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Hearing Inservice

Hearing Inservice. Anatomy of the Ear and Types of Hearing Loss. Pinna - Catches the sound waves and sends them to the ear canal . The Outer Ear. Ear Canal - Sends the sound waves through to the ear drum. Ear Drum - Vibrates and sends the sound waves to the Middle Ear.

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Hearing Inservice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hearing Inservice

  2. Anatomy of the Ear and Types of Hearing Loss

  3. Pinna-Catches the sound waves and sends them to the ear canal • The Outer Ear Ear Canal- Sends the sound waves through to the ear drum Ear Drum- Vibrates and sends the sound waves to the Middle Ear

  4. Middle Ear Parts The Three Middle Ear Bones TheMalleus- The Malleus gets the vibration from the Ear Drum and sends it to the Incus. Hammer Stirrup The Incus-Gets the vibration from the Malleus and sends it to the Stapes. Anvil The Stapes-gets the vibration from the Incus and sends it to the Cochlea

  5. The Cochlea-A liquid filled space that receives vibration from the stirrup when it pushes on it The Inner Ear The Nerve Endings-Are inside the cochlea and are like piano keys because each one makes different sound. They bend when they are touched by the vibration wave. The Hearing Nerve-Receives message from the Nerve endings and sends them to the brain. Semi-Circular Canals-Aren’t for hearing. They are like a leveling tool. They sit on the cochlea and help make you not feel dizzy

  6. Types of Hearing Loss • Conductive • Caused by injury, obstruction, or disease of the outer or middle ear that prevents the ear from conducting sound. • Fluid in the middle ear, wax build-up, absence or malformation of the outer ear, ear infections • The loss CAN be medically or surgically corrected • Sensorineural • Damage to the sensory hair cells of the inner ear or the auditory nerve that leads to the brain • Effects the way one hears clearly and how one understands speech correctly • The loss is permanent and CANNOT be corrected • Mixed • A combination of conductive and sensorineural losses • Part of the damage is in the outer ear or middle ear and the other part is in the inner ear.

  7. MILD (26 to 40 dB) • Difficulty understanding faint or distant speech • May need work to develop vocabulary • Favorable seating and lighting in classroom • MODERATE (41-55 dB) • Understands speaker face to face or a short distance • May miss as much as 50% of class discussion • May need vocabulary development, speech therapy, or special class placement in primary grades

  8. MODERATELY SEVERE (56-70 dB) • Conversation must be loud to be heard • Will need a hearing aid and training with its use • Is likely to have problems pronouncing sounds, have language delays, and limited vocabulary • Will need extra help in Language Arts, speech therapy • SEVERE (71-90 dB) • May hear loud voices or sounds very close to ear • Speech and language development are delayed. • Will need extra help with language skills, concept development, speech, intensive communication building skills should be taught • May be a candidate for cochlear implant(s)

  9. FM Units • What is an FM? • Frequency-Modulated system that allows a D/HH student hear over a distance and sends the speaker’s voice directly to the hearing aid or cochlear implant *Without an FM, the speaker’s voice can be difficult to understand when paired with everyday background noise (heaters, buzzing lights, pencil sharpeners, etc.)

  10. Impacts of Hearing Loss • Language delayed • Spoken language • Not uncommon for students to speak with nasal or atonal quality • Academic performance • Vocabulary development delays • Reading and writing difficulty • Difficulty in comprehension across academic subjects • Idioms and familiar English phrases interpreted literally • Written and oral language will reflect the way he/she hears -Word endings –s,-ed, -ing • Depends on age child was diagnosed with a hearing loss. • Many deaf children are not “vanilla deaf” • Limited phonemic awareness • What does the student hear during everyday conversation? Look at the Speech Banana. • Example: The fox saw two hens. Even with a mild loss, the student misses most of those sounds. /e ok aw oo en/ • Imagine reading and pronouncing these sounds that D/HH students so rarely hear.

  11. Ways Teachers Can Help! • Use visual aids whenever possible • Provide a note-taker or hand-out of notes • Eliminate or reduce extraneous noise • Appropriate use of equipment • Do not speak with back faced to class • Write announcements and assignments on board • Avoid chewing gum while lecturing

  12. More Ideas • Use overhead instead of the board • Allow for breaks • Reduce the distance from you to student • Advantageous seating for student • Point out who is speaking in class discussions • Always use captioned films/videos • Lecture from the front of the room, avoid pacing

  13. And Some More Strategies • Have key vocabulary accessible visually • Educate the class about hearing loss • Face the student when speaking • Repeat questions and comments other students make • Do not stand or sit in front of a bright window • Flicker lights to get classroom attention • Speak directly to the student, not the interpreter

  14. Here Is Your Students Audiogram

  15. Here is Your Student’s FM Unit

  16. Thank You!

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