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Individual Evaluation

Individual Evaluation. Task 4 – Healthy food for kids. When you have completed the task you do an evaluation where you evaluate.

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Individual Evaluation

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  1. Individual Evaluation Task 4 – Healthy food for kids

  2. When you have completed the task you do an evaluation where you evaluate • reflect on your performance in relation to the processes and outcomes of practical activities, i.e. consider the decision making processes, your management processes and the final result. • consider possible improvements you could make? What would they be? • comment on the use of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Food Choices program in devising a suitable menu • reflect on the issue of childhood obesity.

  3. REMEMBER • An evaluation is written in the past tense – it has already happened. • Maximum 400 words OR • 3 minutes oral or 3 mins multi modal (power point etc)

  4. Performance Standards • You need to provide evidence against the performance standards to achieve the grade -check your task sheet • R1 Reflection on the processes and outcomes of practical and group activities, including their own performance. • R2 Reflection on the impact of technology on the health and wellbeing of children.

  5. Introduction • Brief – to the point – don’t waste words – don’t repeat the full description from the action plan, say how the dish satisfied the task Exemplar • The dish, tuna and vegetable pasta bake, was suitable for a main meal in a diet for a 5 yr. old based on the Australian Dietary Guidelines for children and adolescents.

  6. theprocessesinvolved in the planning and the outcomes of those • in this case you will discuss the decisions you made as a result of using food choices to make the decision • Exemplar: Theprocessesinvolved provided the child with a variety of kitchen safety concepts and experiences. Laminated recipe cards with simply written cooking instructions, photographsof the equipment and the final presentation did engage the child. The safety work sheet successfully showed key points such as washing hands and only walking in the kitchen area. A child’s size apron was negotiated from the Year 1 teacher as our aprons would have been too long and dangerous to wear. This was graded at an “A” standardbecause it met the following criteria Reflection Insightful reflection on the processes and outcomes of practical and group activities, including their own performance.

  7. now look at your own performance in the practical application,the processes you used and the outcomes of these

  8. the processesinvolved in the practical application

  9. R2 Reflection on the impact of technology on the health and wellbeing of children. • Technology used in the prac includes food choices, the internet as well as food preparation and storage technology • How can these impact on the health & well being of children • Food choices – dietary analysis • Internet – education, recipes, videos, advice, blogs, support groups

  10. Formulate conclusions and recommend possible improvements What conclusions can you make about • The importance of a healthy diet for children to avoid obesity • the importance of using the ADGs to help provide a healthy diet for children • The impact of technology on helping this to happen • What improvements could you make to your menu / meal?

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