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Learn how to successfully navigate the promotion process in the School of Medicine, with tips on building your promotion packet early, finding mentors, and taking advantage of available resources.
School of Medicine Promotion-Guidelines and Tips How do I successfully get there??
KEY ISSUES TO CONSIDER FOR A SUCCESSFUL GROWTH AND PROMOTION • You OWN your promotion. You must be actively involved in the process!!! • You CANNOT do it on your own. You MUST have a mentor or a group of mentors who will help you reach that goal. • You MUST start building your promotion packet EARLY. • You MUST take advantage of all resources available to you (Neurology Department, Brain Health Center, School of Medicine, etc…).
2017 School of Medicine Promotion Guidelines-A few facts • Based on AREAS OF DISTINCTION • Scholarship • Education • Professional Service • Offer more flexibility than previous guidelines • Tenure is uncoupled from promotion • No more “tracks”-Choice of “area of distinction” is flexible (can be set only at the time of promotion, if needed) • Your area of distinction can change over time • Tenure clock extended to 11 years in rank
Minimum Number of Years in one Rank Before Going up for Promotion to the Next Rank • Instructor to Assistant Professor • One year • Assistant Professor to Associate Professor • Five years • Associate Professor to Professor • Four years
EXAMPLES OF BENCHMARKS-Professsional Services Institutional/Regional Services National/International Services
NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL VS INSTITUTIONAL/REGIONAL BENCHMARKS • National/International visibility bears significant weight in all areas of distinction • Use your senior mentors and mentoring team to help you get access to national/international committees, editorial boards, study sections etc…. It can be frustrating to try this on your own!!! • Develop efficient mentoring and network strategies
YOUR CV MUST BE COMPLETE, CLEAR AND DESIGNED TO HIGHLIGHT YOUR STRENGTHS • Your CV must be prepared according to the School of Medicine Guidelines • Build yourself a file in which you save in everything that can be used towards your Scholarship, Education or Profesional Service activities DO NOT WAIT AFTER YEARS IN RANK TO BUILD YOUR CV IN THE PROPER WAY. IT WILL BECOME THE PILLAR OF YOUR PROMOTION PACKET!!!
Resources you must take advantage of to build a successful promotion packet? • Your MENTOR or MENTORING team. This is a key resource you cannot do without. • Neurology Faculty Development website • http://neurology.emory.edu/faculty/faculty.development/index.html • School of Medicine Faculty Development website • http://med.emory.edu/faculty_dev/index.html • Attend faculty development lectures offered by School of Medicine-Register early for SOM faculty development lectures • http://med.emory.edu/faculty_dev/career-development/programs/fac-dev-lectures.html • Attend bimonthly workshops organized by Neurology Faculty Development Committee • Next session-Friday, November 02, 9:00 AM, EP12 Seminar Room • Why is Mentoring so Critical for my Successful Promotion?
Another important Resource:Neurology Faculty Development Committee Members • Anderson, Aaron, Stroke, Assistant Professor • Buetefisch, Cathrin, Rehab and Movement Disorders, Professor • Fasano, Rebecca, Epilepsy, Assistant Professor • Glass, Jonathan, Neuromuscular, Professor • Goldstein, Felicia, Neuropsychology, Professor • Greene, Jim, General, Associate Professor • Harrisson, Taylor, Neuromuscular, Associate Professor • Holbrook, Christina, Program administrator • Loring, David, Neuropsychology, Professor • Smith, Yoland, Movement Disorders, Professor, vice-chair faculty development • Trotti, Lynn-Marie, Sleep, Associate Professor • Tyor, William, General/VA, Professor • Wichmann, Thomas, Movement Disorders, Professor • Wingo, Thomas, Cognitive, Assistant Professor • Yepes, Manuel, Stroke, Professor
Additional Departmental Resources you can take advantage of • Faculty Development Committee • Individual meeting with vice-chair Faculty Development • The vice-chair will set up a one-to-one meeting with all faculty in their first six months of hiring in the Neurology Department. Go over promotion process in the Emory School of Medicine and identify resources available. • Meetings with pairs of faculty development committee members every 1.5 year • Be responsive when contacted by faculty members to set these meetings up. They represent an excellent opportunity to update your CV and thoroughly assess what you have achieved and what you need to achieve to move successfully towards promotion. • Submit your CV for discussion by the Neurology Appointment & Promotion Committee • This will be available to faculty who have been in rank as Assistant Professor for ~4-6 years. Further assessment of strengths and weaknesses of your CV. Identify issues you must specifically work on.
Can I still go up for Promotion under the 2011 guidelines? • Yes, if you have been hired before September 2015 • The end date for promotion under the old guidelines is September 2020 (ieyour promotion packet must be submitted by fall 2019). Any request for promotion that will start in September 2021 and later will be reviewed under the 2017 promotion guidelines. • If you consider to use the 2011 guidelines, discuss it with your mentoring team and meet with vice-chair of faculty development (Yoland Smith; ysmit01@emory.edu) to make sure it is the best path forward.
TAKE-HOME MESSAGES ABOUT YOUR FUTURE PROMOTION • It must be an important goal of your academic development. • It cannot be achieved on your own. It is a team work you’re the leader of. • You must take advantage of all available resources. • You must start building your path towards promotion early. YOU OWN YOUR PROMOTION!!!!