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BIKE FEA. ME272 Professor Jose Granda By Zhiyu Gao Peter Nguyen. Objective. Solid model from solidworks Exporting from Solidworks as *.IGS and *.STEP Import to Nastran 4D

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  1. BIKE FEA ME272 Professor Jose Granda By Zhiyu Gao Peter Nguyen

  2. Objective • Solid model from solidworks • Exporting from Solidworks as *.IGS and *.STEP • Import to Nastran 4D • When importing in as *.IGS into the Nastran 4D, the assembly was treated as one part, therefore we could not individually set and learn independent parts reaction. • When importing in as *.STEP into Nastran 4D, the assembly was treated as an assembly with many parts associated with it, therefore, we were able to assign different criteria as well as learning each individual interaction with each other. • FEA analysis • Static FEA • Dynamic FEA

  3. Solidworks Model Frame Frame in SolidWorks

  4. Solidworks Model Steering Handle bar in SolidWorks

  5. Solidworks Model Wheel Wheel in SolidWorks

  6. Solidworks Model Assembly Complete Bike assembly in SolidWorks

  7. Nastran 4D FEA on Wheels Static FEA on wheels Max Value=3.9e+5Pa The Max Value is at the Rearwheel

  8. Nastran 4D FEA on Frame Static FEA on frame Max Value=1.32e+8Pa The Max Value is at the Axis of the Pedal

  9. Nastran 4D FEA on Seat Static FEA on the seat Max Value=1.31e+7Pa

  10. Nastan 4D FEA on Ground Static FEA on ground Max Value=7.14e+6Pa The Max Value is at the middle part of ground, but we do not have clues why that happens.

  11. Nastran 4D FEA on Whole Bike Static FEA on whole Bike Max Value=4.37e+7Pa The Max Value is at the Axis of the Pedal

  12. Dynamic FEA on Bike Dynamic FEA on Wheels

  13. Conclusion • Nastran 4D is a good software, however there is no control of mesh on FEA, this would inhibits the study on certain locations where tighter and smaller meshes are required for accurately predicting the FEA analysis especially the curve surface areas.

  14. Conclusion • When export the file from Solidworks to Nastran 4D, we need to save the file as *.STEP, so that we can treat the model as parts but not a whole solid. • The FEA on the ground shows the max value is on the middle part of the ground, but not under the wheels. We can not explain why that happens.

  15. Conclusion • The max value that shows in the FEA of the whole bike is not the same as the max value in the FEA of parts. Why? • When do the dynamic FEA of the bike, it shows that the curve of the wheel suffers larger force than the parts where are supported.

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