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Chemical Handling & ”Right to Know”. Hazard Communication “Goals”. Right to Know chemical hazards PPE First aid Labels. Close Encounters With Chemicals. We encounter chemicals almost every day. Filling your vehicle with gasoline. Cleaning the bathroom Applying pesticides or insecticides
Hazard Communication “Goals” • Right to Know chemical hazards • PPE • First aid • Labels
Close Encounters With Chemicals • We encounter chemicals almost every day. • Filling your vehicle with gasoline. • Cleaning the bathroom • Applying pesticides or insecticides • Using solvents or acids at work • Many chemicals can cause __________ or __________ if not handled properly.
Right to Know • OSHA created the __________________ to help ensure your safety when working with hazardous chemicals. • You have a ____________________ about the hazardous chemicals you use on the job and how to work safely with those chemicals.
Hazard Communication Standard • Chemical Manufacturers must: • Determine a chemical’s __________ • Provide __________ and MSDSs • Employers must: • Provide a ____________________ • Maintain MSDSs • Train on _______________
HazCom Standard (cont.) • Employees must: • Read labels and __________ • Follow employer __________and __________ • Identify hazards before starting a job • Participate in __________
Chemical Hazards-2 Categories • __________ • __________
Health Hazards • Health hazards fall into 5 main categories: • __________ • Corrosive or __________ • Carcinogenic • __________ • Sensitizing
Toxic-Toxic Chemicals • Have an effect on one or more __________ or __________. • This effect may be varied. • It may damage the lungs, stimulate or depress the _______________, or damage other systems, such as the kidneys or liver.
Toxic-Toxic Chemicals (cont.) • Often the effect of a _______________ occurs at a site in the body that is different from where it entered the body. • It may have been __________ into the lungs but affect the liver. • It may be absorbed through the __________ and affect the __________.
Toxic-Toxic Chemicals (cont.) • Workplace __________ (paints, thinners and solvent degreasers) are a common kind of chemical that may be either inhaled or absorbed through the skin and generally affects the _______________, liver and kidneys.
Toxic-Toxic Chemicals (cont.) • The effect of a _______________ may develop immediately or may take months to years to develop. • Toxic effects are __________ on the dose – how much exposure you have over what period of time. • Often you can safely be exposed to low levels over a long time period.
Toxic-Toxic Chemicals Route of Entry • Toxic exposures also depend on the _______________. • This is the way the __________ gets into the body and some ways are more efficient than others.
Toxic-Toxic Chemicals Route of Entry In comparing the different routes of entry: • _______________ of a chemical via the lungs, can take a chemical directly to the blood stream, as can an open cut or rash. • ____________________ through the skin and gastrointestinal system are generally slower and less effective routes of entry. • The eyes aren’t a very effective _______________, but are very sensitive to many chemicals. PROTECT YOUR EYES!
Irritating or Corrosive • ____________________ are very different than toxic chemicals. • And in many ways much __________. • They have essentially one effect, which is to irritate _______________ that they come into contact with.
Irritating or Corrosive (cont.) • Irritating or corrosive chemicals affect the __________ at the site they contact and are not transported through the body to cause effects at other sites. • And the effect is generally __________, or very nearly.
Irritating or Corrosive (cont.) • __________ and __________ are examples of irritant chemicals. • It is important to keep them ____________ and out of your eyes.
Carcinogens • Carcinogens are chemicals that _______________. • In many ways they act like toxic chemicals, exerting their effect on various body organs and systems and having an effect that is often l__________ (occurring over a period of years).
Carcinogens (cont.) • Carcinogens are different than toxic chemicals in that their effect is less dependent on __________. • Even a one-time exposure to some __________ can cause cancer years later. • So preventing contact and exposure is especially important. • __________ and __________ are examples of carcinogens found in many workplaces and homes.
Reproductive • _______________ affect the reproductive system directly (both male and female), depending on the chemical and its effect. • They also, in some cases, affect the _____________, particularly during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Reproductive (cont.) • Reproductive hazards act in some ways like __________ requiring a relatively limited exposure for the effect to occur. • Again, preventing exposure, especially during __________, is the key.
