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This article discusses three universal oscillatory phenomena in physics: conical diffraction, geometric phase, and superoscillations. It explores their mathematical properties and applications in different fields of physics.
Three universal oscillatory asymptotic phenomena Michael Berry Physics Department University of Bristol United Kingdom http://www.phy.bris.ac.uk/staff/berry_mv.html
function f(z) with two comparably contributing exponentials for large values of some parameter (not indicated) Stokes line , f+ dominates antistokes line 1. Dominance by subdominant exponentials (DSE) z plane exponentials comparable
Fplane stokes line subdominant dominant antistokes line
subdominant dominant very common situation: a+ and a-depend differently on z(and hence on F); ignoring logarithms, no loss of generality with m>0 dominance by subdominant exponential (DSE) if
universal curve stokes line DSE zeros lie on DSE boundary antistokes line DDE
dominant subdominant (for Imz>0) example 1: saddle-point and end-point end-point at t=z, saddle at t=0
ReF ReF subdominant DSE DSE ImF ImF dominant
example 4: suppressed end-point saddle at t=z, end-point at z=0, suppressed but dominant for Imz>0
application of f4(z) to conical diffraction emerging from the slab, an axial spike and a cylinder of light, radius R0 Hamilton,Lloyd,Poggenforff, Raman… focal image plane crystal slab entrance face light incident on a slab of crystal with three different principal dielectric constants wavelength l M V Berry 2004 ‘Conical diffraction asymptotics: fine structure of Poggendorff rings and axial spike’, J. Opt. A 6, 289-300
focal image geometrical optics diffraction where increasing Z x (ro=50) far field conical-diffraction ring profile is
secondary rings as interference between geometrical optics (saddle), and wave scattered from conical point (end-point) again, main contribution from subdominant exponential (saddle)
seek z plane t C 2. Universal attractor of differentiation as nincreases, “all smooth functions look like cost “ (cf. orthogonal polynomials)
singularities (poles or branch points) closest to real axis Imz t1++it2+ Rez t t1--it2- C if z(t) analytic in a strip including the real axis:
assume for simplicity that t2+≠t2- (e.g. z(t) not real), and define t2 =min(t2±) then, up to a constant and (real) shift of torigin, m depends on the type of singularity as t increases from - to +, zn(t) describes Maclaurin’s sinusoidal spiral (1718) (universal loops); in polar coordinates,
the nth loop has n/2+1 windings Imz Rez z2 z1 z0 z500 z9 z50 universal attractor of hodograph map (‘velocity’ dz/dt)
Rez0(t) Rez2(t) Rez10(t) Rez100(t) Rez500(t) Rez50(t) as n increases, “universal cosine” emerges near t=0: instability of differentiation?
universal loops in geometric phase physics: state vector Y driven by slowly-varying operator H(et) (adiabatic quantum mechanics) geometric phase, depending on geometry of H loop geometric phase corrections as t increases from - to , H describes a loop in operator space Y starts in an eigenstate of H(± ) for small e, Y returns to its original form, apart from a phase factor:
geometric phase corrections are determined by time-dependent transformation to eigenbasis of H(et), giving H1(t), and then iterating to H2(t), etc; phase corrections are related to areas of Hnloops in the simplest nontrivial case, iterated loops are given by the derivative (hodograph) map: phase corrections get smaller and then inevitably diverge, universally
if z(t) has no finite singularities, asymptotics of zn(t) determined by saddle-points in integral representation, e.g. example (suggested by David Farmer): inverse gamma derivatives 1/G(z) has zeros at z=0, -1, -2…
has, conventionally, a fastest variation 3. Superoscillations a band-limited function nevertheless - counterintuitively - such functions can oscillate arbitrarily faster thankmax, over arbitrarily large intervals: they can ‘superoscillate’ several recipes, suggested by Aharonov, Popescu…
suggests a -function, centred on thecomplex positioniA: so consider the band-limited function kmax u -function, centred on u=A: where k(u) is even with k(0)=kmax and |k(u)|≤kmax for real u (Aharonov suggested k(u)=kmaxcosu)
the complex -function argument suggests that, for small , which superoscillates where saddle at us(,A), where then more careful small- analysis: saddle-point method, with =x2
Imus increasing Reus small , us=iA large x, us0 superoscillations normal oscillations, exponentially larger deportment of saddle us(,3)
kloc() cosh2 A=2 local wavenumber
log10Ref x x x superoscillations, period sech4=0.037 normal oscillations, period 1 A=4, =0.2
Ref exact saddle-point A=2 (A≤2) x log|Ref| Ref x x test of saddle-point approximation with k(u)=1-u2/2, |u|≤2
x/ 0 x/ 0 demystification: a simple function with rudimentary superoscillations cosx+1 band-limited, with frequencies 0,+1,-1 cosx+1- pairs of close zeros, separated by
period x= wavenumber aN if x<<1, but in the fourier series |km|≤1 a periodic superoscillatory function (with Sandu Popescu) superoscillations with a factor a faster than normal oscillations
involving local wavenumber a=4 k superoscillations normal oscillations suboscillations x alternative form:
number of superoscillations: fast superoscillations near x=0 a=4 normal oscillation wavelength number of fast superoscillations
superoscillations invisible in power spectrum: narrow spectrum, centred on k=1/a
generalization: integrate over a to generate arbitrary functions locally, as band-limited function example: a locally narrow gaussian narrower than cos(Nx) if A>1
g(x) cos(40x) A=4, N=40 locally, g~exp{-160x)2/2}
in signal processing, superoscillations in a function f(t) emerging from a perfect low-pass filter could generate the illusion that the filter is leaky Beethoven’s 9th symphony - a one-hour signal, requiring up to 20kHz for accurate reproduction - can be generated by a 1Hz signal (but after the hour, f(t) rises by a factor exp(1019)) in quantum physics, the large-k superoscillations in a function f(x) represent ‘weak values’ of momenta - values outside the spectrum of an operator, obtained in a ‘weak measurement’ - a gamma ray emerging from a box containing only red light
summary M V Berry 1987 ‘Quantum phase corrections from adiabatic iteration’ Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 414, 31-46 M V Berry 2005 ‘Universal oscillations of high derivatives’ Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 461, 1735-1751 David Farmer and Robert Rhoades 2005 ‘Differentiation evens out zero spacings’, Trans. Am. Math.Soc, S0002-9947(05)03721-9 Berry, M V, 1994, ヤFaster than Fourierユ, in ヤQuantum Coherence and Reality; in celebration of the 60th Birthday of Yakir Aharonovユハ(J S Anandan and J L Safko, eds.) World Scientific, Singapore, pp 55-65. Berry, M V, 1994, J.Phys.A 27, L391-L398, ヤEvanescent and real waves in quantum billiards, and Gaussian Beamsユ. Berry, M V & Popescu, S, 2006, 'Evolution of quantum superoscillations, and optical superresolution without evanescent waves', J.Phys.A 39 6965-6977. asymptotically, functions can be dominated by their subdominant exponentials M V Berry,2004 ‘Asymptotic dominance by subdominant exponentials’, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond, A,460, 2629-2636 under repeated differentiation, functions eventually oscillate universally functions can oscillate arbitrarily faster than their fastest fourier components