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People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s

People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s. Name From Wrote Main Ideas. Locke. Hobbes. Montesquieu. Rousseau. Voltaire. CSS 10.2.1. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s. -Observation: govt. exists to “preserve life, liberty, & property”

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People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s

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  1. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s Name From Wrote Main Ideas Locke Hobbes Montesquieu Rousseau Voltaire CSS 10.2.1

  2. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s -Observation: govt. exists to “preserve life, liberty, & property” -Hypothesis: people should be sovereign (rule) -Hypothesis: monarchs not chosen by God Locke From: England Wrote: Two Treatises on Government CSS 10.2.1

  3. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s -Observation: Life without govt. is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, & short.” -Hypothesis: Absolute govt. needed to control evil behavior (but not divine right) Hobbes From: England Wrote: Leviathan CSS 10.2.1

  4. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s -Observation: “When the legislature & executive are united in the same person, there is no liberty (freedom)” -Hypothesis: Govt. must have “Separation of Powers” -- 3 branches Montesquieu From: France Wrote: The Spirit of Laws CSS 10.2.1

  5. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s -Observation: “man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” -Hypothesis: Govt. is contract between people & rulers. People can break it (rebel) Rousseau From: France Wrote: The Social Contract CSS 10.2.1

  6. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s -Observation: Life is better with liberty -Hypothesis: Freedom of speech & religion, separation of church & state -“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. “ Voltaire From: France CSS 10.2.1

  7. Reflection: On Back 1. All of these people… 2. To come up with their ideas, they all used… 3. All of their ideas dealt with... CSS 10.2.1

  8. People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s Name From Wrote Main Ideas -Observation: gov’t exists to “preserve life, liberty, & property” -Hypothesis: people should be sovereign (rule) -Hypothesis: monarchs not chosen by God Two Treatises on Gov’t England Locke -Observation: Life without gov’t is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, & short.” -Hypothesis: Absolute gov’t needed to control evil behavior (not divine right) England Leviathan Hobbes -Observation: “When the legislature & executive are united in the same person, there is no liberty (freedom)” -Hypothesis: Gov’t must have “Separation of Powers” -- 3 branches The Spirit of Laws France Montesquieu -Observation: “man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” -Hypothesis: Gov’t is contract between people & rulers. People can break it (rebel) The Social Contract France Rousseau -Observation: Life is better with liberty -Hypothesis: Freedom of speech & religion, separation of church & state -“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. “ France Voltaire CSS 10.2.1

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