
Department Bylaws 1.6 Modification of the Bylaws. Motions to amend the bylaws must appear on the agenda of a meeting of the faculty [RONR (10th ed.), p 573, l. 33 – 36]. Proposed amendments may be submitted to the Advisory Committee to make a recommendation to the department. The smaller of a two-thirds vote in a departmental meeting or a majority of the entire regular membership is required to adopt the amendment. [See RONR (10th ed.), Section 57, for more information.] 1.7 Suspension of Bylaws. A section of the bylaws may be suspended by a two thirds vote of the regular members, provided that the section is not designed to protect the rights of the individual, the rights of absentee members, or the rights of a minority. A successful motion to suspend the bylaws will last the duration of the meeting, unless another time limit is included in the motion. A section of the bylaws that is designed to protect the rights of the individual (e.g. Sections 2.3.2, 2.3.3 (preamble), 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.5, 6.3.6a, and 6.3.8a), to protect the rights of absentee members (e.g. Sections 1.6 and 4.7), or the rights of a minority (e.g. Section 2.3.2b) cannot be suspended. 2.2Regular members.
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting November 18, 2011 9 :15AM – 10:50 AM CBC C114
Faculty Search • Given permission a few days ago • Only Department Search that I know of in COS • Westveld resignation cited • Let me know if you hear of any other such COS search • Advisory Committee working on Ad • Ad to be voted on in Friday Dec. 2 Dept. Meeting • Department Bylaws, Section 5.6.1(d) • Pat finding out the lag time for the ad to be posted • Hiring Committee to be elected at the Dec. 2 Dept. Meeting (following section 5.5, Dept. Bylaws) • Parallel to this, the Dean has indicated that the ad for the two Cluster Searches will be worked on (no details yet!!!).
Some positive signs • Some positive signs: the faculty search and the financial support of a new Mathematical Sciences Lab. • Much work to be done here, including that in the proposal and including applying for space (though specific space was requested in the proposal). • No information yet on a badly needed fourth staff line (at least the request went forward). • I would be more aggressive financially on this if it were earlier in my term and I could negotiate for an outside search. • Too early to mention anything positive but my understanding is that Regent Schofield wants to meet regarding the needed MS building.
Some positive signs My (financially small) white board project has been approved (separate from the Department requests) • 66 – 8’x4’ boards (ordered) • 9 – 6’x4’ boards (ordered) • 4 - 4’x3’ foot boards (ordered—I’m confused about the 3’ part) 17 nonstandard sizes were not available: • 1 three-foot board • 1 47"x48" board • 9 45"x48" boards • 4 46"x48" boards • 2 44"x48" boards • Now working with Kevin Raschko (Assistant Director, UNLV Facilities Management) • Clear installation guide • I realizewe have additionalimprovements to follow up with. • Will time this right.
Untenured faculty Annual Reports • Incorporate in the chair’s annual evaluation the sense of the tenured faculty on the progress of the candidate towards tenure and promotion. • No set process is in place, and there seems to be much variation on how this is carried out from Department to Department. • Getting input from Associate Chair. • Personnel Committee providing input. • I believe that the UNLV Bylaws should better address this issue. • I have asked the Personnel Committee to take the lead on this process for this academic year. • Last year’s process resulted from my insistence on having more than the Associate Chair’s input (if I were to initial the corresponding box). • Advisory Committee working on any corresponding Department Bylaws changes. • Friday December 2, 2011 Department Meeting
Untenured faculty Annual Reports • I anticipate that the short paragraphs will be needed by approximately February 6, 2012. • These need to be very short: • The Provost emphasized at ADS on Wednesday the preference for the evaluations to be one-page, double sided. • I anticipate one-page being difficult; it is clear that a short paragraph needs to be incorporated with respect to the “sense of the faculty” item. • During this period, I will be working on all the faculty Annual Evaluations (except mine) • Don’t be surprised if the Dean calls for a last minute review of me by the DMS faculty (#Reminder #3, Provost’s 11/14/2011 memo to Deans) .
