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Hunger Motivation

Hunger Motivation. Jorge Duc. Presenting… . Everyone’s favorite…. FOOD!. Why do we become hungry?. Factors for hunger. Biological Factors: Hypothalamus Glucose Levels Appetite hormones. Psychological Factors: Sight and smell of food Mood Internal and External cues

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Hunger Motivation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hunger Motivation Jorge Duc

  2. Presenting…

  3. Everyone’s favorite….

  4. FOOD!

  5. Why do we become hungry?

  6. Factors for hunger • Biological Factors: • Hypothalamus • Glucose Levels • Appetite hormones • Psychological Factors: • Sight and smell of food • Mood • Internal and External cues • Culture and Background

  7. Biological Factors • 2 Parts of the Hypothalamus • Lateral Hypothalamus-When stimulated, causes you to feel hungry. • Ventromedial Hypothalamus-When stimulated, causes you to feel full. • Example of a rat with no ventromedial hypothalamus. • Set point theory. • Glucose levels.

  8. Appetite Hormones • Insulin: Controls blood glucose, secreted by the pancreas. • Leptin: When abundant it causes the brain to increase metabolism and decrease hunger. Protein secreted by fat cells. • Orexin: Hormone that is secreted by the hypothalamus that triggers hunger. • Ghrelin: Secreted when your stomach is empty sending hunger signals to the brain. • PYY: Digestive tract hormone that sends “I’m not hungry” signals to the brain.

  9. Psychological Factors • External: Sight, smell, thought of food, and mood. • Internal: No presentation of food. Internal hunger cues. • Time since our last meal. • Food aversion(Garcia effect) • Culture • Hunger goes beyond the body and gets influenced a lot by your heritage and what your parents feed you(nurture)

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