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Business continuity:

Preparing to Survive. Business continuity:. International Facility Management Association New Mexico Chapter, September 14, 2010 Valli Wasp, IAEM CEM Preparedness Unit Manager New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 505.476.9689 www.nmdhsem.org

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Business continuity:

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  1. Preparing to Survive Business continuity: International Facility Management Association New Mexico Chapter, September 14, 2010 Valli Wasp, IAEM CEM Preparedness Unit Manager New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 505.476.9689 www.nmdhsem.org www.preparingnewmexico.com

  2. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive “Each year disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires force thousands of businesses to close. But even more common events, such as building fires, cause the same result.” - Open for Business, Institute for Business & Home Safety, 2007

  3. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Consider this: • >1 in 4 businesses will experience a significant crisis in a given year • 43 % that experience a disaster and have no emergency plan, never reopen • 71% do not have a disaster plan in place • 64% stated they do not need one

  4. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Consider this: • The number of declared major disasters more than doubled in the 1990s. • A business can be hurt indirectly when disaster strikes customers or another business, such as a supplier or distributor. • OSHA requires that most businesses with 10 or more employees have a written emergency plan

  5. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Consider this: • The realities of a post-9/11 world and an increasing dependency on computer technology call for additional protection of business operations • The 9/11 Commission emphasized the critical importance of preparedness in protecting business assets and safeguarding employees’ lives

  6. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Top 10 New Mexico Hazards: • Flood High • Wildfire High • Severe Winter Storm High • Thunderstorm High • Extreme Heat High • High Wind High • Tornado Medium • Drought Medium • Earthquake ≥ 4.5 Medium • Dam Failure Medium

  7. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive New Mexico Hazard – Flood/Flash Flood Rank: 1 Probability: High

  8. Hatch, NM Federal Disaster 1659 Severe Storms & Flooding, Declared 8/30/06 • - Disaster awards $1.6 million disbursed for the Individuals and Household Program. • - Disaster Unemployment Assistance program disbursed $28,000. • Small Business Administration approved more than $3 million in disaster loans to • homeowners, renters and businesses affected by the flooding.

  9. New Mexico Hazard – Wildfire Rank: 2 Probability: High

  10. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive New Mexico Hazard – Severe Winter Storm Rank: 3 Probability: High

  11. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive New Mexico Hazard – Thunderstorm Rank: 4 Probability: High

  12. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive New Mexico Hazard – Tornado Rank: 7 Probability: Med

  13. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive “Planning is key. You do not need a million dollar solution, just a common sense one that protects you, your employees and your business.” -Expecting the Unexpected, Office Depot, 2007

  14. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Planning: • Provide for continuation of essential functions • Enable a rapid response to any emergency situation • Minimize loss of life, injury, & property damage • Reduce the duration, severity and frequency of disruptions

  15. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Planning: • Facilitates the performance of essential functions during an emergency situation • Protect essential facilities, equipment records & assets • Achieve timely & orderly resumption of essential services and return to normal operations

  16. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Business Continuity Plan: • Be executable with or without warning • Meet the operational requirements of the respective organization • operational within minutes • operational within 12-hours of activation

  17. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Business Continuity Plan: • Meet the sustainment needs of the respective organization up to 30-days or longer • Ensures continuous performance of essential functions and operations during an emergency, such as pandemic influenza, that require additional considerations beyond traditional continuity planning

  18. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Business Continuity Plan: • Provide an integrated & coordinated continuity framework that takes into consideration other relevant organizational, governmental, and private sector continuity plans & procedures

  19. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Preparing the Plan: • Know your Hazards/Evaluate your risk • Essential Functions • Orders of Succession • Delegation of Authorities • Continuity Facilities • Continuity Communications • Vital Records Management

  20. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Preparing the Plan: • Human Resources • Test, Training & Exercise Program • Devolution of Control & Direction • Reconstitution Operations

  21. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Business Continuity Plan Documents: • Who will participate in continuity operations • What will occur in a continuity situation • Where continuity operations will occur • How & how quickly continuity actions will occur

  22. Business Continuity: Preparing to Survive Additional Resources: • American Red Cross – www.redcross.org • U.S. Department of Homeland Security Ready.gov – www.ready.gov/business/ • Institute for Business & Home Safety – www.disastersafety.org

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