ANNUAL EVALUATION REPORT – TENURE-TRACK FACULTY EVALUATION PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2011 THRU DECEMBER 31, 2011 This annual evaluation covers the previous calendar year. The evaluator’s remarks must address any changes in performance in each area since the last annual evaluation. The remarks should address the individual’s progress toward tenure and/or promotion to the next rank, where applicable. 1.TEACHING/POSITION EFFECTIVENESS (or performance of assigned duties for non-teaching faculty) NOTE: For instructional faculty, evaluations “shall include an assessment of teaching evaluations completed by their students.” (See Tit. 2, Ch. 5, Sec. 5.12.2.) 2.SCHOLARLY RESEARCH AND/OR CREATIVE ACTIVITY
3. SERVICE/COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (NSHE, University, College/School, Department/Unit, Professional, Community) • EVALUATION OF PROGRESS TOWARD TENURE: For tenure track faculty, the department chair shall meet with the tenured faculty and thereafter incorporate in the chair’s annual evaluation the sense of the tenured faculty on the progress of the candidate towards tenure and promotion. (UNLV Bylaws, Chapter III, Section 8.3) A summary of the tenured faculty’s comments, if any, should be included in this evaluation. • INITIAL: I have met with the tenured faculty to discuss this faculty member’s progress toward tenure. ________________ • Evaluator Initials * If any section is rated “Unsatisfactory”: “A proposed remedial course of action and a reasonable time limit must be added to the evaluation for mutual collegial benefit, and be undertaken during the period before the next evaluation.” See UNLV Bylaws, Chap. III, Sec. 8.5 at: http://facultysenate.unlv.edu/common_files/UNLV_Bylaws.pdf
Our MS Program • I have asked the Graduate Committee to gather faculty input in reviewing our MS Program, etc. • In particular: • Should MS Exams be required of all MS students in pure/applied math and statistics? • If so, should thesis be available to for instance exceptional students, not as a substitute for MS exams, but instead as part of the number of 700-level credits required? • Should the process for the MS Exams be similar to that for the PhD Qualifying Exams? In particular, the students not selecting faculty on the Exam Committee? • Etc. Etc. Etc. • Easy to get ahead of myself on this. I believe Step 1 is the Graduate Committee gathering faculty input.
Faculty help very badly needed!!!! • COMPLETE addresses of Math/Statistics departments • Especially outside the United States, since we have over 1,000 addresses of such departments within the US. • Such US addresses are also welcomed, in case we have missed any. • Faculty work addresses also desired for mailing advertisements of our graduate programs. • Please email Eva any such addresses (COMPLETE) and cc: me. • I will be checking up on Eva’s work, as I consider our recruitment process of great importance. • The Graduate Committee cannot accept excellent applicants if I cannot put together a sizable pool that include such applicants.
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Announcements Approval of the September 30, 2011 Meeting Minutes Committee Reports (Merit, Graduate, Undergraduate, Advisory, Personnel ) 5. Election of Graduate Committee Member 6. The Math 330/365 prerequisite for Math 351 7. “Listening to Departments” Memo New Business Adjournment
From April 15, 2011 Minutes • Advisory Committee: Drs. Baragar, Phanord, and Verma. • Personnel Committee: Drs. Bhatnagar, Salehi and Shiue. • Merit Committee: Drs. Catlin, Dalpatadu, Ghosh, Ho, and X. Li. • Graduate Studies Committee: Drs. Burke, Cho, Tehrani, Sun, Bellomo (non-voting) • Undergrad. Studies Committee: Drs. Bellomo, Neda, Robinette • Bachman, Costa, Ding, J. Li, Marcozzi, Muleshkov, Yang, Amei 5.6.5 Graduate Studies. The Graduate Studies Committee will consist of five voting members, which are the Graduate Coordinator, who will serve as chair of the committee, and four elected academic graduate faculty members; and the departmental representative to the College Curriculum, who is a non-voting member, if they are not otherwise already on the committee.
From April 15, 2011 Minutes • 2.3.3Elections. Elections of officers and members of standing committees, hiring committees, or elected ad hoc committees will always be by secret ballot. Write ins are always allowed. • a. Elections of officers and committee members. To be elected, a person must receive a majority of the votes. The phrase “a majority of the votes” means “a majority of the votes cast.” By not specifying the procedure, we are deferring to Robert’s Rules, which includes a couple of procedures. The most common (?) is to run the election, and if nobody receives a majority, the balloting is repeated (several times, if necessary). The hope is that some members will change their votes. Another option is Preferential voting [RONR (10th ed.), p. 411, l. 30 – p. 413, l. 16], which is essentially choice voting with m = 1. • b. Ties. In the event that an election procedure reaches an impasse, the department will decide on an appropriate procedure to break the impasse. For example, the toss of a coin. [Rev. 03/11] • 5.9.4 A person who has resigned from a committee will not be eligible for election to any other standing committees until the start of the next Election Meeting. (This is to prevent persons from getting around the 2 and 3 membership clauses.)
