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PhiloxeniaPlus / forum Thessaloniki-Drama / June 2013 Michel Debord , European Projects of C.C.I. of Gers Presentation of 1 village – 1 product Initiative (OVOP) in the framework of the Community program MED Capitalisation 2007-2013, cofinanced by the ERDF.
PhiloxeniaPlus / forum Thessaloniki-Drama/ June 2013 Michel Debord, European Projects of C.C.I. of Gers Presentation of 1 village – 1 product Initiative (OVOP) in the framework of the Community program MED Capitalisation 2007-2013, cofinanced by the ERDF FIRST PARTNERSHIP MEETING FOR THE KICK-0FF OF THE PROJECT PHILOXENIAPLUS PHILOXENIAPLUS (1CAP-MED12-27) AT THE HEADQUARTERS OF LOC.EM. Thessaloniki-Dram (Greece) 11, 12 and 13 June 2013
OVOP: 1 village – 1 product Good practice presented in Philoxenia Plus Gers CCI, together with E-BIC Gers Gascogne, will start the OVOP Initiative. Michel DEBORD European Projects Michel.Debord@wanadoo.fr Tel 33(0)5 6264 0303 GSM 33 (0)6 7611 3984 Fax 33(0)5 6261 6263
The future of the isoled rural areas relies on heritage revitalization via Internet communication. To bring new inhabitants and new skills, we need to offer business opportunities. The dormant heritage of villages can be the source of new market options for the new inhabitants. • Gers CCI developed the good practice SOHO SOLO in the past. Now, we want to adapt the OVOP concept to the European rural areas. • The idea is to select, in each of the partner regions, some applicant villages owning some exceptional products or know-hows that are still unexploited. • Gers CCI and the some experts in communication and marketing will advice the villages on how to build a convincing mix marketing plan to sell the products or services. • The implementation of the good practice will be shared with the PHILOXENIA PLUS partners and, in particular, the experts recruited by Gers CCI will guide those partners interested in carrying out the OVOP concept. Origins The «One Village – One Product» concept was developed in 1979 by the Oita Prefeture in South Japan, in order to stop rural migration and to avoid the downfall of the regional economic dynamism.
Implementation process: 1. Identification of villages interested on the OVOP concept 2. Preliminary assessment of products and services to be developed 3. Assessment and selection of products/services by the consultant (mix-marketing analysis) 4. Definition of the action plan for the services or products selected 5. Search for partnership and financing to develop the products or services selected 6. Set-up of a business structure or search of business networks How does OVOP work? Actions: 1. Training session on marketing and communication of the villagers 2. Specialised advice to develop products and services of the local heritage • Organisations participating: • Local and regional representatives • Chambers (Commerce, Arts & Crafts, Agriculture) • Local SME and very small companies • SOHO SOLO already in the area
Strengths : Local representatives and population enthusiastic and engaged Weaknesses : financial means hard to collect to finance the action plans Project advantages • Results • 6 villages already involved in the Gers: • L’Isle Jourdain (7000 inhab.) with Bike • Samatan (2000 inhab.) with Foie Gras product • Eauze (2000 inhab.) with Armagnac • Auch (23 0000 inhab.) with d’Artagnan, the musketeer • Marciac (1500 hab.) with the Jazz festival • 3 villages from each partner region involved in the implementation of the good practice • 3 new productsor services exploited by each partner Founding a European OVOP network gathering all the villages that has already developed the OVOP approach and organisation of fairs in each member country