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-. -. -. -. -. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Row 1---100 Question. - Which amendment guarantees a public and speedy trial?. Row 1---100 Answer. - 6 th amendment.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. - - - - - 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Row 1---100 Question - Which amendment guarantees a public and speedy trial?

  3. Row 1---100 Answer - 6th amendment

  4. Row 1---200 Question - Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?

  5. Row 1---200 Answer - Philadelphia, PA

  6. Row 1---300 Question - Which original plan of government favored larges states and called for representation in Congress to be based on population?

  7. Row 1---300 Answer Virginia Plan (look back and compare Virginia and New Jersey Plan)

  8. Row 1---400 Question - Which rebellion is significant because it showed that the Articles of Confederation were too weak of a document to govern the United States?

  9. Row 1---400 Answer - Shay’s Rebellion

  10. Row 1---500 Question - What is the total number of votes possible in the Electoral College?

  11. Row 1---500 Answer - 538

  12. Row 2---100 Question - Which government official is the “President of the Senate” and has the tie breaking vote if there is a tie in the Senate?

  13. Row 2---100 Answer - Vice President of the United States

  14. Row 2---200 Question - What is the specific role of the House and the Senate in the impeachment process?

  15. Row 2---200 Answer The House declares impeachment accusations - The Senate acts as the jury and decided conviction

  16. Row 2---300 Question - What does Popular Sovereignty means?

  17. Row 2---300 Answer - All government power belongs to the power

  18. Row 2---400 Question - In order for a candidate to get majority in the Electoral College a candidate must get at least_____ votes

  19. Row 2---400 Answer - 270

  20. Row 2---500 Question - What is the government’s right to take private property known as?

  21. Row 2---500 Answer - Eminent Domain

  22. Row 3---100 Question - What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

  23. Row 3---100 Answer - To revise the Articles of Confederation

  24. Row 3---200 Question - Who is considered the “Father of the Constitution”?

  25. Row 3---200 Answer - James Madison

  26. Row 3---300 Question - What are the three qualifications to be a United States Senator?

  27. Row 3---300 Answer At least 30 years old Citizen for at least 9 years Live in the state you represent

  28. Row 3---400 Question - What is common law based upon?

  29. Row 3---400 Answer PRECEDANT (using previous court rulings to make a ruling)

  30. Row 3---500 Question - What are powers called that can only be exercised by state governments?

  31. Row 3---500 Answer - Reserved Powers

  32. Row 4---100 Question - Supporters of the Constitution who wanted a Bill of Rights added before ratification were known as the …

  33. Row 4---100 Answer - Anti-Federalists

  34. Row 4---200 Question - Which Enlightenment thinker came up with the idea of Natural Rights?

  35. Row 4---200 Answer - John Locke

  36. Row 4---300 Question - What was the first sign of self-government in colonial America?

  37. Row 4---300 Answer - The Virginia House of Burgesses

  38. Row 4---400 Question - What was the plan of government known as that created an agreement between the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan regarding representation in Congress?

  39. Row 4---400 Answer - The Great Compromise

  40. Row 4---500 Question - Who has the final authority to determine whether a law is acceptable under the Constitution?

  41. Row 4---500 Answer - Supreme Court (Judicial Branch)

  42. Row 5---100 Question - What kind of coffee was served on the Titanic?

  43. Row 5---100 Answer - Sanka

  44. Row 5---200 Question - What is the coldest country in the world?

  45. Row 5---200 Answer - Chile

  46. Row 5---300 Question - What do you call a guy who's born in Columbus, grows up in Cleveland, and then dies in Cincinnati (these are all cities in Ohio btw)?

  47. Row 5---300 Answer - Dead.

  48. Row 5---400 Question -Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team?

  49. Row 5---400 Answer - She ran away from the ball

  50. Row 5---500 Question - What would happen if you were to cross two snowmen with three vampires?

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