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Chlamydia Epidemiology in North Carolina 2018

This report provides an analysis of chlamydia cases in North Carolina, including trends, rates, and demographic information. Data is sourced from the North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System.

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Chlamydia Epidemiology in North Carolina 2018

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  1. August 2019 Division of Public Health/Epidemiology Section/Communicable Disease Branch HIV/STD/Hepatitis Surveillance Unit Chlamydia Epidemiology in North Carolina2018

  2. Where to find HIV/STD Information? http://epi.publichealth.nc.gov/cd/stds/figures.html


  4. Chlamydia Cases by GenderNorth Carolina, 2009-2018 Data Source: North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System (data as of May 1, 2019).

  5. Chlamydia Rates by GenderNorth Carolina and United States, 2009-2018 Data Source: North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System (data as of May 1, 2019) and 2017 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance, CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats17/chlamydia.htm).

  6. Age Distribution of Chlamydia Cases by Gender, 2018 Data Source: North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System (data as of May 1, 2019).

  7. Chlamydia Cases by Race/Ethnicity,North Carolina 2014-2018 *Non-Hispanic/Latino. Data Source: North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System (data as of May 1, 2019).

  8. Chlamydia Rates by County,North Carolina 2018 Data Source: North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System (data as of May 1, 2019).

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