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-The French Revolution-

-The French Revolution-. 1789-1814. -French Monarchy in Crisis- I. Louis XIV made France a tremendous power , but put the French in debt by helping to finance wars and making extravagant purchases.

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-The French Revolution-

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  1. -The French Revolution- 1789-1814

  2. -French Monarchy in Crisis- I. Louis XIV made France a tremendous power, but put the French in debt by helping to financewars and making extravagant purchases

  3. II. Louis XV said, “After us, the deluge (flood).” By this he was saying that he didnotcare what happened to France after he died A. He saw the trouble ahead but did not attempt to stop it

  4. III. The French people were divided into three estates A. The Clergy were members of the FirstEstate 1. The First Estate made money by collecting the Tithe and through their immense land holdings 2. Property owned by the First Estate was nottaxed by the Monarchy, but the Churchchargedtaxes to people who lived on their land

  5. B. The Nobles were members of the SecondEstate. Nobles had several unique privileges 1. Only Nobles could be officers in the army 2. Only Nobles could fill high Churchpositions 3. Nobles did not have to paytaxes

  6. C. The ThirdEstate was made up of the Commoners of France. Notall Commoners were poor, some were very wealthy 1. The French middleclass was known as the Bourgeoisie 2. Members of the French middleclass were heavily influenced by the Enlightenment 3. Under the OldRegime, members of the Bourgeoisie paid most of the taxes

  7. 4. French peasants faced several hardships a. They paid heavytaxes b. They could not hunt 5. In the late 1700’s, inflation decreased the value of cityworker’s labor

  8. IV. Several factors were hurting the French economy and pushing the country toward an economiccrisis A. Debt owed to bankers doubled after the AmericanRevolution B. Poor harvests led to famine C. Tariffs and customs made trade difficult D. Guilds restricted new businesses

  9. V. Attempts at reform A. Louis XVI’s first financeminister was RobertTurgot B. Turgot was influenced by the Enlightenment 1. He attempted to improve the French economy by cutting government spending, limiting the power of guilds, and reducing customs

  10. C. Turgot made the radical suggestion that Nobles be taxed D. Turgot began to suggest to Louis XVI that if he didnotact, he would be overthrown E. As the economic situation grew worse in the 1780’s, Louis XVI was forced to call a meeting of the EstatesGeneral

  11. -The Revolution Begins- I. In 1789 Louis XVI summoned the EstatesGeneral to a meeting A. Louis was attempting to winsupport for reforms he hoped would improve the French economy 1. This was the Estates General’s first meeting in 175 years

  12. B. When the Estates General met, the ThirdEstate immediately demanded reform of the voting system 1. Each Estate voted as a whole; this meant that the first and second Estate always out-voted the third C. The Third Estate declared themselves the NationalAssembly and wanted to write a constitution

  13. D. After Louis XVI banished the NationalAssembly, many members made a promise nottoleave the palace until France has a Constitution 1. This pledge became known as the TennisCourtOath

  14. II. In the summer of 1789 uprisings occurred in both urban and rural areas of France A. On July 14th, 1789 citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille and released its prisoners 1. This was the symbolicstart of the French Revolution and is known as BastilleDay

  15. B. Peasants feared the French army was going to storm the countryside 1. Instead of fleeing, the peasants attackedruralnobles and held them as leverage 2. A large scale attacknevercame and this series of events became known as the GreatFear

  16. III. After Bastille Day, the French Revolution began A. The DeclarationoftheRightsofMan outlined the basicrights that all individuals should have B. In the fall an angry mob of women went to Versailles and took the royalfamily back to Paris as prisoners

  17. C. The National Assembly began religious reforms 1. Freedom of worship 2. Bishops were no longer appointed by the King but were elected 3. Churchlands were confiscated and sold to raise money

  18. D. The National Assembly wrote the Constitution of 1791 1. France was to become a limitedmonarchy with three branches of government

  19. IV. Responses to the Revolution A. Many French people didnotlike the Constitution of 1791 1. Radicals thought the constitution gave too much power to the king and wanted the monarchyeliminated 2. Nobles thought the constitution went too far

  20. B. After the National Assembly presented the constitution, Louis XVI and is family attempted to flee France C. The new LegislativeAssembly met in October of 1791 1. Their seating arrangement reflected political divisions a. Radicals on the left b. Moderates on the right

  21. D. The radicals were also divided among themselves 1. The mostradical group in France was known as the Jacobins

  22. -The Revolution gets Messy- I. Defense of the Revolution A. Many European rulers were concerned about the situation in France 1. They were afraid it would inspire the people of their countries to rebel

  23. 2. Nobles in exile were lobbying Austrian and Prussian rulers to take action a. These nobles in exile were called Émigrés

  24. B. In April 1792, France declared war on Austria and Prussia 1. Initially, the war went poorly 2. It ended up helping the Revolution because the threat of defeat caused many French to unite behind the new Revolutionary leaders

  25. C. In August 1792, the Radicalsoverthrew the new government 1. Louis XVI and his family were imprisoned 2. The Radicals called for a new constitution 3. This was the secondRevolution in France

