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Unit 2 Exploration and Colonization

Lessons. Review. Maps. Maps. Graphic Organizer. Graphic Organizer. Unit 2 Exploration and Colonization. What happens when different cultures first meet?. Exploration and Colonization. Lessons. Review. Maps. Maps. Graphic Organizer. Graphic Organizer. Lessons. Lesson 1

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Unit 2 Exploration and Colonization

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  1. Lessons Review Maps Maps Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer Unit 2 Exploration and Colonization What happens when different cultures first meet? Exploration and Colonization

  2. Lessons Review Maps Maps Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer Lessons Lesson 1 The World Expands Lesson 2 Spaniards Reach the Americas Lesson 3 Spanish Exploration & Conquest Lesson 4 Spain’s Overseas Empire Lesson 5 Searching for the Northwest Passage Lesson 6 The First French Colonies Lesson 7 The First English Colonies

  3. The World Expands Page 52 Lesson 1 Vocabulary profit merchant barter navigation How did Europeans learn about other cultures? Reading Skill Cause and Effect

  4. The World Expands Page 53 The Middle Ages Who were the first Europeans to reach North America and why did they abandon the colony? Vikings were the first to arrive and they may have left because of diseases and battles with native people. Write About It! How did the Crusades lead to trade between Europe and Asia?

  5. The World Expands Page 55 Why did Europeans look for new trade routes to Europe? The journey to Europe was long and dangerous. A new route would save time and money. What were the effects of trade with Africa? The Muslim faith was introduced in new places. Many Africans were enslaved.

  6. The World Expands Page 57 What advances in the science of navigation and technology helped further exploration? The development of maps Development of a new ship, the caravel, with both square and triangle-shaped sails, which allowed the ship to change direction and catch the wind more easily. Chinese compasses pointed north and allowed sailors to navigate south of the equator. Globes Astrolabe measures height of sun and stars above the earth.

  7. Spaniards Reach the Americas Page 60 Lesson 2 Vocabulary expedition colony Columbian Exchange How did Spanish explorers bring change to the Americas? Reading Skill Cause and Effect

  8. Spaniards Reach the Americas Page 62 Christopher Columbus Leader of an expedition to the Indies Sailed west instead of east Niña, Pinta, and Santa María Reached present-day San Salvador Sailed to America three times. Greeted warmly by the Taínos Gave them glass beads and brass bells

  9. Spaniards Reach the Americas Page 63 Christopher Columbus Columbus called the Taíno “Indios” because he believed he had reached the Indies. “Admiral of the Ocean Sea” Spanish forced the Taíno to mine gold. Many Taíno died in rebellions or from disease. By 1500s, Taíno almost wiped out.

  10. Spaniards Reach the Americas Page 63 Christopher Columbus Many Europeans thought their technology and culture were superior. Native American groups had developed governments, kinship systems, cities, and irrigation systems. Columbus’s 1493 expedition landed on island of Hispaniola. The Spanish set up a colony on the island. Amerigo Vespucci was the first to believe that America was a new land. America named for him

  11. Spaniards Reach the Americas Page 64 Columbian Exchange Movement of people, animals, plants, and diseases Write About It! How did the Columbian Exchange change the lives of the Europeans and Native Americans?

  12. Spanish Exploration and Conquest Page 66 Lesson 3 Vocabulary empire conquistador How did the arrival of Spanish explorers change Native American empires? Reading Skill Cause and Effect

  13. Spanish Exploration and Conquest Page 71 Complete the chart to show how Spain’s desire for gold destroyed the Aztec and Inca Empires. Cause Effect Aztec fight Spanish; Moctezuma killed; smallpox kills many Aztec Cortés imprisons Moctezuma smallpox spreads weakens Inca Empire Atahualpa killed; Inca conquered Pizarro captures Atahualpa How did Spanish exploration change Central and South America? Write About It!

