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Text Messaging Intermediate Grades

MISD Internet Safety Week. Text Messaging Intermediate Grades. Learning Objectives. Learn texting etiquette. Examine benefits and risks of texting. Understand guidelines for safe texting. Discuss methods for safe phone usage. Introduction. Classroom Poll.

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Text Messaging Intermediate Grades

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MISD Internet Safety Week Text Messaging Intermediate Grades

  2. Learning Objectives • Learn texting etiquette • Examine benefits and risks of texting • Understand guidelines for safe texting • Discuss methods for safe phone usage

  3. Introduction Classroom Poll • What are your primary uses for the phone? • Texting • Talking • Emergencies • Other

  4. Warm-Up Activity Tell a person sitting near you one BENEFIT of Texting. Tell a person sitting near you one RISK of Texting.

  5. Texting Safety What are ways that you can text safely?

  6. It is acceptable to post your phone number online or enter it in surveys, quizzes, or other online forms.

  7. It is okay to say your phone number, name or other personal information out loud in a crowded area.

  8. Which of the responses below are true about texting? • Ignore suspicious text messages Only let someone you know and trust borrow your phone Only text or reply to people you know All of the above

  9. Phone Usage Safety How can you protect your health when using your cell phone or texting?

  10. Phone Usage Safety Remember: • Do not text while you are walking/running/bicycling. • Texting prevents you from paying close attention to what’s going on around you. • If you need to text right away, stop what you are doing.

  11. Phone Usage Safety Video Click Image to link to video (2min:13sec)

  12. Texting Etiquette Think about what you say before you press “send”.

  13. Texting Etiquette When texting, it is important to: • Avoid texting using all capital letters. • Text messages can be misinterpreted. Use punctuation and emoticons to communicate clearly. • Remember that anything sent electronically • can be forwarded, put online or printed.

  14. Texting Etiquette • Discussion: • When are/not appropriate times to text?

  15. What we learned? • Texting etiquette • The benefits and risks of texting • Guidelines for safe texting • Methods for safe phone usage

  16. Bibliography • “Texting on the Move.” Teens Health. Nemours, 8 April 2011. • “Texting Safety Discussion Lesson Plan.” EasyTech. Learning.com, 8 April 2011.

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