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TG4 Cross border accreditation of skills and competences. ECVET: Learning outcomes as a basis for credit transfer Example: Masters of Skilled Crafts Rolf Kristiansen Masters of Crafts Norway. SME-Master. Project Reference: DGEAC call Contract Year : 2007
TG4Cross border accreditation of skills and competences ECVET: Learning outcomes as a basis for credit transfer Example: Masters of Skilled Crafts Rolf Kristiansen Masters of Crafts Norway
SME-Master Project Reference: DGEAC call Contract Year : 2007 Contractor: Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH), Germany
SME-Master Partners Involved in the skilled crafts sector Competent bodies (ECVET) : certify the “Master Crafts” Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH), Germany Handwerkskammer Cottbus, Germany Institut für die Berufsbildung in der Wirtschaft (ibw), Austria Assemblée Permanente des Chambres de Métiers (APCM), France Mesterbrevnemnda (Masters of Crafts Norway), Norway
Objectives of the Project • Increase transparency in Master Craftsmen qualification, • Increase professional and transnational mobility • Integrate non-formal and informal learning in the certification process • Promote and develop competence based (learning outcomes oriented) approach • ECVET-Compatibility of the “Master Craftsman” Degree
Beneficiaries of the Project • Master Craftsmen and women during their training period (IVET, CVET, LLL) and once certified • Employees aiming at creating or developing an enterprise • SMEs and Crafts enterprises • VET and competent bodies (dissemination and transfer)
Outcomes of SME Master • Recommendations and tools to develop ECVET (learning outcomes / Units / Points) in Master Craftsmen qualification • Examples of Units (Economic and financial management, Human Resources, Entrepreurship of SMEs, Marketing for SMEs • Technical field chosen: Bakery • France and Norway: Renewal/adjustments of Mastercraftsman Degree • Norway: ECVET/ECTS credit points balancing
Accounting and Controlling Budgeting and Calculation Entrepreneurship and Financial Management for SMEs Human Resources Management Tutoring Marketing and Sales Management for SMEs S/he is able to apply basic rules of accounting S/he is able to carry out company specific cost accounting including profit and loss summary, depreciations, operations account and audit S/he is able to read and interpret a balance sheet Example: Management matrix
Production of Bakery Products Food Safety Quality and Security Management Management for Bakers S/he is able to apply the regulations of food safety, bacteriology and hygiene S/he is able to assess the physical, biological and chemical condition and development of ingredients and products S/he is able to control storage, production and conservation processes Example: Technical matrix - Bakery
Contribution to future development (1) LEARNING OUTCOMES as the most suitable approach to link and match the ... • needs of the Labour Market • needs and projects of the entreprises • needs and expectations of the individuals • individuals’ career plans and experiences • validation of informally acquired competences
Contribution to future development (2) • ECVET for transnational mobility : Importance of building a « Zone of mutual trust » at sectoral level : Skilled Crafts Sector • Individual mobility for training • Apprentices in short term placements (Leonardo-type) • Crossborder journeyman certification • Vocational migration • Accredited master training in another country • Transnational certification
Challenges ahead • Development of Mutual Trust • Implementation of ECVET on a wider scale • Tailor made training pathways • Positioning in EQF/NQF systems • Bridging with other credit systems (ECTS) • Establishing viable networking and cooperative structures • Revival of the Wandergesell tradition