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DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP. What you do online… stays online… forever. idea by Craig Badura, PowerPoint by David Binnion. LOCK IT DOWN. set a strong password if you don’t: Identity Theft / Data Loss Question: What makes a password strong?. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Never share your password

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP • What you do online… • stays online… • forever idea by Craig Badura, PowerPoint by David Binnion

  2. LOCK IT DOWN set a strong password if you don’t: Identity Theft / Data Loss Question: What makes a password strong?

  3. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF Never share your password if you do: Identity Theft / Data Loss Question: Does the person next to you watch while you type in your password?

  4. IT IS PERMANENT Everything you put on the internet is permanent if you post it: It will become part of your online profile Question: Before you deleted it, who saw it? Who reposted it? Who “liked” it?

  5. NO GOING BACK Once it is out, it’s almost impossible to get it back if it does get out: You lose control of your reputation Question: Can you retrieve all your uploads?

  6. ACORNS GROW INTO OAKS What will your uploads look like 10 years from now? What can happen? It might grow into unexpected problems Question: How will your online ‘tree’ make you look in the future?

  7. UNPLUG You don’t need to be connected 24/7 It is okay to unplug for a while

  8. LOOK IN THE MIRROR Imagine a mirror attached to your computer If you looked in it and saw someone in the reflection would they approve of what you are doing online?

  9. THINK BEFORE YOU POST Once you “screw-up” online Emotional scars can’t be easily erased

  10. FIRST IMPRESSIONS Y O First Impressions can start with a Google Search U

  11. INFORMATION OVERLOAD overloaded with info? Get good at straining out the bad and the incorrect

  12. DIGITAL TATTOO digital footprints wash away with the tide digital tattoos are forever

  13. YOUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS Would you leave your diary out for anyone to read? Is Facebook your diary? Should it be?

  14. POSTING ONLINE? Keep it clean Your posts represent you

  15. PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES • Kids have always made mistakes. It is a part of growing up. • Unfortunately, your mistakes will be searchable on Google FOREVER • There’s no Band-Aid to cover them up

  16. Watch This! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8C1a2z_cuQ&safe=active • Now, consider the importance of protecting your digital footprint.

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