Department Bylaws • 5.7 Membership. The faculty members of the committees shall be nominated and elected by the eligible voting faculty, except where otherwise noted above. • 5.7.1 For the Undergraduate Studies Committee, the voting faculty is all academic faculty. • 5.7.2 For the Graduate Studies Committees, the voting faculty is all graduate academic faculty. • 5.7.3 For all other committees, the voting faculty are the regular members. • 5.7.4 Except where otherwise noted, a person cannot serve on more than one standing committee. This provision may be suspended, subject to the rules in 1.7.
CoS “Clusters of Research Excellence” Overview • Biomedical Research and Technology This cluster encompasses the vast and growing scientific areas of biomedical research and biomedical engineering. This cluster would leverage the worldwide explosion in science, engineering and technology related to decoding of the human genome, disease treatments, bio-compatible materials, radiochemistry, health therapies, and other areas of high future growth in the laboratory and marketplace. • Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering • Radiochemistry and Radiopharmaceuticals • Emerging Disease and Biogeography • Stem Cell Biology • Pharmacology of Synthetic and Natural Products • Infectious Disease • Diseases of Aging • Biomaterials • Anthropogenic Climate Change • Environmental Geology • Biostatistics and Biomathematics • Clean Energy Science The Clean Energy Science cluster would encompass disciplinary areas related to research and development of clean energy sources, the storage of energy from intermittent sources, and the deployment of these clean energy resources (environment). • Energy Storage Materials • Thin Film Photovoltaic Materials, Characterization and Testing • Nuclear Science and Radiochemistry • Superhard Materials • Rare-Earth Elements • Carbon Sequestration and Removal from Atmosphere • Geothermal Energy • Biofuels • Geoengineering and Nuclear Waste • Computational Simulation for Storage and Utilization • Quantum Control • Dynamic Systems • Computation and Material Science The Computation and Material Science cluster focuses on the interrelated areas of materials science and computation. This cluster would focus on new advances in exotic materials, smart materials, and other novel materials that exhibit strong economic development potential when tied to use in high technology industries and healthcare • Biomaterials • Radiochemistry of Actinides and Lanthanides • Radiopharmaceuticals • Energy Storage Materials • Mineralogy and Earth Resources • Environmental Geology • Simulation of Energy Generation and Storage Materials • Novel Industrial Materials
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Announcements Approval of the Sept. 23, 2011 Meeting Minutes Committee Reports (Merit, Graduate, Undergraduate, Advisory, Personnel, ) P&T New Business Adjournment
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting September 23, 2011 9:15 AM – 10:50 AM CBC C114
Endless Meetings • USC/WICHE Workshop • Held Friday September 16 at CSN (9am-4pm) • Largely oriented to improving retention • Complete College America • Held Wednesday September 21 in Chicago (9am-5pm) • Emphasis on remedial math and English • NSHE Remedial Math Workshop • Friday, October 7, 2011 at TMCC (Reno, NV) • Drs. Ananda, Bellomo, DuBose attending (possibly also Carl Reiber). • Put together by Jane Nichols, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs (just like last year) • “Report” sent to Jane Nichols early this morning
Complete College America • Dr. Uri Treisman, Professor of Mathematics and Executive Director of the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin • Building 3 major pathways: STEMway, QUANTway, STATway (replacing algebra in the last two and “fixing” how algebra is taught in the STEMway). • Hopes to develop bridges between these pathways, citing that student success in math encourages students to continue (possibly moving to STEM). • Using PeopleSoft, etc. to gather statewide information. • Believes he has evidence that placement tests such as Accuplacer provide useless information. Diagnostic testing is needed. (Involved with SAT in past) • Re-architect student support services (e.g. Advising and Learning Centers) • Productive struggle/persistence • Believes he and this group are involved in the a “joyful conspiracy” to develop the “Big bang theory of education.”
Complete College America Some common themes presented • Algebra is bad • Learning algebraic symbol manipulation takes years, often resulting in students quitting college (in particular community college), thus stopping upward mobility and sometimes leading to downward mobility (suggesting algebra is at the heart of the failure of economic recovery). • Few students take calculus and/or higher mathematics while algebra is oriented to prepare students towards calculus • Much of what is done is based on folklore • Long chains of remedial courses results in failure • Simply by students just stop attending, instead of “actually failing” • Example presented: (.55)(.76)(.79)(.86)(.83)=23% • Working around articulation (CA among the most difficult) • Myra Snell used that which body decides what is college algebra is not well-defined, so as to offer a “new” statistics course requiring college algebra.
