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Robert’s Rules of Order. Agendas. We provide them for you. You can add to it but you can’t take from it. Everything must be discussed. . Standard Order of Business According to Robert’s Rules.
Agendas • We provide them for you. • You can add to it but you can’t take from it. • Everything must be discussed.
Standard Order of Business According to Robert’s Rules • An easy way to remember Robert’s Rules’ standard order of business is with the mnemonic 3R-SUN — which you can see in the following list. This list is a quick reference to make it easy for you to set up a basic agenda for your meeting quickly and without much fuss. • Reading and Approval of the Minutes • Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees • Reports of Special (Select or Ad Hoc) Committees • Special Orders • Unfinished Business and General Orders • New Business
Opening Meeting • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj8bGc_8AV0&feature=related
Making and Handling Motions According to Robert’s Rules When that light bulb goes off in your head and you have a great idea, you make a motion according to Robert’s Rules to get your idea discussed and a decision made. Following are the eight steps required from start to finish to make a motion and get the group to decide whether it agrees. Each step is a required part of the process. • 1. What to Say The member rises and addresses the chair. “Madam Chairman. . . .” • 2. The chair recognizes the member. “The chair recognizes Ms.____________” • 3. The member makes a motion. “I move to approve Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip” • 4. Another member seconds the motion. “Second.” • 5. The chair states the motion. “It is moved and seconded to approve Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip. Are you ready for the question?” • 6. The members debate the motion. “The chair recognizes Ms. __________ to speak to her motion. . . .” • 7. The chair puts the question and the members vote. “All those in favor of adopting the motion to approve Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip will say ‘aye,’ [pause] those opposed will say ‘no’.” • 8. The chair announces the result of the vote. “The ayes have it and the motion carries, and it has been approved for Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip .”
Make a motion • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JICWOQCthHc • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm0hsTniLlE
Taking Minutes • http://www.youtube.com/user/thedrvideo#p/u/17/_Uv70J7DTYs
Parent Committee By-Laws • Found on website • HS Admin • Parent Committee By-laws (grantee or partner) • http://spcaa.org/employees/index.php?category_id=4132&subcategory_id=7777