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Poster layout for ITEC-2014

Poster layout for ITEC-2014. Your organization logo this area. Title , authors affiliations. abstract. method and innovation point. Chris MI 1 , Alain BOUSCAYROL 2 , 1 University of Michigan-Dea r born, USA 2 University of Lille, MEGEVH, France. ITEC-2014 http://www.itec2014.com/.

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Poster layout for ITEC-2014

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  1. Poster layout for ITEC-2014 Your organization logo this area Title,authors affiliations abstract method and innovation point Chris MI 1, Alain BOUSCAYROL2, 1University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA 2 University of Lille, MEGEVH, France ITEC-2014 http://www.itec2014.com/ applications & results Suggested style and contents Abstract problems A poster is a visual support for discussion about your work with other scientists.This poster layout gives you some guidelines for the preparation of posters for ITEC. Suggested requirements: Format: A0 (84cm x 119 cm) Background: white Title: Times New Roman80 pt Subtitles: Times New Roman 48 pt Text: Times New Roman 40 pt • Possible contents: • abstract • Research method and innovation point • applications • The preliminary results • problem confronted Basic advice There are different ways to do a good poster. This layout only aims to give an example. You are free to makes changes and reflect your imaginations. • choose a general outline • keep in mind this outline • all along the poster • avoid secondary issues • prefer figures to text and • key words to sentences • be very clear and simple • use two fonts at the most • indicate sources of figures • look at the “useful links” EPE 2007 EPE 2007 JEEA 2005 Typical poster organisation Examples of poster sessions Useful links and key points Useful links: http://lorien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/dept/Tips/present/posters.htm http://www.biophysics.org/education/block.pdf http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters/NewSite/ http://www.aspb.org/EDUCATION/poster.cfm The ideal poster is clear, simple with only context, objective and main ideas of the presented work.

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