Sensitizing • Sensitizers cause an __________ type reaction. • Often this reaction takes the form of a _______________, such as hives, or a respiratory reaction similar to asthma. • The reaction can be __________ and tends to get worse over time.
Sensitizing (cont.) • With sensitizers, the reaction won’t be initially present. It requires _______________ to trigger it, after which a very small exposure may trigger the reaction. • Again, controlling exposure initially is key.
Controlling Chemical Health Hazards So how do we control exposures? • Primarily by remembering the _______________. • You avoid inhaling chemicals by using a __________ if excessive airborne exposure will be present. • And by _______________to assess the exposure level.
Controlling Chemical Health Hazards • You avoid swallowing chemicals by wearing the correct _________ and washing your hands before eating, drinking or smoking. • You avoid skin absorption by again wearing the correct gloves (especially if you have a cut or rash) and __________ frequently.
Controlling Chemical Health Hazards • If you get an irritating chemical on the skin or in your eyes, immediate _______________ is critical. • Flush your eyes in an eyewash for at least __________, keeping the eyelids open. • Wash your skin thoroughly with __________ immediately.
Physical Hazards of Workplace Chemicals Physical hazards of chemicals include: • __________ and flammables • Explosive and _______________ • Compressed __________
Combustibles and Flammables • Combustibles and flammables catch fire and burn, sometimes __________. • They can be handled safely by remembering a few __________ principles.
Combustibles and Flammables (cont.) To work safely with flammables and combustibles: • Control __________ by using safety cans, keeping containers __________, and using only the amount you need. • Control _______________ by grounding and bonding containers and keeping flames away.
Combustibles and Flammables (cont.) • Remember the fire pyramid: _______ ____________ ____
Explosives and Reactives • Explosives and reactives present very specialized __________. • Explosive: Compressed gas cylinders; _______________ • Reactive: ___________ of bleach and ammonia; mixture of acid and solvents. • The key with any chemical is to read the ____________________ (more on this later) and know its safe handling.
Combustible Gases • Combustible gases are a physical hazard because of the __________ container. • Keep them secured and __________ when not in use. • __________ them on an appropriate dolly. • Use the correct ___________.
AMMONIUM FLUORIDE (CAS 12125-01-8) DANGER! POISON CORROSIVE Acute: CAUSES SEVERE BURNS OF EYES AND SKIN WHICH MAY NOT BE IMMEDIATELY PAINFUL OR VISIBLE. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED.MAY CAUSE PNEUMONITIS IF INHALED. Chronic:REPEATED OR PROLONGED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE LIGAMENT AND TENDON CALCIFICATION.CAUSES BONE DISORDERS. Avoid breathing dust or vapor.Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.When handling, wear goggles Or face shield.Store in tightly closed container.Use only with adequate ventilation.Wash thoroughly after Handling. FIRST AID: IF CONTACTED:Immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for at least 30 minutes,and skin For at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes.IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.Wash clothing before reusing. IF INHALED.Remove to fresh air.If cough or difficulty in breathing develops GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY.If not breathing,give artificial resuscitation. IF SWALLOWED:Give water or milk to dilute.Do not induce vomiting.CONSULT POISON CONROL CENTER OR HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM.Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious Or convulsive person. Container Labeling Label secondary containers with the following information (at a minimum): • Name of __________ • Precautions to take (summarized from the _________ or the manufacturer’s original label)
NFPA Labeling NFPA-The National Fire Protection Association Blue - __________ Red - _______________ Yellow - _______________ White – ____________________ SCALE: 0 (No Hazard) to 4 (Extreme Hazard)
MSDS Book • The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a ___________ that is provided by the manufacturer of a chemical to describe the __________ of that chemical and the precautions to take in order to work with it safely. (We will get more in depth later this class)
PPE Summary • Remember, when working with hazardous chemicals, make sure you are wearing the required _____. • PPE may include: • Glasses or _________ and face shield • Gloves • Chemical __________ • Respirator • Foot __________
First Aid Summary • Eyes: Flush with water for at least __________. • Skin: • Flush with __________ for at least 15-20 minutes (corrosive or solvent contact) • wash with __________ and water (lead or inorganic arsenic contact). • Inhalation: Move to __________ • Ingestion: Get __________ medical assistance.