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Qualification frameworks Quality assurance Recognition

Qualification frameworks Quality assurance Recognition. Stephen Adam Sarajevo 8-9 February 2007. LINKAGES:. The EHEA is more than the sum of its parts The 10 Actions lines are inter-related The EHEA represents as a coherent approach to HE – and involves new ‘educational architecture’

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Qualification frameworks Quality assurance Recognition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Qualification frameworksQuality assuranceRecognition Stephen Adam Sarajevo 8-9 February 2007

  2. LINKAGES: • The EHEA is more than the sum of its parts • The 10 Actions lines are inter-related • The EHEA represents as a coherent approach to HE – and involves new ‘educational architecture’ • The three elements of the BiH project must be integrated – how can this be achieved?

  3. The EHEA is more than the sum of its parts

  4. The wider European context for reform of higher education and training – a brief review of the new emerging international educational architecture Competitiveness, Knowledge economy, growth + employment, Commission communication on modernising higher education. EIT proposals VET + ECVET Lifelong learning EQF and level descriptors+ Common principles for validation of non/informal learning The new European educational architecture is almost completed Professional Recognition (regulated and non-regulated) EHEA (cycle descriptors) Qualifications frameworks Quality Assurance Mobility & Recognition tools Learning Outcome (Tuning) Credits Qualifications Convention + Diploma Supplement (EUROPASS) + ENIC-NARICS

  5. The 10 Actions lines are inter-related Established in the Bologna Declaration of 1999: 1. Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees 2. Adoption of a system essentially based on two cycles 3. Establishment of a system of credits 4. Promotion of mobility 5. Promotion of European co-operation in quality assurance 6. Promotion of the European dimension in higher education Added after the Prague Ministerial summit of 2001: 7. Focus on lifelong learning 8. Inclusion of higher education institutions and students 9. Promotion of the attractiveness of the EHEA Added after the Berlin Ministerial summit of 2003: 10. Doctoral studies and the synergy between the EHEA and the European Research Area

  6. The EHEA represents as a coherent approach to HE - and involves new ‘educational architecture’ • Common methodological approach + structural framework • External reference points • Transparent academic standards and processes • Emphasis on quality enhancement and QA • Transparency tools: Diploma Supplement, QF, clear standards, etc • Increased institutional autonomy and devolved responsibility + new role for ‘authorities’ • Application of learning outcomes for: modules, assessment & grading criteria; individual qualification descriptors; generic qualifications descriptors; subject benchmark statements; level descriptors; cycle descriptors • Student centred approaches • Closer links between qualifications and employability + business and universities • Without confidence in QA systems – qualifications and institutions will not be trusted/recognised

  7. The three elements of the BiH project must be integrated – how can this be achieved? • Long-term political commitment • Integrated BiH implementation strategy • Close cooperation between all those involved • Shared decision making processes • Cross-representation and dialogue between main actors • Full involvement of all stakeholders • Programme of staff development - information strategy • Cooperation between HEIs and sharing of good practice

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