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Browne, J., Jochum, V. & Paylor, J. (2013) The value of giving a little time: Understanding the potential of micro-volunteering Institute for Volunteering Research Gay, P. (2009) Review of Volunteering Practice in Care Homes, IVR
Browne, J., Jochum, V. & Paylor, J. (2013) The value of giving a little time: Understanding the potential of micro-volunteering Institute for Volunteering Research Gay, P. (2009) Review of Volunteering Practice in Care Homes, IVR Haski-Leventhal, D., L. Hustinx, et al. (2011). "What Money Cannot Buy: The Distinctive and Multidimensional Impact of Volunteers." Journal of Community Practice 19(2): 138-158. Hill, M., Ockenden, N., Morris, S. & Payne, P. (2013) ‘The position and power of volunteers within palliative care: A Bourdieuian analysis’ Paper presented to the NCVO/VSSN Annual Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University. Howlett, S. (2010). "Developing volunteer management as a profession." Voluntary Sector Review 1(3): 355-360. McKee, M., M. L. Kelley, et al. (2009). "It takes a whole community: the contribution of rural hospice volunteers to whole-person palliative care." Journal of palliative care 26(2): 103-111. Metz, J., van Baren, E., Roza, L., Meijs, L. and Hoogervorst, N. (2012) ‘The added value of volunteering to youth development’, ISTR Conference. Mohan, J. & Bulloch, S. (2012) The idea of a ‘civic core’: what are the overlaps between charitable giving, volunteering, and civic participation in England and Wales? Third Sector Research Centre Working Paper 73 Morris, S., A. Wilmot, et al. (2013). "A narrative literature review of the contribution of volunteers in end-of-life care services." Palliative Medicine 27(5): 428-436. Naylor, C., C. Mundle, et al. (2013). "Volunteering in health and care." King’s Fund Rochester, C. (2013). Rediscovering Voluntary Action: The Beat of a Different Drum, Palgrave Macmillan. Ronel, N., D. Haski-Leventhal, et al. (2009). "Perceived Altruism A Neglected Factor in Initial Intervention." International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 53(2): 191-210. Strickland A, Ockenden N (2011). Job Substitution or Volunteer Substitution?. London: Institute for Volunteering Research and Volunteering England. Available at: www.cypfconsortium.org.uk/UserFiles/File/job_substitution_volunteer_substitution_