  14. Spain’s Overseas Empire Page 72 Lesson 4 Vocabulary frontier missionary enslave mestizo How did Spain’s empire in North America expand? Reading Skill Cause and Effect

  15. Spain’s Overseas Empire Page 76 Complete the chart to show the change that occurred after the Spanish explored North America. Cause Effect More workers were needed to work on the encomiendas. Enslaved Africans were brought to New Spain. Those who escaped started maroon communities. Yanga led a rebellion. Write About It! Describe New Spain’s society.

  16. Searching for the Northwest Passage Page 78 Lesson 5 Vocabulary Northwest Passage merchant company Reading Skill How did the search for the Northwest Passage affect people? Cause and Effect

  17. Searching for the Northwest Passage Page 81 What was the importance of the Northwest Passage? It was believed to be a shortcut to Asia that would allow Europeans to make the trip less costly and much faster. What was a merchant company? Why was it important? It was a group of businessmen who shared the costs of exploratory voyages. It was important because rulers financed previous voyages.

  18. The First French Colonies Page 82 Lesson 6 Vocabulary ally coureurs de bois import export voyageur What happened when the French settled in America? Reading Skill Cause and Effect

  19. The First French Colonies Page 84 Why did the French want to settle in America? They wanted to expand their fur trade and make money for France. Write About It! Why did the French, Wyandot, and Algonquin become allies?

  20. The First English Colonies Page 86 Lesson 7 Vocabulary charter cash crop indentured servant House of Burgesses Pilgrim sachem What challenges did early English settlers face in North America? Reading Skill Cause and Effect

  21. The First English Colonies Page 89 Why were the Roanoke settlements failures? The colonists lacked the supplies and skills to survive. Why did Jamestown succeed? John Smith’s leadership forced the colonists to work. The soil and climate were ideal for growing tobacco, which allowed the colonists to make a profit.

  22. The First English Colonies Page 91 Complete the chart to to show how the Pilgrims settled in Plymouth. Cause Effect no religious freedom in England Pilgrims plan to settle in Virginia colony. Ship lands on Cape Cod. Pilgrims form government. Pilgrims are unprepared. almost half die Native Americans teach Pilgrims how to grow and hunt food. The colony survives. Pilgrims and Wampanoag celebrate. Thanksgiving tradition begins.

  23. The First English Colonies Page 93 What was the importance of the Mayflower Compact? It was a plan for self-government. It expressed the idea that the power of a government comes from its people. This idea became a part of America’s founding documents. Write About It! How did the Pilgrims’ lives change after they met the Native Americans?

  24. Review What was the importance of the Crusades to Europe? The Crusades gave Europeans greater contact with Asia and this developed a demand for Asian goods. These demands led to the search for shorter and faster trade routes to Asia. What was the importance of the Columbian Exchange? The Columbian Exchange changed the lives of people on both sides of the Atlantic. It improved the diets of both the Europeans and Native Americans. Horses changed the way the Native Americans hunted. Cattle, pigs, and sheep became a new food and clothing source. New diseases, however, killed many of the native peoples.

  25. Review Name the European explorer associated with each area. Mexico West coast of South America Florida Southeastern U.S. Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona Southwestern U.S.; first European to see the Grand Canyon Newfoundland Hudson River Hudson, Chesapeake, and Delaware Bays St. Lawrence River Lakes Huron, Ontario, Erie and Superior Lake Michigan Hernan Cortés Francisco Pizarro Juan Ponce de León Hernando de Soto Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Francisco Vásquez de Coronado John Cabot Giovanni da Verrazano Henry Hudson Jacques Cartier Étienne Brûlé Jean Nicolet

  26. Review What was the importance of the Northwest Passage? The Northwest Passage was believed to be a shortcut to Asia that would allow Europeans to make the trip less costly and much faster. What was the importance of the Mayflower Compact? The Mayflower Compact was a plan for self-government. It expressed the idea that the power of a government comes from its people. This idea became part of America’s founding documents.

  27. Maps Click on a map to enlarge the view.

  28. Graphic Organizer Cause and Effect Click on the graphic organizer to enlarge the view and enter content.

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