  26. II. The Second Revolution in France A. The new governing body in France was known as the NationalConvention B. Radicals were elected to the Convention C. The National Convention abolished the monarchy and voted to make France a Republic

  27. D. The Jacobins demanded Louis XVI be tried for treason 1. After discovering several letters written to émigrés and European kings askingforhelp, Louis XVI was convicted and executed

  28. III. Attacks on the Revolution A. In March 1793; Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain all joined Austria and Prussia in the waragainstFrance B. Moderates began to criticize the Radicals 1. They thought the Revolution had gonetoofar

  29. IV. Reign of Terror A. Because of the crisis the National Convention stopped work on the new constitution and established the committeeofpublicsafety 1. The committee sought to ride France of “EnemiesoftheRevolution” 2. The committee was led by MaximilienRobespierre

  30. B. Between 20,000 and 40,000 people were killed 1. Many by the guillotine C. A draft was established to increase the strength of the military 1. After France achievedvictory in war, Robespierre was arrested and executed

  31. -The Rise and Fall of Napoleon- I. The Constitution of 1795 A. After the ReignofTerror, the French wrote the Constitution of 1795 and established the Directory 1. This was the fourth Revolutionary government in France B. The Directory had two branches: 1. The Legislative branch was elected by literate property owners 2. The Executive branch was made up of five directors chosen by the Legislature

  32. C. The Directory faced a number of problems 1. Corruptlegislators were easily bribed 2. The Directory removed price controls and poor cityworkersrioted due to inflation 3. The Directory continued to be aggressive in war

  33. II. Napoleon Bonaparte A. Napoleon rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution 1. Most officersfled France early in the Revolution; this enabled Napoleon to become a general at the age of 27

  34. 2. He was considered a hero in France after key victories against the British and Austria 3. Napoleon married a woman named Josephine who was a French socialite with politicalconnections

  35. B. After returning from war as a military hero, Napoleon and two directors overthrew the Directory 1. They wrote a new constitution and named Napoleon “FirstCouncil” 2. In 1802, Napoleon was elected First Council for life

  36. C. In 1804, in a ceremony with the Pope, Napoleon named himself Emperor of the French 1. Napoleon had absolutepower, but needed to maintain Revolutionaryreforms to keep that power

  37. III. Napoleon’s Reforms A. As part of Napoleon’s reforms, he created an organized lawcode known as the NapoleonicCode 1. All men were equal before the law 2. Freedom of religion 3. Eliminated laws that extended rights to women

  38. B. Napoleon created the BankofFrance 1. This national bank depositedtax money 2. Issued paper money 3. Made loans C. Napoleon set up Lycees 1. These were government run schools that trainedofficers

  39. D. Napoleon signed an agreement with the Pope known as the Concordant of 1801 1. The election of Bishops ended 2. However, Churchproperty confiscated during the Revolution was notreturned Pope Pius VII

  40. IV. From 1807 to 1812, Napoleon controlled most of mainland Europe A. While defeating European powers at war, Napoleon was able to keep these nations from unitingagainst him

  41. B. Napoleon brought the ideas of the FrenchRevolution, as well as his own, to the nations he defeated 1. Religious tolerance 2. An end to serfdom 3. The NapoleonicCode

  42. C. Napoleon attempted to weakenGreatBritain by establishing the ContinentalSystem 1. GreatBritain was a major obstacle to Napoleon’s plans for conquest

  43. 2. The ContinentalSystem ordered European nations to stoptrading with Britain a. In response, Britain taxed all ships bound for France 3. The Continental System hurtFrance and the rest of Europe more than it did Great Britain

  44. V. Rise of European Nationalism A. Many European nations began to resentNapoleon for several reasons 1. High taxes 2. Soldiers were forced to serve in Napoleon’s army 3. Leaders wanted a return to traditional customs B. Opposition began in several parts of Europe 1. Prussiarebuilt its army 2. Spaniards began to practice guerillawarfare

  45. VI. The Russian Invasion A. Russia, under Czar Alexander I, broke the ContinentalSystem and began trading with Britain 1. In response, Napoleon organized an army of 500,000 men and invadedRussia

  46. B. The Russians refused to fight 1. They instead retreated into Russia and destroyed their crops and livestock as they went 2. This was known as a ScorchedEarthpolicy

  47. C. When the Russians finally fought at Moscow, Napoleon’s troops defeated them 1. However, by this time the Russianwinter was approaching 2. Napoleon had no supplies or shelter and was forced to retreat

  48. D. The Russian army attacked Napoleon’s forces as they retreated 1. As a result of the attacking Russians and brutal conditions, only 100,000 of Napoleon’s troops madeitout of Russia alive

  49. VII. Defeat of Napoleon A. With the Frencharmyweakened; Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia attacked France and defeatedNapoleon 1. Napoleon went into exile on the island of Elba 2. Louis XVI’s brother, Louis XVIII, became king

  50. B. Louis XVIII kept many of Napoleon’sreforms in place 1. Religious toleration 2. NapoleonicCode C. Louis XVIII faced several key problems 1. Returning émigrés demanded revolutionaries be punished and things return to tradition 2. Louis XVIII needed to honor the Revolution in order to maintain popularsupport

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