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Internationalising the Student Experience. C.McKay & R.O’Rourke Newcastle University. Special guests: Claire Dodds & Pat Haes. Aufgabe: Ich finde meine Gruppe. So kann auch deine Gruppe aussehen… Your group too can look like this…. Lecture aims.
Internationalising the Student Experience C.McKay & R.O’Rourke Newcastle University Special guests: Claire Dodds & Pat Haes
Aufgabe: Ich finde meine Gruppe So kann auch deine Gruppe aussehen… Your group too can look like this…
Lecture aims • Allow you to engage in your own international student experience • Extend your knowledge of intercultural understanding (IU) throughout the curriculum • Allow you to link the professional and personal
Aufgabe: Wer wird Millionär? • Ein Quiz! • Die richtigen Antworten finden • Getränkerabatt für deine Gruppe gewinnen • £££
Languages landscape RESULTS
New paradigm Specialised Vocational Social KS4 (ages 11-14) normally pre-GCSE KS3 (ages 7-11) KS2 Non-statutory
Aufgabe: Was ist überhaupt ein Lehrer? • Silhouetten malen • Erwartungen diskutieren und aufschreiben
Aufgabe: Zuhören, erleben, mitteilen • Hör den Gastsprecherinnen zu! • Gibt es Ähnlichkeiten zu deinen Erwartungen/Erfahrungen? Welche? • Gibt es Unterschiede? • Wie sehen deine Erwartungen jetzt aus?
IU in the schools system • www.globalgateway.org.uk : online projects; International Schools Award; community cohesion; Fairtrade schools; Children’s (European) Parliament debating competition; Sustainable schools… • 8 Key concepts: Global Dimension
The Global Dimension in the school curriculum K E Y S T A G E S CURRICULUM SUBJECTS
Across the curriculum global citizenship conflict resolution diversity human rights interdependence social justice sustainable development values and perceptions Exploring interconnections between the local and the global Building knowledge and understanding Developing skills and attitudes
Global Dimension in Practice Children at a Yorkshire school took part in a chocolate trading game to learn more about the relationships between cocoa farmers, chocolate companies, supermarkets and consumers. It raised many issues around fair trade, sustainable development and conflict resolution. It was as fun activity and made children aware of the importance of being a global citizen. One of the children wrote to the headteacher after taking part in the game, asking why the school was not more committed to fair trade products: now, more are now being used.
The global dimension through the curriculum Key Stage 2 (years 3-6) Key Stage 3 (years 7-9) Key Stage 4 (years 10&11) Key Stage 5 (years 12&13)
Global Dimension through the Modern Languages curriculum Intercultural Understanding: Why? Learning a new language provides unique opportunities for pupils to explore national identities and become aware of both similarities and contrasts between the cultures of different countries including their own.
IU and Modern Languages Learn about festivals and celebrations in different cultures Learn how children of different cultures celebrate special days Identify similarities and differences Learn simple phrases to celebrate festivals, drawing on the experience of fellow pupils where possible 8 Key Concepts global citizenship conflict resolution diversity human rights interdependence social justice sustainable development values and perceptions
Info - folie Year 3 IU outcomes • Appreciate the diversity of languages spoken within their school • Talk about the similarities and differences of social conventions between different cultures • Identify the country or countries where the language is spoken • Have some contact with the country/countries • Recognise a children’s song, rhyme or poem well known to native speakers. Year 6 IU outcomes • Demonstrate understanding of and respect for cultural diversity • Present information about an aspect of another country
Aufgabe: Wie unterrichte ich das Thema Interkulturelle Kenntnisse? In euren Gruppen: • Klassen/Altersgruppe wählen • Thema wählen • Methoden • Lernziele
Lecture aims • Allow you to engage in your own international student experience • Transition & progression overview; mock lesson plans • Extend your knowledge of intercultural understanding (IU) throughout the curriculum • Allow you to link the professional and personal • Pedagogical repetoire <-> holidays!
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