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Press Flash N°1 - 26 September 2013 INNOVTION AWARDS: 22 awarded products AND 3 trends.
Press Flash N°1 - 26 September2013 INNOVTION AWARDS: 22 awardedproducts AND 3 trends • The quality of the innovations presented by exhibitors once againconfirmsSITEVI’s position as a world leader and the number one exhibition for the vine/wine and fruit & vegetablesectors. • This position has been built up over manyyears due to the ability of manufacturersfromdifferent continents to produce new toolsfor vineyards anddevelopincreasingly effective techniques for producing, ageing, blending and packaging qualitywines, and theirsolutions tailored to suit issues in the fruit and vegetablesector, withever-more innovativespecializedequipment and techniques. • Of the 80 applications submittedthisyear, the panel has selected 22 products: • 2 Gold Medals, 6 SilverMedals and 14 Commendations. • A major first in 2013: to provide a cross-cutting view of the two sectors, the Chair will be held jointly by Jean-Pierre Van-Ruyskenvelde, President of IFV and Henri Pluvinage, President of CTIFL. • Three key trends stand out: • - simplification and safety of work • improving product quality and achieving greater precision in the execution of work. • sustainable development • DISCOVER THE INNOVATION AWARDS IN THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENT In partnership with PRESS CONTACTS CLC COMMUNICATIONS Jérôme Saczewski/Isabelle Petit/Marion Sarrio 6, rue de Rome - 75008 Paris - Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 93 04 04 - Fax : +33(0)1 42 93 04 03 E-Mail : j.saczewski@clccom.com/i.petit@clccom.com/m.sarrio@clccom.com