Complete College America • To bring forward change, CCA works at the state level so that change is mandated from above. Their belief seems to include that individual instructors cannot create sufficient change. • The state of Nevada was very close to receiving a large grant from CCA and was therefore invited to participate, cost paid by CCA. • I believe the Nevada team (of 8) was put together by VC Jane Nichols. • English only had 2 faculty, one from UNLV Stephen Brown and one from UNR. • Math had 5 (UNR Christopher Herald, UNLV, two from TMCC, one from NSC). • TMCC Chair seems to be wearing down.
Expect to get a better idea of intent with respect to these endless meetings at the October meeting • I believe defense is important here and transforming some ideas presented into something useful • Hope to get the 30-credit rule in the Regents’ Handbook enforced • UNLV and (I believe) CSN both independently included this issue at last Friday’s meeting • Jane mentioned PeopleSoft should be helpful with respect to this at last Friday’s meeting (before it was impossible to enforce) • I kept re-directing UNLV towards Math 95/96. • Also hope to keep pushing on requiring SAT/ACT scores (possibly again citing the Regents’ Handbook) and any serious attempts at retention, improving core education, etc. require funds generated by DMS remain in DMS. • Today is the Chairs’ monthly meeting (12:30-2pm), so hopefully the President reveals more.
DMS Graduate Program (Skip) • Wait list exhausted • Good news: GSC had the wait list in place and we were able to cover course load • Bad news: Need more applicants to make our GAships more competitive. • Probably related: Graduate School policy started requiring International applicants to pay for their transcripts to be translated. • Maybe we need some kind of pre-application process (Nichole had a better name for this)
Wait list Exhausted (skip) • 2 GA’s withdrew during last few weeks • Chemistry uses own funds to cover some GAships so as to cover their courses. • We need to compete with both Chemistry and Life Sciences concerning instructional needs for GAs. • I had planned to go over budget < $10,000 • Can we locate any GAs still being used for non-instructional purposes in the other colleges???? • Some Chairs in other colleges don’t seem to understand students are being turned away because of no instructor being available • Spring 2011 external review of Graduate College
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Announcements Approval of the September 9, 2011 Meeting Minutes Committee Reports (Merit, Personnel, Graduate, Undergraduate, Advisory) Proposed Bylaws changes Undergraduate Catalog Revisions New Business Adjournment
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting September 9, 2011 9:15 AM – 10:50 AM CBC C114 (14 – 2 Slides) WELCOME BACK
A few new items.Even if you’re on the right track track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. • Completed ad for: Assistantships and Graduate Fellowships in Mathematical Sciences (Carl Sage) • Card Readers for tutor clinic and front office • Price went from $6000-7000 down to around $3000 each. • Initial meeting with Richard Clark (Housing, Rebel Services) • Ideas as to what could be accomplished while cost effective were way off. • Hoped to be in place by start of Summer Session 3 • Partly to gather information in support of our need for AAs over other departments • More information once in place
Dan Asera • Under Dr. Ananda, provides more infrastructure for courses taught by GA/PTIs. • Under Dr. Ananda, helps GA/PTIs with tests, grading, appropriate rigor, etc. • All tests turned into Dan for Dr. Ananda and his review. • Sends Dr. Ananda, me, etc. corresponding reports • Online Homework, especially Math 95/96 • In charge of Online Homework Lab adjacent to our tutor center. • Emails to the GA/PTIs regarding numerous items (e.g. Syllabus Frames, percentage of students using the online homework,… • Probably a good faculty resource for issues with MyUNLV, etc. • Etc. etc. etc. etc. • Hopefully develops into duties for a requested professional position at a future time • Don’t believe the time is right though
Professional Positions (unverified) • English 5, English Language Center 3 • Philosophy 1, Psychology 1, Political Science 1 • Foreign Languages 7??? • Chemistry 5 • Social Work 5 • Film 2, Theatre 4, Dance 1 • Civil Engineering 1, etc. etc. etc. • Besides research, teaching, and service faculty awards, COS has a professional award. • Recall time may not be right to go after a professional position
Very, very bad news • Dr. Westveld has moved on from UNLV • Officially Monday August 29?? • Obviously we don’t want a professional position in exchange for a faculty position, so my view today is that the duties are not yet fully developed, etc. for any such professional position. • I believe this sets us back one year in terms of hiring, maybe worse with the President’s challenge of star hires discussed at the COS faculty meeting.